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The hate of USA

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Rep: +0/-0Level 89
I don't hate Americans, and I don't necessarily hate the US.

I just hate how some thing are run down there, and I especially hate Bush, as well as anything else Republican
"Sure we were created equal... but I've been levelling up." - Me

I live in the USA the reason i hate it is because.
ALL THOSE DAMN SONGS!Just like that one "Im proud to be an american!Where at least i know im free"
Big damn deal.
Im from germany with irish traits.We moved here because we heard its a good country and all but everyone is obsessed with freedom and they don't stop to think "You know those men who died for our freedom That could have been prevented man!Then we'd be more free"

Resource Maker
Level 91
I think its unfair to say I hate the USA... as it has so many states... each state is different...

But in General:-

I hate the Amreican twang to their voices...

I hate they way they are so dramatic, with loud gasps and air headed comments...

I hate the fact they don't bother learning anything about other countries... like they thought Scotland was a seperate Island from England... and London also...

I don't like the way they adopt things and call it their own, like when ever I get a new Microsoft product or any other program the defalt language is American English... and the real English language (BRITTISH) has been left off totally... so Centre = Center and Colour = Color... and my spell checker keeps messing me about... Another example, st Patric's day is celebrate more in America than it is in Irland to a degree... all sorts really... like the staue of liberty, that came from France yet they use it like a symbol of America... The film saving Private Ryan not one English solider was there, yet we pretty much won the war and the Americans just joined in as we was winning... well when the SS lucitainia was sunk...

I hate the fact that Global warming and the Warm belt could one day spell the end of the human race and America does shite all about it... and they are the ones that are causing the most damage...

I hate it that they get Computer games released there before here... even if they are made or produced in the country... like Core...

I hate the way the Goverment has left people stranded in New orleans... and they are even giving tours to tourists to see the damage... and I hate they way that when people had their homes flooded the American people instead of helping each other robbed each other...

In a country so diverse in types of people its odd that is such a segregated country... Red Necks, Hill Billys, Hicks, Trailor Trash, Gang Bangers... It seems you have more rubbish and scum there than any place else in the world... Yet America is also home to the most wealthy... why not set up an intitive to help the delapidated area's and help the status of other rather than 3rd world countries use the funds to make a role model of your own... America has an Ugly face to it even though it has its nice spots poelpe only hear and see the worst...

In short...Amercia = nOOb-atopia... you preach to others on how to live in a democarcey and in freedom yet your own country stinks... you don't care for your homeless or the area's that are run down... its like you have given up on helping your fellow citerzens just cuz their skin colour or Finacial status... Your look on Human life gets smaller and smaller day by day !!!

Oh and your gun thing really is pretty scarey...LOL http://stelf.com/linkfun/redirect.php?id=393

BUT... I hate England more, than any other country (excluding 3rd world ones that is)...

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Level 89
I think people hate the U.S.A because it is always trying to butt into people's business and fix everything.
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I really hate it because of war. They are all proud of winning every war but then again.How many innoscent people were being killed in the war and had no choice to join(Im not talking about the american war im talking about the other countries)Plus Millions of americans are dieing because of them wanting to have their pride to never lose a war.They never give up.And families are being ruined because of it

Level 97
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Really, it sounds like what you said would be true, until you think about it, and then it really doesn't.

I don't think it has anything to do with pride of never losing a war. I can't remember running around every time we one a war being proud of it, and having to just let everyone know that's another win to our list of wars that we've won.

You're starting to go into stereotypes now, and stereotypes aren't necessarily true.

Level 91
God of Dicks
And families are being ruined because of it

...Ruining families? If you are talking about military families, let me just say that I come from a military family. If a parent (or both parents) decide to enlist in the military that is their own choice. People act all angery and stuff because soldiers are sent off to do the job that they chose to do? I just don't see the problem.

No.I mean a person who is in the army with a family that needs him/her.
Here is a possible scenario:
A young man is about to be a father.
He goes to war.
Gets shot and dies.
Baby comes out not knowing who his father is.
Rest of family is poor.He has a good job and gets lots of money.Hes dead family goes debt.

That could happen.Infact i know a person whos family went through this same exact scenario

Oh and HOTS, Lots of people are proud of it.Some Sane people don't run around crazy.But people like bush would be REALLY proud of winning the war that took 5 years to complete.

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
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The father doesn't have to go to war though. It's his choice, he knows what the consequences could be.

Level 89
I hate to say it, but I wasn't paid nearly enough in the military. Maybe $1,300 USD per month. Military members are not rich and it isn't a good job.

Level 91
God of Dicks
The father signed up for that job. No one MADE him join the military. He knew the risk. He knew EXACTLY what he was signing up for. Maybe he thought there wouldn't be a war you may say? Well then he is abusing the job for easy money without any intention of doing his job. THAT is fucked up.

