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The hate of USA

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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
all i got to say that Im american and proud of it
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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Good to hear it. There is less and less of us that believe that. I can't stand it when I see someone not standing for the pledge.
~Reagan Quotes~
March 30, 1981 (to surgeons as he entered the operating room following his assassination attempt)
"I hope you're all Republicans."

September 25, 1987
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell a (Republican)? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

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Level 91
I own you.
Quote from: Panther III
Quote from: dragonmagna
USA is, by far, the most hated country on the planet. Give your reasons as to why you hate the USA. I can think of a few reasons, but I won't say them because they would be considered very offensive to republican president George Bush and some republicans don't like that.
Why do you hate the USA?
Yes, I am being serious.

Ugh, I can't stand people like you. You see, I sometimes wish that the whole world was under a total dictatorship for a year. So people could see how great America is. My parents were journalists and had to live in Iraq for awhile once. They witnessed the hardship. They witnessed the torture, suppressed freedoms. Did you know that in Baghdad, neighbors were afraid to talk to one another because they thought one of them was a rat? I would like to see your evidence for feeling like this. Do you live in Pre-war Afghanistan? Or Iraq? Or North Korea. No you don't. I suggest that you see it for yourself and realize America is the best country on earth.

Quote from: Mental
No.I mean a person who is in the army with a family that needs him/her.
Here is a possible scenario:
A young man is about to be a father.
He goes to war.
Gets shot and dies.
Baby comes out not knowing who his father is.
Rest of family is poor.He has a good job and gets lots of money.Hes dead family goes debt.

That could happen.Infact i know a person whos family went through this same exact scenario

Oh and HOTS, Lots of people are proud of it.Some Sane people don't run around crazy.But people like bush would be REALLY proud of winning the war that took 5 years to complete.

We won the war in 2003. Hence the name "The 2003 invasion of Iraq". Now we need to make sure that it doesn't turn into a theorcratic state like Iran.

Quote from: Mental

Perhaps, if a person is crippled or paralized and inacable of movement, they may need someone else to ensure their survival. However that is not much of a life anyways. True dependancy on someone else is a rarity.

No most people are recruited  from the military Without having no word in it.Have you seen Fahrenheight 9/11. About almost every soldier in there was recruited by Bush just cause they were over 18

Ever hear of the guy who made it? Oh ya it was Michael Moore. You aren't to educated if you believe everything you hear, from a movie.

All in all, the US is a great country. If you want to play the blame game, blame Clinton for 8 straight years of liberalism.[/quote]

1.That is oppion no one country is the greatest. You have not been living in other nations only heard about it.

2.The war has not yet been won you are ignorant if you think the USA has won the war against afghanistan and iraq(escially afghanistan)

3.So what if he made it do just say that he is wrong just becouse of his name and call him crackpot theorist how about you look into the subject and not just the biast USA goverments take upon it.
1 death is a tragedy but 1 million deaths is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
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Bill Clinton was like the greatest president ever. >_>

OK, not true. But I miss him.

In any case, now that we have a through and through republican, I'll stay out of this since I'm a mod... wait... I don't have to do that, what am I thinking?

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
He was always good for a laugh...  :)
~Reagan Quotes~
March 30, 1981 (to surgeons as he entered the operating room following his assassination attempt)
"I hope you're all Republicans."

September 25, 1987
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell a (Republican)? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

Join VT Talk! At http://www.freewebs.com/vtnetwork

Level 89
The U.S.A is good, but I hate all those regents and exams.
RPG Heights : A brand new high... http://www.forumsvibe.com/monsterdoog/

Quote from: Panther III
Quote from: dragonmagna
USA is, by far, the most hated country on the planet. Give your reasons as to why you hate the USA. I can think of a few reasons, but I won't say them because they would be considered very offensive to republican president George Bush and some republicans don't like that.
Why do you hate the USA?
Yes, I am being serious.

Ugh, I can't stand people like you. You see, I sometimes wish that the whole world was under a total dictatorship for a year. So people could see how great America is. My parents were journalists and had to live in Iraq for awhile once. They witnessed the hardship. They witnessed the torture, suppressed freedoms. Did you know that in Baghdad, neighbors were afraid to talk to one another because they thought one of them was a rat? I would like to see your evidence for feeling like this. Do you live in Pre-war Afghanistan? Or Iraq? Or North Korea. No you don't. I suggest that you see it for yourself and realize America is the best country on earth.

Quote from: Mental
No.I mean a person who is in the army with a family that needs him/her.
Here is a possible scenario:
A young man is about to be a father.
He goes to war.
Gets shot and dies.
Baby comes out not knowing who his father is.
Rest of family is poor.He has a good job and gets lots of money.Hes dead family goes debt.

