Many suspected there would be numerous problems with windows Vista, sadly one of those problems relates to Game makers.
This topic has been created due to the problems already presented, and the assumption that many more will be found. Solutions and known problems will be posted here. If you have any problems, or solutions, then please post them here. I am currently searching the net for specific Vista gamemaker problems and will post them up.
Remember: There are many people who run these gamemakers on Vista with no problems at all, so hopefully there is a way to fix your problem.
Please do not post in the help section if your problem is already listed here and is unresolved.
If you do have solutions, be kind and post them.
Problem: Can't start new projects in 2K3.
[spoiler]Error messages: Project creation could not be completed.
Solution: "in order to make RPG maker 2003 work in vista if it is giving this type of error you need to go to the file exe right click it and click compatibility and then check the box that says " run this program as system administrator" ~ Jinu [/spoiler]
Problem: Downloading errors for RPGMaker XP (Postality Knights).
[spoiler]Error Mesages: (
Solution: None as of yet, it may have something to do with Vistas downloading security system, try changing your settings.[/spoiler]
Problem: Testing your game not working.
[spoiler]Error Messages: "Says theres a problem with the RGSS"
Solutions: None as of yet.[/spoiler]
Problem: RMXP resolution problems.
[spoiler]Error Messages: needs at least 1024x768 resolution (or higher).
Solution: None verified. Despite the fact that you may be running at a higher resolution then needed, try running the exact specified resolution in the error message.
Problem: "Failed to obtain a trial serial number from N Titles server."
Solution: Found: (
1. Go to your root RMXP directory. (Usually CProgram Files\Enterbrain\RPGXP)
2. Right click RPGXP.exe and choose "Properties".
3. In the "Properties" popup, go to the "Compatibility" tab.
4. Check the box that says "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)"
5. Check the box that says "Run this program as an administrator".
6. If you cannoth check the box mentioned in step 5, follow steps 7 through 11.
7. Click on the button that says "Show settings for all users".
8. Click the "OK" button on the "Windows needs your permission to continue" button, after inputting the password of the specified administrator if necessary.
9. Check the box that says "Run this program in compatibility mode for:" and select "Windows XP (Service Pack 2)"
10. Check the box that says "Run this program as an administrator".
11. Click the "OK" button.
12. Click the "OK" button.
13. Right click PSIKey.dll and choose "Properties".
14. In the "Properties" popup, go to the "Security" tab.
15. Click on the "Advanced" button.
16. Highlight the permission entry that says "Users ([your computer's name]\Users)" where [your computer's name] is whatever you named your computer. (Mine is Media-PC)
17. Click the "Edit..." button.
18. Highlight the group "Users ([your computer's name]\Users)".
19. In the pop up that appears (It should be named "Permission Entry for PSIKey.dll", check the "Allow" box for the option "Full Control".
20. All of the "Allow" boxes below the box you just checked should now be checked as well.
21. Click the "OK" Button.
22. Check the box that says "Include inheritable permissions from this object's parents".
23. Click the "OK" button.
24. Click the "OK" Button.
25. Click the "OK" Button.
26. Run RPG Maker XP, and you should no longer get the error message!
27. If you still get the error message, log into the administrative account on the computer (With the owner's permission) and then run RPG Maker XP. It should work no matter what on that account, after you have successfully completed the above steps.
28. Have fun building games with the legal version of RPG Maker XP!
"Cannot connect to the nTitles server."
This is another common problem. Try one of the below things:
1. Check that you are connected to the internet, then try again.
2. Close all other applications (or just internet browsers) then try again.
3. Restart your computer.
4. Restart your router / Switch off WLAN switch and enable again if you have wireless internet.[/spoiler]
Random Points:
There may be a problem with DirectX 10 running DX9 programs.
Run the program in XP compatible mode when playing AND when you install the maker.
Try turning off the AERO glass theme.
If the program doesn't work, run it in the Administrator account.
The most important tip: UNINSTALL VISTA YOU MORON.
