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The End of Mankind . . . .

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Level 90
Go away Hakumen...
I've always pondered how mankind will eventually end, and I've been wondering how other people think about the same subject. And please, don't say mankind won't end, because all things must end weather you believe in science or not.

I would like for you to please state the most possible event or situation that would end our exsistence.

Quite frankly, I believe it will be super-virus that is highly contagious and kills fast. It is most likely because diseases evolve and mutate much faster than out science can keep up with. You?

"Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it." - Banksy

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
probally the death of our star....if any eairler it would be caused by man, mmassive genocides/bombs/ maybe zeriab and his troops will kill us( xD )
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
2014 Avast Ye Merry Pirate!2013 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award2012 Avast Ye Merry Pirate AwardFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Most Unsung Member2011 Avast Ye Merry Pirate2010 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award
If we don't clean up our act, within a couple hundred years we're gonna get owned by the climate?
bringing sexy back

Level 90
Go away Hakumen...
Yeah, haven't thought of that one, which is actually probably the most likely. But also, Nouman, I don't think it will be WWIII because of Mutually Asured Destruction. But don't get me wrong, it still is very probable especially if a crazy dictator whose about to lose power is behind the button.
"Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it." - Banksy

Level 88
No.. i think he some sort of Midboss
that sounds like ian... ok i think the wourld will end because of technology(of course) not that were going to create robot and they will rebel but more of we are slowly becomeing more lazy with each passing day creating new devices to make it eaisier for us to do things while eventually we would all stop moving(and maybe get fat) so that babies would stop being produced then we will slowly die off millions at a time...
"Life is a struggle; technology creates more idiot proof things, and the universe creates better idiots; so far the universe is winning" -Shino_Ryuu

Level 90
Go away Hakumen...
Yukimora . . . wtf.
"Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it." - Banksy

Level 91
I don't believe in global-warming, I feel, just like that witch, that if we all pretend it doesn't exist the problem will go away. :V

Uhhhh, I think the idea with the sun burning out being the cause of mankind's end isn't exactly plausible, in the five billion years it will take for the sun to die and if man is still here I can't imagine a picture where we don't have the technology to move to another system. Hell, give us a few hundred years and we will be able to do that.

As to the super-virus: Ever heard of nanobots? One of the official dooms day theories would be one of them going rouge and turning into a super-virus type thing...

As to a serious point on global warming: Modern solutions to a modern problem, changing our lifestyles would only slow down the problem because of the damage already in play, that and CO2 gases are naturally released. Given that animals release more CO2 then we do combined, it may be a naturally occurring phenomena from a newly evolved species!  You can't just put the blame on man without the proper knowhow.

@Yukimora- Not even slightly, your just not aware how far and how much we will be able to do with future inventions and discoveries. Gene manipulation would get rid of our little fat problem, with the introduction of nanotechnology we will have the ability to create tiny bots to replace our immune system, wiping out all diseases.

I think it's possible for the new technologies to destroy us for other reasons, just not those.

Level 90
Go away Hakumen...
Yeah, nanobots? Ehh....I don't think Star Trek stuff like won't happen in our lifetime. According to Russian Reaserch during the Cold War, by combing smallpox with the flu, you create a lethal virus strain. Only those living in the most remote isolated areas wouldn't be able to survive.
"Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it." - Banksy

I love Firerain
Level 97
What Silver said, Climates gonna officially OWN US.

You see, it's written in those books, the 267 pages space encyclopedias that the sun will keep increasing in size and gobble up mercury n venus, and the Earth will become HOT, i mean the HOT HOT , not the Silver "HOT", the ppl may die due to you know over heatness, or maybe the sun gobbles us up too, and also that after the sun is big, it will all of a sudden shrink into a white dwarf, then no light will remain, and that guy who lives down the alley can finally rule us.
Arlen is hot.

( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ) ((≡^⚲͜^≡)) (ી(΄◞ิ౪◟ิ‵)ʃ)
Level 102
(っ˘ڡ˘ς) ʕ•̼͛͡•ʕ-̺͛͡•ʔ•̮͛͡•ʔ (*ꆤ.̫ꆤ*)
2014 Avast Ye Merry Pirate!2013 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award2012 Avast Ye Merry Pirate AwardFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2011 Most Unsung Member2011 Avast Ye Merry Pirate2010 Avast Ye Merry Pirate Award
Modern solutions to a modern problem, changing our lifestyles would only slow down the problem because of the damage already in play, that and CO2 gases are naturally released. Given that animals release more CO2 then we do combined, it may be a naturally occurring phenomena from a newly evolved species!  You can't just put the blame on man without the proper knowhow.