People can boo-hoo all they want when a soldier dies. But it is to be expected. You would have to be a fool to join the military, or marry someone in the military, and convince yourself there is no chance that they will die. It is a dangerous job and someone has to do it. Luckly we live in a time where it is the choice of the person wether or not they wish to join the army (or another branch of the military). You can try to blame the government or the country all you want for the men who lose their lives, but that doesn't make it any more their fault.

And Viper, as I said. It is their choice. I am in no way claiming the military is a good job. I am simply stating that people know what they are getting into (and if they don't then why the hell are they getting into it?) and you cannot blame anyone else for their deaths.

Blame is merely the absolution of responsibility. I cannot support that.

Oh, and.
No.I mean a person who is in the army with a family that needs him/her.

People do not NEED anyone else. Again with the absolution of responsibility. The belief that anyone is in any way dependant on another person is rediculous. It is thoughts like that that allow abusive relationships. People convince themselves they are somehow dependant on the other person. Its complete bullshit.

Perhaps, if a person is crippled or paralized and inacable of movement, they may need someone else to ensure their survival. However that is not much of a life anyways. True dependancy on someone else is a rarity.

Level 91
I own you.
Quote from: HaloOfTheSun
The father doesn't have to go to war though. It's his choice, he knows what the consequences could be.

Every hear of the draft?
As for knowing what there getting themselfs into...most wars were thought to much much shorter(civil war,WW1,viernam and desert storm2 those are just a few of the amercan one that they thought would end in a few months)
1 death is a tragedy but 1 million deaths is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 King of RMRK2013 Best Musician2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Funniest MemberFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]2011 Funniest Member2011 Best MusicianMost entertaining member on the IRC2010 Most Missed Member
But there is no draft today.

Level 89
Yeah people should know what they are getting into, but usually they don't. Recruiters cover it up with so much glamour of oh...go to school, get paid well (yeah right), learn new skills.

In my case, I was fooled when I originally moved to this hole and it seemed the only way I can get my citizenship was to join the service. Because you see the US government is more lacks on people that do have citizenship but want to join the service to obtain their citizenship.

So the recruiter saw me as like...oh an Irish boy! He's an easy one to tackle and probably would be good military policeman because of his size, so we can send him off to Iraq. So when they told me that I could gain citizenship here if I were to join, then I was like sure. *cough*dumbass*cough* But anyway not everything went as planned and I am being medically discharged. WOOT!

Probably going to move back to Dublin sometime this year...if I can afford to go back.  :cry:

And Seph, there hasn't been a draft since Vietnam...even though I was hearing talk around that he was going to reinstate it.

Level 91
God of Dicks
Seph... we are assuming that this is both a modern situation and in the USA. Currently there is no draft, and there hasn't been one for awhile.

No most people are recruited from the military Without having no word in it.

I don't know what country or world you may live in, however I live in the USA. I have known many people in the military, coming from a military family. I have never even heard the preposterous idea that it was not their own choice untill now. Every single one of them joined of their own free will. Many of them have different reasons (collage scholarships, can't find another job, want to protect their country, as viper said citizenship, ect) but all of them consciously made the descision to join.

About almost every soldier in there was recruited by Bush just cause they were over 18

...Are you implying that bush himself hand picked every soldier?

...Wow. I don't even know what to say to that.

Viper, yeah, there have been many, MANY, rumors about such things(the draft). Mostly from conspiracy freaks like whoever wrote that crap mental just said. There was never even a hint from the government that there would possibly be a draft. In fact, bush insisted he would do whatever possible to avoid a draft.

Quote from: GilgameshRO
The father signed up for that job. No one MADE him join the military. He knew the risk. He knew EXACTLY what he was signing up for. Maybe he thought there wouldn't be a war you may say? Well then he is abusing the job for easy money without any intention of doing his job. THAT is fucked up.

People can boo-hoo all they want when a soldier dies. But it is to be expected. You would have to be a fool to join the military, or marry someone in the military, and convince yourself there is no chance that they will die. It is a dangerous job and someone has to do it. Luckly we live in a time where it is the choice of the person wether or not they wish to join the army (or another branch of the military). You can try to blame the government or the country all you want for the men who lose their lives, but that doesn't make it any more their fault.

And Viper, as I said. It is their choice. I am in no way claiming the military is a good job. I am simply stating that people know what they are getting into (and if they don't then why the hell are they getting into it?) and you cannot blame anyone else for their deaths.

Blame is merely the absolution of responsibility. I cannot support that.

Oh, and.
No.I mean a person who is in the army with a family that needs him/her.