This ( appeared to have some useful things in it. I just skimmed a few paragraphs~
Running XP Compatible mode:
- Right click shortcut/executable and go the Compatibility tab
- Check: Run this program in compatibility mode for:
- Windows XP (Service Pack2)
awsome, jsut awsome work!
(your a mod, sweet!)
Good thing I don't have Vista :P
Quote from: Nouman on March 25, 2007, 04:09:00 PM
(your a mod, sweet!)
I've been wondering about that. I think Zypher is a mod now too, and Blizz is Extra Access. I'm so confused ;8
Quote from: modern algebra on March 25, 2007, 06:07:19 PM
Good thing I don't have Vista :P
Actually, neither do I. It would be a big help if someone who did, would test some things for me...
QuoteQuote from: Nouman on March 25, 2007, 04:09:00 PM
(your a mod, sweet!)
I've been wondering about that. I think Zypher is a mod now too, and Blizz is Extra Access. I'm so confused ;8
Blizzard stepped down and Zypher took his place, I became a mod a few days back, with a good enough reason I guess.
Thanks for the compliments, I figured it was needed.
Nice work this is needed since the problems popping up this week..
1 word !
Vista sucks like hell !!
every time I install vista i lose everything, so im returning it. :=:
No no no! I was really thinking this was a vista problem, but it's not! I decided that I would hook my laptop to the net, and try to download the rpg maker xp program to it, and to my suprise! It failed! The multi disk thing did not come up, but an error saying the file was currupt came up, and my laptop has windows xp!?! What in the world is going on!?! Heres the error screenshot ---
Ok after all I have been hearing about this RPG Maker XP/ Vista problem, and seeing it for myself, I am going to also see if there is something that can be done to fix the problems with this program colliding with Vistas setting's, and properties.There should be a solution soon.
I tryied to start the program,but I got this Error : Failed to obtain a trial serial number from the nTitle server. I have 64bit Windows Vista. It was working at abou a weak ago on 32bit WIN Vista without any problem. Could someone please help me? THANX
PS: I have RMXP 1.02a downloaded from
Quote from: Deliciously_Saucy on March 25, 2007, 07:26:05 PM
Quote from: modern algebra on March 25, 2007, 06:07:19 PM
Good thing I don't have Vista :P
Actually, neither do I. It would be a big help if someone who did, would test some things for me...
i will if it'll help along the RGSS Player problem. i cant do a thing until that works...
i do..... >:( e wayz....i did wat you say it dozent work so im juz gonna wait till my broken cp get fixd so i use that one
Quote from: ChaosSoldier92 on May 06, 2007, 03:46:53 PM
i do..... >:( e wayz....i did wat you say it dozent work so im juz gonna wait till my broken cp get fixd so i use that one
Yes, I have no clue as to what that means... Perhaps try spelling it in proper English..?
Don't worry, I've got this one.
My TranslationQuoteI do. Anyways, I did what you said, and it doesn't work, so I'm just going to wait until my broken computer gets fixed, so I use that one.
Firefox Spell CheckQuotei do..... Angry...loll.....n e way....i did swat you say it dozenth work so mi Luz gonna wait till my broken cap get fixed so i use that one
Hey! :mex:
I've got Vista and when I open up RPG Maker XP Postality Knights Edition ENHANCED it just immediately comes up with "RPG Maker XP has stopped working, we are searching for a solution". It is already run in the Administrator mode. Does anyone have another solution and also tell me how to do Windows XP compatibility mode?
XP Compatible mode – right click shortcut/executable and go the Compatibility tab
- Check: Run this program in compatibility mode for:
- Windows XP (Service Pack2)
Quote from: Deliciously_Saucy on May 10, 2007, 06:49:49 PM
XP Compatible mode – right click shortcut/executable and go the Compatibility tab
- Check: Run this program in compatibility mode for:
- Windows XP (Service Pack2)
That didn't work for me and neither does turning off the Aero interface. Are there any other options?
Of course;
QuoteThe most important tip: UNINSTALL VISTA YOU MORON.