We mass-breed literally billions of cattle, sheep, chickens etc, whilst destroying vast amounts of plant life and forestation =o
bringing sexy back

I love Firerain
Level 97

@Yukimora- Not even slightly, your just not aware how far and how much we will be able to do with future inventions and discoveries. Gene manipulation would get rid of our little fat problem, with the introduction of nanotechnology we will have the ability to create tiny bots to replace our immune system, wiping out all diseases.

What if that same little robot started moving, and actually disrupted our system. New technologies meean more problems, to make all of them, a big amount of plants and trees and minerals are being used. If they dont survive, no petrol for our cars. Now they may make something else with minerals to replace petrol, but the minerals will also eventually...dissapear.
And water, water is used in everything, they may make this super water running car engine, but that'll lead to a bigger crisis. As only 0.014% o water is available for drinking, at this moment. So it'll eventually go.
We'll die either ways, but not like tommorrow, when silver is going to die(yes im killing him ;D) like after a million years maybe.
Arlen is hot.

Level 91
Yeah, nanobots? Ehh....I don't think Star Trek stuff like won't happen in our lifetime. According to Russian Reaserch during the Cold War, by combing smallpox with the flu, you create a lethal virus strain. Only those living in the most remote isolated areas wouldn't be able to survive.
Lol, nanotech is becoming one of the biggest things being researched atm, and it wouldn't be impossible to see it in our lifetimes. It moved from the pages of science fiction a long time ago.

We mass-breed literally billions of cattle, sheep, chickens etc, whilst destroying vast amounts of plant life and forestation =o
Something that's needed. More people, more food. As to the deforestation, while it may be a tad excessive, is needed too. When you don't have all the facts it's easy to point the finger, global warming has been manipulated and modified in the same key as those marijuana ads, it's still an uncertainty. 

What if that same little robot started moving, and actually disrupted our system.
Ever heard of nanobots? One of the official dooms day theories would be one of them going rouge and turning into a super-virus type thing...

It's impossible to have any clue as to when mankind will end, it could end tomorrow, or quite frankly, never. Not matter what situation you can think of, there is a way around it.

Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
Global warming won't make humans extinct. Do you people even know what it is?

Resource Maker
Level 91
Global warming won't make humans extinct. Do you people even know what it is?

It no doubt wont wipe out the whole of the Human race... It may not even effect some people / countries.

My thoughts


I think Iran HAS nukes, a fair few of them...  I think should an American set foot on Iranian soil with hostile intent with orders of war then we will see the start of the end...

A Holy war will be entered into as America as the agressor, we all have people with a strong Muslim religious fibre within out communities... I can see the War hitting us all even on our own door steps...

So my Answer is WEST Vs EAST World War 3 (That is if a nuke gets launched)


Aids gets the final gene it needs to go air born, we get infectted, there's not enough medication to keep us all alive so only the rich will live, and in most cases the rich are middle aged and not the best for reproducing, the dead will occur faster than we can bury them and infections and illness will wipe out every one...


The Earth gets hit by a large Commet


We launch our first interstella ship and traverse the solar system, another race spots us and invades our planet


Some ones Fridge gets full of Nitrus oxide and the pressure in the air tight contianer is so high it causes and Explotion like nothng seen before and wipes out the planet.

----END NOTE----

OK some of those... well may be all of them are me being creative...

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Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Grey Goo ftw!!

Level 90
Go away Hakumen...

It's impossible to have any clue as to when mankind will end, it could end tomorrow, or quite frankly, never. Not matter what situation you can think of, there is a way around it.

Well if mankind keeps living and living we will eventually, over millenia, evolve by ourselves or with the assistance of machines. In other words, we will no longer be the "men you recognize today.