That could happen.Infact i know a person whos family went through this same exact scenario

Oh and HOTS, Lots of people are proud of it.Some Sane people don't run around crazy.But people like bush would be REALLY proud of winning the war that took 5 years to complete.

We won the war in 2003. Hence the name "The 2003 invasion of Iraq". Now we need to make sure that it doesn't turn into a theorcratic state like Iran.

Quote from: Mental

Perhaps, if a person is crippled or paralized and inacable of movement, they may need someone else to ensure their survival. However that is not much of a life anyways. True dependancy on someone else is a rarity.

No most people are recruited  from the military Without having no word in it.Have you seen Fahrenheight 9/11. About almost every soldier in there was recruited by Bush just cause they were over 18

Ever hear of the guy who made it? Oh ya it was Michael Moore. You aren't to educated if you believe everything you hear, from a movie.

All in all, the US is a great country. If you want to play the blame game, blame Clinton for 8 straight years of liberalism.[/quote]

Dude.. I HATE THE USA.I only live in it because my family moved down here.
Don't forget America DID have slaves.And had slave laws that a person could kill a slave and not get any fine.And I like Michael Moore. He makes more sense then that dumb monkey head of a president.And also I dont stand up for the pledge OOH SHOCKING! I dont wanna say "Under god" In the pledge cause its so totally fake. America wasn't formed off God.Infact...
ini 1500 Those 2 words weren't even in it.They added it.America has such pride in killing every Iraqi,Or any other war we had they can find.And i never said i fucking thought the war was over.Silly rabbit.Tricks are for kids..

War can be over.If you want it.

Aparently youve never seen this music video

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Every f*cking country on earth had slaves! You realize it was other f*cking africans who sold them? And our "monkey" f a president would do a whole lot better than you or that fat pig of a person, would ever do. I hope the draft does come back because of f*ckers like you!

War can be over.If you want it.

Ya right, we gave up on Vietnam to soon. We gave up on Korea to soon. Now you want to leave the Iraqis? You realize that 90% of Iraqis love us. The f*cking people were fighting there are Saudis, Syrians, and Iranians. Please have the mentality of a person with an age higher than two before you talk to me again.
~Reagan Quotes~
March 30, 1981 (to surgeons as he entered the operating room following his assassination attempt)
"I hope you're all Republicans."

September 25, 1987
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell a (Republican)? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

Join VT Talk! At http://www.freewebs.com/vtnetwork

We were spying on them and Viet Nam got pissed and noticed us and they attacked.We LOST you see that .
and war CAN be over if you want it.ITS A LITTLE THING CALLED COMPLAINT
Oh but bush doesn't give 2 flying shits if we complain cause hes a dumbass.
All he cares about is freedom.AND HES NOT EVEN GIVING US FREEDOM. And yes why do you think the civil war started?CAUSE OF SLAVES! Other countries didn't have a war because of slaves. HUNDREDS of children are starving in the street while we spend millions of dollars on bombs.Creating death showers.That isn't much freedom is it?

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
And what political party started that? Hmm... Oh yeah it was the republicans! And trust me Vietnam didn't get "pissed" because we were "spying" on them. They f*cking attacked south vietnam. You are truly ignorant if you don't know how bad it is in a totalitarian government. So move to north korea.
~Reagan Quotes~
March 30, 1981 (to surgeons as he entered the operating room following his assassination attempt)
"I hope you're all Republicans."

September 25, 1987
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell a (Republican)? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

Join VT Talk! At http://www.freewebs.com/vtnetwork

Level 91
My. Your quite the outspoken one, aren't you :wink:

Anyway, go to the thousands of families which lost their loved ones, and tell them that the vietnam war isn't a war. See how they feel.

George W. is incompetent, I admit. But he can't listen to every complaint the U.S. has.

Oh, and what does the civil war have to do with anything? That a load of bullcrap.

Finally, we can't just stop nuclear bomb making, because we'd all be dead without it.

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 King of RMRK2013 Best Musician2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Funniest MemberFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]2011 Funniest Member2011 Best MusicianMost entertaining member on the IRC2010 Most Missed Member
It's funny watching a 14 year old and 16 year old argue about politics. :O_o:

Let's remember what the tilte of this forum is called: Intelligent Debate. So cut down on the swearing for one, and let's actually debate intelligently. (omg). I really don't want to have to lock this topic.

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Exactly. It's formally called "Mutual Destruction Pact". We can't let a country like Iran have this cause guess what. The day before their leader is killed, they'll use it on someone. Did I bring up the civil war?