Quote from: da good king on April 26, 2007, 12:01:47 AM
Quote from: Deliciously_Saucy on March 25, 2007, 07:26:05 PM
Quote from: modern algebra on March 25, 2007, 06:07:19 PM
Good thing I don't have Vista :P
Actually, neither do I. It would be a big help if someone who did, would test some things for me...
i will if it'll help along the RGSS Player problem. i cant do a thing until that works...
lol.......itz juzt that when i run xp immedeatly pops up as its not working
I never had any problems with Vista ???
Many people don't have a problem, that's why it's so annoying. If it was just a single problem identical on all versions it would be a simple fix, but most peoples solutions don't work for one another...
i am so amd i want tu get dat sh1t rite now
I think if you have a 64-bit version of Vista there will be a far greater risk of RMXP not running than compared to a 32-bit version.
Quote from: Kate on May 20, 2007, 02:18:32 AM
Many people don't have a problem, that's why it's so annoying. If it was just a single problem identical on all versions it would be a simple fix, but most peoples solutions don't work for one another...
that's why I'm geting a Mac
I have vista in my computer here.
I have had the same thing where once it starts it shuts down the RPG maker.
(i have an XP compiuter too, but i do all my work on that only, I test demos and scripts that i download, here, but vista wont play em.)
What i did was switch it to run undr windows XP service pack 2 and restarted my computer. Once i did that i could run RPG maker XP, but any projects i made or any demos i DL, i couldnt play them.....
I just thought of it now im going to change the project to run in XP too. maybe thatll work....
BRB be back with results
Edit---- No it didnt work.......
oh well. ive been looking for ways.
VISTA SUCKS. i hate it... the only reason i have it because i got myself a better computer and it is preinstalled..
so now i have one computer up for XP only stuff. and one for vista >:( :P
this is ridikulos...i need this rpg maker
Vista Ultimate user here and RPG Maker XP runs 100% fine.
To all you newbies out there, if you don't meet the minimum requirements for the os, DON'T GET THE DAM THING.
Quote from: MightyLink on June 17, 2007, 10:50:15 AM
Vista Ultimate user here and RPG Maker XP runs 100% fine.
To all you newbies out there, if you don't meet the minimum requirements for the os, DON'T GET THE DAM THING.
Do you have a 32-bit version or a 64-bit version?
I have a suspicion that RMXP does not run on 64-bit. I am unfortunately unable to test this.
when i run RPG maker XP, it will give me this error: "Critical Error C0000005 at address 00000000"
QuoteThe most important tip: UNINSTALL VISTA YOU MORON.
How? My laptop came with Window Vista Basic......... ;9 :mad:(S%$^)
downloaded the paying one nd it says failed to obtain serieal number from the nTitle server
never mind fixd it run as adminerstartor,,,,,thank God i finaly fixd it,,,now i can become one of thr rpgmaker xp users
ok...... ;9
tell me if im correct, i go to the RPG maker XP file where i saved it, i right-click the exe file and run it as administrator? or do i have to go somewhere esle to do it?
EDIT: Nope.......nothing, still have the error "Critical Error C0000005 at adress 00000000"........;9;9
I really want ot use XP so i can make a game there too........Vista is Crap (srry for language)
u hav e to go where the program is saved ...then right click as adminersrater
Quote from: AlienSoldier on June 23, 2007, 05:04:39 AM
ok...... ;9
tell me if im correct, i go to the RPG maker XP file where i saved it, i right-click the exe file and run it as administrator? or do i have to go somewhere esle to do it?
EDIT: Nope.......nothing, still have the error "Critical Error C0000005 at adress 00000000"........;9;9
I really want ot use XP so i can make a game there too........Vista is Crap (srry for language)
There are many different versions of Windows Vista.
Which version are you using Chaos?
I did run it as administrator but when i do something like play a music there, it will give me the error....
i dunno what version i said Window Vista Basic....where do i check it?
idk i didnt start my music stuff yet im juzt developing my story and nd gettin some graphics
Quote from: AlienSoldier on June 23, 2007, 09:34:37 PM
I did run it as administrator but when i do something like play a music there, it will give me the error....
i dunno what version i said Window Vista Basic....where do i check it?