And it's quite possible for a rouge black hole to come our way in the next thousand years. In fact it's like, #7, on the most possible ways mankind will end, #1 being global warming, and 2 a super virus.
"Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it." - Banksy

I love Firerain
Level 97
The human race is not going to survive, and even if it does, it'll probably die due to lack of things like water and other such stuff
Arlen is hot.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
The human race is not going to survive, and even if it does, it'll probably die due to lack of things like water and other such stuff

lack of water? as global warming becomes a bigger problem, more ice caps melt and a lot of more water is freed into the oceans, later even causing beaches to be pushed more back due to water flooding the land.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

I love Firerain
Level 97
Hohoho, my dear friend, the water will cause floods, causing half the people to die, and it will mix with sea water, so we can't drink it. If we don't drink, we die.
Arlen is hot.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Nightwolf... LOL

If you get Sea Water place in a metal dish put fire below it to heat the water to boiling point and have a canapie above to catch the condinsation the water will run down and be salt free (The salt will remain in the dish).

You can buy these if your at sea:- http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/drinkseawater.html


Fridge Bomb:- http://www.theworstsite.com/?id=-2030544323 (one of these could end Mankind)


My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
Its always funny to watch chavs nearly kill them selves

Level 90
Go away Hakumen...
Floods would create refugees and thus crowding us in. Low level farms would perish because of bad water and the low amount of food would cause millions to die, escecially those in poverty. Poverty would create wars for food, and then on and on.
"Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it." - Banksy

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
Well personally i think the human race would die due to a nucular holocaust, or another race finding us and thinking we were to stupid to live.

I love Firerain
Level 97
Nightwolf... LOL

If you get Sea Water place in a metal dish put fire below it to heat the water to boiling point and have a canapie above to catch the condinsation the water will run down and be salt free (The salt will remain in the dish).

You can buy these if your at sea:- http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/drinkseawater.html


Fridge Bomb:- http://www.theworstsite.com/?id=-2030544323 (one of these could end Mankind)

I knew if i get into the Intelligent Debate again I'd get OWNED.
Arlen is hot.

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
I've always pondered how mankind will eventually end, and I've been wondering how other people think about the same subject. And please, don't say mankind won't end, because all things must end weather you believe in science or not.

I would like for you to please state the most possible event or situation that would end our exsistence.

Quite frankly, I believe it will be super-virus that is highly contagious and kills fast. It is most likely because diseases evolve and mutate much faster than out science can keep up with. You?

There are different scenario's, but I don't think a super-virus will do it, after all the Spanish flu, MRSA, Avian flu, just aren't cutting it.

I'd consider something like Haley's comet blasting into us.

A black hole sucking us up.

A major nuclear disaster

The sun blowing up if we don't get off the planet in time.
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 88
Mankind might end, and Womankind would be free!

(go feminists!)
Kinsei kazoku no mottoo .

Seigi no mae no haamonii
heiwa no mae no barannsu
saigo no ha no mae no junjo ha kudaru


Kinsei Family Motto

Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before the last leaf falls

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Womankind needs mankind though, that's your one weakness.  I'm still pushing for the 2012 pole shift horrible global killer.  Wait and see, I guess.

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
Quote from: biohazard
Womankind needs mankind though, that's your one weakness.

Yes, thats womens greatest weakness... *rolls eyes*
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
If only scientists couldn't find away to make us self-reproducing that statement would be true. If frogs can do it, it's only a matter of time.
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Mankind might end, and Womankind would be free!

(go feminists!)

Mankind would be free too. Free from nagging, eye-rolling, and unexpected pregnancies.

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
Women are mean, they are cold-hearted and deceptive, and toy with ones emotions to get what they want, with no regard to men's feelings whatsoever.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Real men dont have feelings, the sooner you learn that the better off you will be.

Irock touched your custom title
Level 89
I think that some old dude will be smoking when he suddenly died of a heart attack. His cigar will fall out of his mouth and start his curtins on fire. In turn, his house will become a blazing fireball and start his nearby forest on fire. The fire will spread to the ocean when an oil tank has just been spilled and start the ocean on fire. The heat from the ocean will be so hot it will spereate the hydrogen from the water and burn. This will cause the entire atmishphere to burn turning earth into a giant fireball. The end. ;8

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Lol, win.

I think that humans will definitely be the cause of our own end. I don't get why so many people think that we're special enough to witness some cosmic tragedy, like the earth blowing up or something. The earth has been around for a little while, guys. I'm pretty sure that if it was going to up and kill everything on it, it would have by now. And don't give me the whole "dinosaurs meteor" reply. Dinosaurs were hardly intelligent enough to take up a defense.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
your timeframe is too small, the earth has been around billions of years, but when you look at the universe, that isn't that long.  Give earth time to destroy itself.

Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
i am not trying to souhd like a religious freak but the bible does talk about some future events but wether they come true no one knows

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
There are a lot of ways to hear prophecies. Edgar Cayce was a supposed prophet, who put himself into dream-like
trances to look at future events. He made multiple predictions about the Sphinx in Egypt that were very interesting. Also, everyone has heard of Nostradamus at least once. His predictions are always written in metaphor though, giving them the ability to appear prophetic in many situations. The bible does tell many tales about the future, but in what I believe, I take them as life lessons more than omens.

Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
I was just saying that thier are other views that are not directly related to natural distruction.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
You're speaking of the rapture, I'm assuming. I can't really comment you on that, since I don't believe in an afterlife. I just find it hard to believe that people are going to be lifted away from earth, while the rest are left to boil and be condemned. Unless its a secret message about aliens... Biggest conspiracy ever?  ;8

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Holk, you just connected with all my thoughts.  Religion was actually created by alien greys, there are numerous reports throughout the bible of strange lights in the sky, and Jesus himself said "You come from this world, I do not, I come from the world above."  (paraphrased).  What if "angels" are really just the alien greys.  To what purpose would they create religion you ask?  Maybe as a way not to harm our "souls", as they regard us as nothing more than containers, and Robert Lazar thinks perhaps for souls, that they "havest".  As Charles Fort once said, "The Earth is a farm, we are someone elses property". 

Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
You come from this world, I do not, I come from the world above."  (paraphrased). I am sorry I may just not remember It but I do not remember hreading that in the bible or it might be a different version than I use

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
It was the King Zorklins' Bible.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Fuck you, Holk.  ;)

Level 88
I noe you said i can't say that the human race will never end, but in reality, it can't. No virus can kill all humans because there are always a select few who are immune to the virus. Maybe if we get hit by an asteriod right now, but other than that, we well survive. Even if the earth is destoryed in the next 100 years, we probably would be living somewhere else. We would have colonies all ova the galaxy. Also remember, we can always crossbreed with other life forms or aliens. :-*

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I disagree. I think that at the rate viruses mutate, while not probable, it is possible for a disease to wipe out the human race. Also, I don't think interstellar travel is a good reason why we won't be dead. That ability is still a far way off, and even if it did happen in the next hundred years, they wouldn't just be able to move everyone somewhere else. As of this moment, there is nowhere else to go. The nearest star other than our own is still a phenomenal distance away, and just getting there would take longer than a human life span.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero

Sorry, I felt it was deathly important.

There are a number of ways, but worrying only creates still more.

Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
ahhhh yes, i've always wanted to reply to this forum.

Well to me, I have several theories pertaining to how mankind will end, and yes, it'll end brutally, regardless of whether you believe in a religion that states "no man should die, nor suffer in vain". Welcome to science.

The sun
Every star has a cycle. Right now our sun, a star, is now an average sized star, think of it as a middle aged man. The Cycle: Every star forms in a dusty soup of particles and gases known as a STELLAR NEBULA. This nebula can take two routes, morph into an average sized star, or morph into a massive star (Note this is not dangerous, this is just the main sequence). Then those 2 stars take their routes as main sequence stars. In this case, our star is in its main sequence. Billions of years there after, our star begins to lose it's precious fuel source, HYDROGEN. Now the massive star then morphs into a Red Supergiant, and the average sized one turns into a SuperGiant. Once they both run out of fuel, the red giant will blow up into a planetary nebula, and the red supergiant will blow up into a supernova. The Red Giant will finally rest in peace as a white dwarf, whereas the Red Supergiant has the ability rest in peace as a black hole, or a neutron star. There you have it, our planet will abruptly end in 4-6billion years.