People do not NEED anyone else. Again with the absolution of responsibility. The belief that anyone is in any way dependant on another person is rediculous. It is thoughts like that that allow abusive relationships. People convince themselves they are somehow dependant on the other person. Its complete bullshit.

Perhaps, if a person is crippled or paralized and inacable of movement, they may need someone else to ensure their survival. However that is not much of a life anyways. True dependancy on someone else is a rarity.

No most people are recruited  from the military Without having no word in it.Have you seen Fahrenheight 9/11. About almost every soldier in there was recruited by Bush just cause they were over 18

Level 89
My goodness, does anyone read? I was in the US ARMY for a couple of years. I know what goes on and how people get in. Men and women have the choice of joining if they want to, they are NOT forced. Recruiters for the military however do make it seem irresistable, so it fools quite a few people into joining.

Level 91
I own you.
only reason the draft hasnt been used in the usa is cuz no major war has occured since vietnam but if one was to break there would be.
1 death is a tragedy but 1 million deaths is a statistic.
-Joseph Stalin

Level 89
I wouldn't put it past Bush, he's aching to throw more people over there right now and the defense system isn't meeting it's usual number of people.

Well im sorry, Viper but Yes it  is true.My cousin who went in because he wanted training for the Navy to have some pride.But He was afraid of the warHe hated the war he did not want to be in ANY part of the war.
Then they recruited him into the US army just because he signed up for training.Now he is stuck in there for about 3 years.

Level 91
Ignore what i say. I'm never here anyway
i dislike you because you're emo...
If you post outside the sewer, don't expect me to see it.

Where do you get im Emo?
I listen to Emo music because its good music not cause i think about cutting my wrist at night and i hate my life and can't sleep.
Im not an Emo Kid. You want emo kids? Why don't you check out a video out of my website
www.sammerjammer.com/BNremake.html That is emo.

Level 91
Ignore what i say. I'm never here anyway
can't wait till u have a run in whith Dwarra =) he hates emo's like you
If you post outside the sewer, don't expect me to see it.

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 King of RMRK2013 Best Musician2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Funniest MemberFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]2011 Funniest Member2011 Best MusicianMost entertaining member on the IRC2010 Most Missed Member
:whoa:  Emo music is good? Well, that's a different subject all together.

Let's stay on topic guys, this is why we hate the U.S.A. (omg) or why not.

Rep: +0/-0Level 89
Quote from: dragonmagna
USA is, by far, the most hated country on the planet. Give your reasons as to why you hate the USA. I can think of a few reasons, but I won't say them because they would be considered very offensive to republican president George Bush and some republicans don't like that.
Why do you hate the USA?
Yes, I am being serious.

Ugh, I can't stand people like you. You see, I sometimes wish that the whole world was under a total dictatorship for a year. So people could see how great America is. My parents were journalists and had to live in Iraq for awhile once. They witnessed the hardship. They witnessed the torture, suppressed freedoms. Did you know that in Baghdad, neighbors were afraid to talk to one another because they thought one of them was a rat? I would like to see your evidence for feeling like this. Do you live in Pre-war Afghanistan? Or Iraq? Or North Korea. No you don't. I suggest that you see it for yourself and realize America is the best country on earth.

Quote from: Mental
No.I mean a person who is in the army with a family that needs him/her.
Here is a possible scenario:
A young man is about to be a father.
He goes to war.
Gets shot and dies.
Baby comes out not knowing who his father is.
Rest of family is poor.He has a good job and gets lots of money.Hes dead family goes debt.

That could happen.Infact i know a person whos family went through this same exact scenario

Oh and HOTS, Lots of people are proud of it.Some Sane people don't run around crazy.But people like bush would be REALLY proud of winning the war that took 5 years to complete.

We won the war in 2003. Hence the name "The 2003 invasion of Iraq". Now we need to make sure that it doesn't turn into a theorcratic state like Iran.

Quote from: Mental

Perhaps, if a person is crippled or paralized and inacable of movement, they may need someone else to ensure their survival. However that is not much of a life anyways. True dependancy on someone else is a rarity.

No most people are recruited  from the military Without having no word in it.Have you seen Fahrenheight 9/11. About almost every soldier in there was recruited by Bush just cause they were over 18[/quote]

Ever hear of the guy who made it? Oh ya it was Michael Moore. You aren't to educated if you believe everything you hear, from a movie.

All in all, the US is a great country. If you want to play the blame game, blame Clinton for 8 straight years of liberalism.
~Reagan Quotes~
March 30, 1981 (to surgeons as he entered the operating room following his assassination attempt)
"I hope you're all Republicans."

September 25, 1987
"How do you tell a Communist? Well, it's someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell a (Republican)? It's someone who understands Marx and Lenin."

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