I FIXED IT!!!!!!!! :bean:
Here's the problem:
For whatever stupid reason, rgss100j.dll doesn't work properly in Vista, so what you have to do is open the "game.ini" config settings in your game's folder using notepad, and where it says
Library=RGSS100J.DLL, change it to Library=RGSS102E.DLL
The game and player WORK FINE!
oh, and obviously that must mean you have to have rgss102e.dll
Edit: Turns out ya still need the Official Version to use the music player, not sure why though...
Quote from: ChaosSoldier92 on June 22, 2007, 11:05:27 PM
downloaded the paying one nd it says failed to obtain serieal number from the nTitle server
never mind fixd it run as adminerstartor,,,,,thank God i finaly fixd it,,,now i can become one of thr rpgmaker xp users
I had this same problem on Vista Ultimate 64bit ,how did u fixed this? Please e-mail me at
I just got a laptop with Vista Home Basic (yeah, it was bundled....) - installed RMXP and got the "Cannot connect to ntitles server" error. Right-click RMXP.exe and set to run as administrator and it seems to have fixed the problem - for now. Haven't had any of the other error messages yet.
Thanks for posting this list of fixes!
Well umm....RPG Maker XP works for me in VIsta...I didn't really do anything either.
well yeah, your using the official verison which works fine, it's the Enterbrain version which has all the damn problems. Kind of why I decided it was finally time to buy the damn thing.
Enterbrain IS the legal version.
whatever, im slow. The free version sucks, end of story.
Quote from: da good king on July 31, 2007, 10:55:58 AM
For whatever stupid reason, rgss100j.dll doesn't work properly in Vista, so what you have to do is open the "game.ini" config settings in your game's folder using notepad, and where it says
Library=RGSS100J.DLL, change it to Library=RGSS102E.DLL
The game and player WORK FINE!
you are a TOTAL LEGEND!
Vista Home Basic, 32 bit. RMXP has been running fine (official version) when run as administrator but I needed to do the above to get rid of my "RGSS Player Stopped Working" message. SO glad you posted this solution!
Quote from: shaz on August 22, 2007, 06:16:49 PM
Quote from: da good king on July 31, 2007, 10:55:58 AM
For whatever stupid reason, rgss100j.dll doesn't work properly in Vista, so what you have to do is open the "game.ini" config settings in your game's folder using notepad, and where it says
Library=RGSS100J.DLL, change it to Library=RGSS102E.DLL
The game and player WORK FINE!
you are a TOTAL LEGEND!
Vista Home Basic, 32 bit. RMXP has been running fine (official version) when run as administrator but I needed to do the above to get rid of my "RGSS Player Stopped Working" message. SO glad you posted this solution!
Legend? lol
lol - leave me alone! :D
Quote from: Deliciously_Saucy on March 25, 2007, 07:26:05 PM
Quote from: modern algebra on March 25, 2007, 06:07:19 PM
Good thing I don't have Vista :P
Actually, neither do I. It would be a big help if someone who did, would test some things for me...
if you still need someone to test some things with Vista i could, i have the same problems as every1 else, but i still have all my files on my other comp which is XP so my stuff is safe and i can mess around with RMXP in Vista.
Quote from: da good king on July 31, 2007, 10:55:58 AM
I FIXED IT!!!!!!!! :bean:
Here's the problem:
For whatever stupid reason, rgss100j.dll doesn't work properly in Vista, so what you have to do is open the "game.ini" config settings in your game's folder using notepad, and where it says
Library=RGSS100J.DLL, change it to Library=RGSS102E.DLL
The game and player WORK FINE!
oh, and obviously that must mean you have to have rgss102e.dll
Edit: Turns out ya still need the Official Version to use the music player, not sure why though...
what exactly does this fix? i tried it and i still get the same problem.
edit: BTW My RPG Maker XP runs and i can do stuff with it, but as soon as i playtest i get "RGSS player has stopped working" and it doesn't playtest, but i figured out that it does this when you save, i literally opened up a project, playtested it, it worked, then saved and playtested again and it gave me the error message again, just thought it would help in looking fo a solution....