Spoiler for:

Rather than waiting 4-6billion years for the sun to burn out, we can have the climate pwn us in a matter of milleniums, or hundreds of years. Studies show that Florida will be 10 ft underwater in 50 years, and venice is already gone. Global Warming is melting the polar ice caps, increasing the water levels of both the atlantic and pacific, as well as the indian ocean. We're really commiting suicide here. Also, the Amazon Rainforest is what absorbs 1/3 of the carbon dioxide in the air, without it, CO2 levels will rise incredibly, but we're cutting it down at an ernormous rate.
Spoiler for:

Asteroid Apophis
It was named after the god of darkness and chaos, in egyptian terms. Apophis has a good chance of hitting earth in april 13, 2029. If it does, then it'll destroy california. If it intends to miss it's target, beware, it'll come back with a vengeance. If it misses california, then it's likely to pass a gravitational keyhole, in which it could turn around and get another shot at us, but this time, falling in the pacific ocean, which will cause more chaos, for the nations that border the pacific. It will cause tsunamis over 100ft high, and it'll create a pressure increasing pulse, therefore, ensueing in a chain of earthquakes, and volcanic eruptions. Not only japan and california are gonna get pwnt by a tsunami, its likely that they'll encounter high richter scaled quakes.

for more information, read these two articles by NASA

Take a look at thise picture. Look at apophis's orbit, and earth's, two chances of it hitting us.
Spoiler for:

Here's another image. That's Cali right there.
Spoiler for:

Theres several ways of avoiding this, but seeming as to how we lack natural resources, we're only limited to a couple of ways to eliminate the target.

Magnet Ship
A giant ship is to be created to attract the asteroid, and pull it away from earth.
Large amounts of fuel, and alluminum, and really giant magnet.

Rocket Nuke
Man... you're gonna need millions of tons of explosives to pull this off. Also, this could create more chaos for earth. As mini asteroids could spray all over earth, some the size of cities. Also, the miniasteroid would have radioactive waste on them, so ya, its really worth it.  >:(

Seeming as how we need technology to thrive, soon or later, technology would thrive on us. If we were to make a a robot, do almost the very samethings on our hands, then we have a catastrophic technobot on our hands. But its least likely we're gonna be killed by bots.

Quote from Oneray
I noe you said i can't say that the human race will never end, but in reality, it can't. No virus can kill all humans because there are always a select few who are immune to the virus. Maybe if we get hit by an asteriod right now, but other than that, we well survive. Even if the earth is destoryed in the next 100 years, we probably would be living somewhere else. We would have colonies all ova the galaxy. Also remember, we can always crossbreed with other life forms or aliens.

Viruses have the ability to mutate faster than we could produce a vaccine for them. As a result, millions of people die from a disease without a proper vaccine. Russians made a hybrid virus, that was able to kill off thousands within a week. they only tested this on animals, thus, it was effective against humans, this was during the cold war. Cloning humans aint an answer to our problems, it costs money, and coloning thousands is very expensive, thus, it would create ethnic and racial problems in humans, also they could be used for mass armies, thus creating a political problem. We also have a chance of living on mars (Surprisingly NASA has plans for this), but doing so would make a new species of human, we wouldn't want interplanetary conflicts would we? Colonies all over the galaxy? Stick to the facts, and stop fantasizing about space. Crossbreeding with other life forms is utterly stupid. It'll create genetic errors, and a truckload of problem regarding this.

Level 88
When i say immunity to viruses, I mean natural immunities. There are some people in the world who will never get AIDS no matter how many people they do and have never gotten shots or what eva. Everyone is immune to something or don'tas affected. That is how animals survive and that is how bacteria survive anti-biotics. You may say that bacteria produce faster but there was always one that had the immunity. I think colonies are possible, but won't happen for a couple of hundered years. I am sure some humans will have children with some aliens and stuff. Humans did make a mule, why can't we make a Chewbaccuman?

I noe another way to stop an asteroid:
You send a missile, which does not explode, and make it penerate the asteroid and go all the way through. As it goes all the way through, high density strings are attached. Once the missile comes out the other end, the missile uses its own propulsion to alter the path of the asteroid. It may move the asteroid a couple of meters but it can change the collision course.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
And what cartoon did you see that work on?

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
Quote from oneray
When i say immunity to viruses, I mean natural immunities. There are some people in the world who will never get AIDS no matter how many people they do and have never gotten shots or what eva. Everyone is immune to something or don'tas affected. That is how animals survive and that is how bacteria survive anti-biotics. You may say that bacteria produce faster but there was always one that had the immunity. I think colonies are possible, but won't happen for a couple of hundered years. I am sure some humans will have children with some aliens and stuff. Humans did make a mule, why can't we make a Chewbaccuman?

