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Light's Shadow

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Level 88
I'm basically Yoda's brother
did anyone try my game beta? if so, please post what you think

just so everyone knows, im 15 years old.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
- the whole eventing after we enter the house is weird
-I can lay ontop of the dad in bed
-Interior mapping is bad. where the heck it the outside of the walls? and you marked the door with a carpet + no rooms
-Game freezes when I exit door. I pressed DOWN right when I left the door and game froze
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
I'm basically Yoda's brother
- the whole eventing after we enter the house is weird
what do you mean?

-I can lay ontop of the dad in bed
ok, ill fix that

-Interior mapping is bad. where the heck it the outside of the walls? and you marked the door with a carpet + no rooms
i've seen tons of games like that! dont insult me for that! the method i used for inside of buildings is called reedalizing (reed-al-i-zing) >:(

-Game freezes when I exit door. I pressed DOWN right when I left the door and game froze
ok, ill fix that

just so everyone knows, im 15 years old.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
did anyone try my game beta? if so, please post what you think

-Interior mapping is bad. where the heck it the outside of the walls? and you marked the door with a carpet + no rooms
i've seen tons of games like that! dont insult me for that! the method i used for inside of buildings is called reedalizing (reed-al-i-zing) >:(

if you didn't want feedback on what to fix then why did you ask?

yes TONS of games do indoors like that...i tell each and EVERY last game that way sucks. looks ugly and unorganized.

here is my quick one min house it's done the right way.

Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
I'm basically Yoda's brother
i would have to re-do ever room :'(

anyway, i think i found the problem with the glitches. i cant script rgss so i cant read rgss either. i think this script is the problem but im not sure. can you tell me what it does?

Code: [Select]
# ? Dynamic Maps
# ?By: Near Fantastica
# Date: 05.09.05
# Version: 1

# updated 2005-11-07 by Wachunga
# generalized to work for modified versions of Game_Map,
# e.g. even if more instance variables are added

module Map
@map_data = {}
def Map.set_map(map, map_id)
@map_data[map_id] = map
def Map.data(map_id)
return @map_data[map_id]

class Game_Map
alias dm_orig_setup setup
def setup(map_id)
if Map.data(map_id) == nil
def load_map(map_id)
$game_map = Map.data(map_id)
def save_map(map_id)
return if map_id == 0
Map.set_map(self.dup, map_id)

just so everyone knows, im 15 years old.