the reason is that for some EXTREMELY ANNOYING reason projects saved using the free version automatically re-assingn the library to rgss100j.dll so you have to keep editing that stupid .ini file EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU SAVE AND CLOSE THE PROGRAM!!!
rly sry bout that yall i havent found a solution to get it to NOT re-assign it but ill post bak if i do
Quote from: da good king on December 10, 2007, 07:00:18 PM
the reason is that for some EXTREMELY ANNOYING reason projects saved using the free version automatically re-assingn the library to rgss100j.dll so you have to keep editing that stupid .ini file EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU SAVE AND CLOSE THE PROGRAM!!!
rly sry bout that yall i havent found a solution to get it to NOT re-assign it but ill post bak if i do
Oh, now it works! yay, thanks so much! But it is kinda anoying to have to change it every time. :( hope you can fix that soon too :D
After 4 hours of installing, uninstalling every version of RMXP, I have given up and will try VX when it comes out.
You shouldn't have a problem with RMXP on vista anymore if you do the above.
Quote from: atracious on December 10, 2007, 09:44:46 PM
Quote from: da good king on December 10, 2007, 07:00:18 PM
the reason is that for some EXTREMELY ANNOYING reason projects saved using the free version automatically re-assingn the library to rgss100j.dll so you have to keep editing that stupid .ini file EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU SAVE AND CLOSE THE PROGRAM!!!
rly sry bout that yall i havent found a solution to get it to NOT re-assign it but ill post bak if i do
Oh, now it works! yay, thanks so much! But it is kinda anoying to have to change it every time. :( hope you can fix that soon too :D
OK this will make all of this easier!
When you change the config file from 100j to 102e also make the file read only:
1. right click on the config file.
2. go to properties.
3. at the bottom check the read-only box.
4. click Apply.
When you open the project it removes the read-only but, if you put it back to read-only AFTER you open it, it has no problems with saving, so you can mess around all you want till you close it, then when you open the project again, just set the read-only status before you do any saving and you will be fine, IF this doesn't work for you let me know, but that's a big if.....
Well, for me, running it in compatibility mode has worked SO FAR.
If you're an advanced computer user, I could give you instruction on how to run XP as a virtual machine, and launch RPG maker from there, if you have an extra copy of XP lying around. It seems to me that just for RPG maker, it would be kind of time-intensive and space consuming, though.
I'm using vista home premium 32-bit,
if you really want too get rpg maker xp working what you need to do is: or download demo from,
2.Setup to desktop not original location-c:Programme files/enterbrain,
3.If you bought it then don't forget too put your serial in or it will expire after 30 days.
any questions email me at
On mine it starts up but immediately just stops working( it literally just says that it has stopped working), running on Vista... I'm really starting to hate vista
Quote from: darthfodder on January 10, 2008, 04:51:47 AM
On mine it starts up but immediately just stops working( it literally just says that it has stopped working), running on Vista... I'm really starting to hate vista
This is usual for PK, owever if you're running the legal edition then try switching to PK and vice-versa.
Quote from: darthfodder on January 10, 2008, 04:51:47 AM
On mine it starts up but immediately just stops working( it literally just says that it has stopped working), running on Vista... I'm really starting to hate vista
does it say RGSS has stopped working when you go to test play? if it does you need to change the config file as stated above...
I managed to download postility knights, but even if I run it as administraitor, it won't work.
How do you run a program in compatible mode?
And also, I can't find the ini file anywhere...... So I can't edit that.
Quote from: Hemer on January 24, 2008, 08:57:52 PM
I managed to download postility knights, but even if I run it as administraitor, it won't work.
How do you run a program in compatible mode?
And also, I can't find the ini file anywhere...... So I can't edit that.
the file is in documents/rpgxp/"projectname" and it is called: "Game" and the file type is configuration settings, change that file...
Quote from: atracious on January 24, 2008, 11:14:25 PM
Quote from: Hemer on January 24, 2008, 08:57:52 PM
I managed to download postility knights, but even if I run it as administraitor, it won't work.