I noe another way to stop an asteroid:
You send a missile, which does not explode, and make it penerate the asteroid and go all the way through. As it goes all the way through, high density strings are attached. Once the missile comes out the other end, the missile uses its own propulsion to alter the path of the asteroid. It may move the asteroid a couple of meters but it can change the collision course.

anybody can get aids, at anytime, any place, anywhere. No one is immune to nature's deathly effects. I'm not talking about bacteria dude, I'm talking about viruses, they can mutate faster than we could make vaccines for them. Soon we would have a virus that would not have a vaccine for it, such as aids, and no one is safe from it. We can stay immune as long as we follow simple guidelines. Its just that if we make a simple mistake, our immunity is broken. that missle idea is a very bad idea, why waste money, time, and resources for something that'll slow down apophis.

and really, your arguements are heavily based on fantasy, so if you want to debate, get your facts straight.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
We might as well just face the simple fact that one day, human life will end. We will end up doing something to ourselves, or the earth will make some sort of catastrophic change, and we just won't be here anymore. Its foolish to try and worry about the way we will be wiped out, because that time is just time wasted that you could be living. As the old saying goes, "Anything that can happen, will happen eventually." We are simply an eventuality, as will be the end of our "reign" on this floating boulder we call home. We are lucky to have even existed at all, and wasting time worrying about how we will be destroyed is a disservice to the forces that brought us here.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
all mankind has to end what so ever. Holkeye is 80% correct, we should stop worrying on how we'll die, and just let that time come here. Who knows how it'll end. 20% goes to the fact that debating is fun, and we should have something to discuss.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I totally agree. That's why I didn't say "We shouldn't waste time debating it," but said, "We shouldn't waste time worrying about it."

Level 90
Go away Hakumen...
Damn, this has gone on longer than I expected.

--Still, the fact remains, virus can easily kill us, so can a rouge black hole, or even a star exploding nearby (stars make a big, BIG ka-boom), and climate or nukes are some of the more likely.
"Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it." - Banksy

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
theres a possibility the asteroid might demolish 90% of earth.....

only if we make a stupid decision on how we're gonna demolish the asteroid  :-\

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
but the only thing we could do would shoot missiles at it, even then it would explode then we got lots of smaller ones, meh humans are gonna die but more then likely not in my life time so who cares.

Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
Ok so the sun Idea is out because of it taking millions of years. The astroid is unless when we try to stop it it fails. The nuclear Idea is still possible but people will still survive most likely. The virus is still there but we can stop viruses by quorinteen it and put down safty precautions. So right now not that it will happen we are loking at the global warming thing. Sopposely we see side effects from it from the weather and deeper oceans because we can only slow it down and not prevent it comepletly.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I'm kind of on the fence about the whole global warming thing. Who's to say that it isn't natural for the Earth's climate to shift itself in long spans? We've only had the technology to monitor the climate for the last 100 years at the absolute most, and that is like a second to the Earth. We can't go back and look at the data from longer ago because there wasn't any data to look at.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
have you seen the movie day after tommorow? even scientists say all that crap is possible if global warming is anymore. Sure the asteroid gonna be blown to bits, but think of where the debris will land. It could land in different cities, countries, etc, its depends if you're gonna blow it up near earth or really far from earth. Far: You hve a chance of 30% of the debris missing earth, and the 70% will cause their own destruction. Near: You have a 60% chance of isolating the debris in on region. The other 40% could hit a city perhaps.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I agree that global warming could be possible. I'm just saying that I don't think its provable. Also, where do you come up with your statistics? In almost every thread, you give percentages, and they seem a bit arbitrary to me. Perhaps if I knew what your sources were?

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
i make up my own statistic, they're just theories, and i feel they're very possible. theres a reason why i put thinking words on them (perhaps, maybe, possibly).

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
but either the asteroid is going to kill people, and one of them reduces the losses.

Level 88
Your not getting my point. I am not talking about a vaccine! Some ppl in the world can never get AIDS because they have a gene that resists it. That is how bacteria work! One bacteria is resistant to anti-botics, that will reproduce with other bacteria and sooner or later, all the bacteria are resistant to anti-biotics. That's why anti-biotics can be used to treat every illness for a long period of time. If everyone else dies cuz of a virus, about a thousand or more would survive. This has nothing to with vaccines or medicine, this has to do with EVOLUTION!