Sorry about that. I get mad when someone calls me a "dirty republican" for no reason.
~Reagan Quotes~
March 30, 1981 (to surgeons as he entered the operating room following his assassination attempt)
"I hope you're all Republicans."

September 25, 1987
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell a (Republican)? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

Join VT Talk! At http://www.freewebs.com/vtnetwork

Level 91
I own you.
Are you honostly gona try and say 90% of iraqis like amercans?
god dam my sides hurt
1 death is a tragedy but 1 million deaths is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
It's true. The people we are fighting are "insurgents". In other words they are foreigners (Iranians, saudis, palestinians).
~Reagan Quotes~
March 30, 1981 (to surgeons as he entered the operating room following his assassination attempt)
"I hope you're all Republicans."

September 25, 1987
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell a (Republican)? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

Join VT Talk! At http://www.freewebs.com/vtnetwork

Level 91
I own you.
Ok first of all sadaam housian was not liked person there fighting him not for the sake of amerca.
BTW have you been to iraq to prove this.
Btw you know where from?
1 death is a tragedy but 1 million deaths is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Quote from: sepiroth666
Ok first of all sadaam housian was not liked person there fighting him not for the sake of amerca.
BTW have you been to iraq to prove this.
Btw you know where from?

I can't understand what you said. Sorry.  :(
~Reagan Quotes~
March 30, 1981 (to surgeons as he entered the operating room following his assassination attempt)
"I hope you're all Republicans."

September 25, 1987
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell a (Republican)? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

Join VT Talk! At http://www.freewebs.com/vtnetwork

Level 91
I own you.
Fighting Sadaam does not mean there fighting for the USA.
You have no proof that 90% of iraqis like amerca.
Do you know where I'm from to be telling you this?
1 death is a tragedy but 1 million deaths is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Sorry I meant 70%. (According to "The Iraqi People Support U.S. Eforts in Iraq" By Karl Zinsmeister.) However, it states that some were afraid to answer the question incase they were one of Saddam's informants. Some believe that if we leave Saddam will return.

Incase you didn't know...
Saddam's torture methods include...
Chopping off fingers
Tearing out tongues
Electric Shock
Drowning in Acid
Penetration into limbs with a drill
Fed to a wood-shredding machine
Fed to rabid dogs
Prisoners forced to eat chunks of own skin
I'm sure there is others.

If that would happen to mean I sure wouldn't say they like us. Would you?
~Reagan Quotes~
March 30, 1981 (to surgeons as he entered the operating room following his assassination attempt)
"I hope you're all Republicans."

September 25, 1987
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell a (Republican)? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

Join VT Talk! At http://www.freewebs.com/vtnetwork

Level 91
I own you.
:roll: Did I ever say I'm pro-sadaam(he hates me and I hate him)...and yes I knew about those but the good ole amercans could never ever torture any1... :roll:
Btw the question they ask is are you happy that Sadaam is gone not are you happy with USA invasion of iraq.
1 death is a tragedy but 1 million deaths is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Ok... Basically, you can't be happy Saddam that Saddam is gone, if US never invaded it in the first place.
~Reagan Quotes~
March 30, 1981 (to surgeons as he entered the operating room following his assassination attempt)
"I hope you're all Republicans."

September 25, 1987
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell a (Republican)? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

Join VT Talk! At http://www.freewebs.com/vtnetwork

Level 89
U.S could have left after though!
RPG Heights : A brand new high... http://www.forumsvibe.com/monsterdoog/

Quote from: Panther III
Exactly. It's formally called "Mutual Destruction Pact". We can't let a country like Iran have this cause guess what. The day before their leader is killed, they'll use it on someone. Did I bring up the civil war?

Sorry about that. I get mad when someone calls me a "dirty republican" for no reason.

Dude you are definetly a patriot.
Look A WHOLE BUNCH of the members on this forum are Not american And your signature and avatar is a big huge Show off. Not everyone is american.
And you didn't bring up the civil war. You said slaves are in all countries.
And i said America is the only one who actually had a war over it.WITH THERE OWN SELF.
Read next time n00b.

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Ya, I'm a newb. So are you. You are a spamming noob. You registered like a week before me. As I said before, please act intelligent in the intelligent debate. You, my friend, are the most ignorant person I've met on hear yet.
~Reagan Quotes~
March 30, 1981 (to surgeons as he entered the operating room following his assassination attempt)
"I hope you're all Republicans."

September 25, 1987
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell a (Republican)? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

Join VT Talk! At http://www.freewebs.com/vtnetwork

Level 89
Quote from: Panther III
hear yet.
Here. LOL!
RPG Heights : A brand new high... http://www.forumsvibe.com/monsterdoog/