How do you run a program in compatible mode?
And also, I can't find the ini file anywhere...... So I can't edit that.
the file is in documents/rpgxp/"projectname" and it is called: "Game" and the file type is configuration settings, change that file...
Doesn't exist. It wouldn't give me a folder for rpgxp, just the program....'s in program files.
Already looked there.... :-[
I finally did get RPGMXP to work on my new computer with Vista. But I'm still having one problem: when I playtest, the character/map movement is very jolty, not very smooth like on my XP computer. Is this because of DirectX? Surely the better processor and RAM should make it appear LESS jolty? Is there a way to make it less jolty? I am using 1280x800 resolution with a Nvidia card, if that matters.
Give me your specs. It may be the computer.
Dell Vostro 1500, Intel Core2 Duo T5270, Vista Home Premium, 2GB RAM, 128MB NVIDIA GeForce 8400M GS
You there, Irock? Please don't abandon me! :tpg: I need to fix this! Is it because of that DirectX 10?
An old "friend" of the site (hint: Cold) figured out the problem: I needed to go to the gameplay properties (click the game window icon and "Properties") and check "Smooth Mode" and "Reduce Screen Flickering." No more jitters! Hope this helps anyone else who had this dilemna too! :)
im using vista 32bit and it wrks completely fine
w/ rmxp you have to right click and cliq run as adminstartor
w/ rmvx it wrks w/o this
Sorry If I post this in the wrong spot but....
(I use Vista)
I just installed RPG Maker XP and it's set for the right resolustion, but when I do Click on it, it opens and it says "Failed to Obtain The Serial Number From the nTitles Server's"
Please PM Me
PK works fine on Vista H. Premium x64, simply change the library from 100j to 102E.
102E... almost magic, eh?
Awesome stuff.
And the games work fine if you change that too.
Didn't bother reading any of this stuff but here is my summary of what ive been experencing!
1. nTitles is missing, you are not logged in as a user, only as a guest
2. RGSS file not found, reinstall it, thats what i did.
3. rgss101 (etc) (dont remember the numbers), if you move your program to a completely different computer, this will happen. (way to fix is: reinstall the rpg game from the internet on that other computer and keep your data from your map/game/adventure)
4. Trial has expired, either buy it, or get torrents. I suggest getting torrents, but if your a freak about viruses, buy it. It's $60.00
Quote from: Open.14 on November 06, 2008, 01:11:51 AM
Didn't bother reading any of this stuff but here is my summary of what ive been experencing!
1. nTitles is missing, you are not logged in as a user, only as a guest
2. RGSS file not found, reinstall it, thats what i did.
3. rgss101 (etc) (dont remember the numbers), if you move your program to a completely different computer, this will happen. (way to fix is: reinstall the rpg game from the internet on that other computer and keep your data from your map/game/adventure)
4. Trial has expired, either buy it, or get torrents. I suggest getting torrents, but if your a freak about viruses, buy it. It's $60.00
I have problem number 1. How do I sign in as a user?
nTitles could also mean you transfered the program from somewhere else, but few ppl do that
Added a fix for the "Failed to obtain serial number from N Titles server" bug.
I'm sorry im bumping this old thread but i recently got rpgmaker xp on my vista cpu. It starts and then immediately quits. The problem i have is that I cant find the .ini file. there is a rgss player file called "game" which i expect is the file you are speaking of but I cant open it right.
I even tried opening this file in notebook but cant find the proper line. Just a bunch of gibberish with a few things that are almost recognizable as a language. If needed I will upload a screenshot.
p.s. sry again for bumping this old ass post.
the .ini file is the RPG Maker configuration settings file. It should have an icon similar to a notepad or the like
RPG Maker XP - Postality Knights Edition ENHANCED How do I make it compatible with Windows Vista Basic?
Run as administrator doesn't work.
I have no compatibilty tab and no enterbrain in program files.
The error I'm getting is "RPG Maker has stopped working."
Thats just it i get he the rpg maker has failed error as well and i dont have the ini file. instead of an ini file i have this rggs player file which is named the same thing a previous post called the ini file. ( im not offended or being condescending just letting you know) and I know what an ini file looks like i tweak mine on oblivion about once a week. Its just that i cant find the ini file at all. sry for taking so long to reply i ahd given up hope on getting any reply
I got rpg maker 2k3 to create a new project on vista after it wasnt working.
First i put it into compatability and administration mode like deliciously previously explained.
Then i opened rpg 2k3 and clicked the "create a new project" button and changed the project path to the "Project" folder in rpg maker 2k3 in the program files. For mine it says C:\Program Files (x86)\rpg maker\rpg2k3\Project since i changed the location while installing rpg 2k3 in the first place. (except with weird Y symbols instead of "\" symbols)
After that i just made sure the Project had all the RTP in the right place since everything was blank (im not sure if your suppose to manually copy and paste it into your project folder from the main folder but thats what i did) and so far it works normally.
This might be a one person situation that i fixed and might not work for you but i hope it does.
Hope this helps for those who got trapped with the pre-installed gimped vista and whatnot. gl.
I just figured out how to fix Vista Issues everyone was having trouble with. I've not seen a solution for this anywhere. Heres how to fix Rpgmaker XP "RGSS as stoped working" with windows vista.
Make sure the dll files are in c:windows\system32
Goto Control Panel > System >Advance system settings "Under Performace" Click Settings
Goto -Data Excutution Prevention- Click add, and add the game.exe of your game.
Click apply...
All fixed :)
Hey guys, i have windows 7 64 bit and running rpgmaker xp.
I thought i would share with you guys the way to fix it !! I could not find a solution on the net. This is to address the problem that no matter what you do, you get the error cannot open in less then 1024x768 message.
Some people say disable arro or to run in compatibility mode, none really works!!
But what you have to do is this, and it will work. At least it did for me.
goto your programfiles/enterbrain/ or whever you installed it
mine was in C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterbrain
edit the rpgxp application by right clicking it
hit properties and goto compatibility
and checkmark the box that says Disable display scaling on high DPI systems
do the same with the game.exe in the system folder.
I did this, and it works! I thought i would create an account and respond to this thread and give other people hope that you can get it running, up until now, i was running rpgmaker on a windows xp virtual machine i setup! Thank god I do not have to go through that again!
This works but! Everything is rather smallish on the editer and tile map editing screen, i will try and fix it and let you all know what i did. Although it could be my current resolution is 1920x1200 I think if i were to lower it, rpgmaker would open allot cleaner, but that is misc. configeration issues!!
I hope this helps! Also check out my rpgmaker game kingdom of auspiex and our forum
Thanks for sharing that solution, koa
NO worries my pleasure, I have been working on a rpgmaker game for 4 years now, its getting near to done, one of the few early day netplay games, that transitioned to an entirely new server and code base, I will post a demo soon for you guys to enjoy, as I need to recruit some artists and will pay! I hope this tutorial I posted above helps people who have the 1024x768 bug even though they are running rpgmaker above those settings for their resolution.
i tried to run rmxp in compatibility mode but when i double click the "RPGXP.exe" it won't open. There are no error messages poping-out. i already tried all the solutions posted here but still it doesn't work.
Quote from: da good king on July 31, 2007, 10:55:58 AM
I FIXED IT!!!!!!!! :bean:
Here's the problem:
For whatever stupid reason, rgss100j.dll doesn't work properly in Vista, so what you have to do is open the "game.ini" config settings in your game's folder using notepad, and where it says
Library=RGSS100J.DLL, change it to Library=RGSS102E.DLL
The game and player WORK FINE!
oh, and obviously that must mean you have to have rgss102e.dll
Edit: Turns out ya still need the Official Version to use the music player, not sure why though...
This did it for me. Thanks! I had the .dll file I just forgot to edit the .ini file.
Finally I can create RPGs again.
Edit 1: Or not. One of my older ones started working, but the others still don't. I'll get back to you on this.
Edit 2: Got it! Add what Treign said and it works perfectly.