And about the missile idea, I am sry but that is what NASA is building RIGHT NOW! You know that some asteroids are porous, so a nuke would go right through it. This idea alters its course by attaching on to it. It is a lot more cheaper cuz you don't to spend money on explosives or worry about nuclear stuff.
« Last Edit: April 04, 2007, 08:56:05 PM by oneray »

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
bacteria are not viruses, they only carry them. it is only viruses that can mutate. There has been no specific proof of a gene that can avoid aids, if it were, then it'd be on the news and i'd know it by now, because i take a integrated medical science class, and finding that gene will be very hard. The human Genome project would've found it by now, but as i've said its hard to find that particular gene. Also, thats possible by genetic altering, or in simpler terms, mutation. the only mutations i've seen were physical and neurological mutations. Also, cloning humans to make them superhumans is illegal, so therefore, not possible.

Level 87
Single eared prophet
And please, don't say mankind won't end, because all things must end weather you believe in science or not.
How could we know? Mankind is very resistant, I believe that even the end of our planet wouldn't mean our death.
Evolution is the only point in which I trust. In 100000 years, maybe we'll still exist but we probably won't be the same as today.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Everything ends.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
sammy, look at all the crap earth's been going through. how do you expect mankind to resist this, and even if we were to resist the natural shit, we won't be able to resist the sun losing energy and dieing out, burning yp the planets, causing ourselves to go extinct.

Level 88
The sun ain't going to burn up for another 1 billion or more years. It took us 4000 years to exceed the sound of speed and have high-definition pornography. I am sure in 1 billion+ years, we can get off this planet. I am pretty sure humans will cease to exist but not after 10 billion years.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
the average star,  has a lifetime of 10billions years, the earth took 4billion to form, that leaves us less than 6billion years for mandkind to fullfil it's duties. We can get off this planet alright, but im pretty sure they wont do it for another hundred years of course. Also, i dont think we should colonize on other planets. We're not fit for their environment, and also it's time consuming and why waste time and money to send humans to another planet, only to have them mutate into another species of humans.

Level 87
Single eared prophet
Global warming will make the earth unbearable long before the sun's death.
sammy, look at all the crap earth's been going through. how do you expect mankind to resist this, and even if we were to resist the natural shit, we won't be able to resist the sun losing energy and dieing out, burning yp the planets, causing ourselves to go extinct.
IF we stay here you are right. But in one century no one can tell the technology that would be ours. Maybe we will be able to move to another planet where life is possible. Science-fiction you say? Yes, For now it is but tell anyone who lived during the middle ages that in the 20th century there will be flying machines...

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
I call no more "interplanetary" defenses in this topic.

Level 88
Colonies could created in attempts to find the next earth. I am sure that everybody would not want to go to planet A. We could divide and find our own planets. That is basically how humans got from Africa to the rest of the world.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
Why waste money and time to find the next suitable planet? Theres a planet called pegasus, its just like ours, but it'll take more than 50-100 years to get to. Theres no way of survival on that planet because of temperature conditions. so i reject idea of colonising on other planets. Why the fuck r we talking about interplanetary colonization? we're not ready for that, stick to the subject.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
2012, end of the world. 

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
i highly doubt it  >:(

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Why would I care, you won't doubt anything when you are under miles of ice.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
wow, i find that kind of funny, especially when it comes from someone who wants society to crumble.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
First of all, Biohazard, you're wrong. I've told you this before though. Second, if you believe its going to be electromagnetism that kills us, where does the ice come in?

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
he's probably talking about the next ice age, which wont happen soon enough.

Level 88
The ice age doesn't happen in matters of days. It happens over many years. I think we would see it coming and get ready long before it actually happens.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
unless you havent seen day after tommorow, which was scientifically proven to be true, the ice age will hit hard, theres no way of preparing for that. Not even burning library books will help. And soon we'll be forced to cross the mexican border, just for the sake of their own lives. its not easy to evacuate, unless you're living in the south. People aren't ready to prepare for times like these. They're unpredictable, an because of global warming, this has a high possiblity of happening.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
unless you havent seen day after tommorow, which was scientifically proven to be true,


Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
I think you are talking about something completely different, Holk.  What I am talking about is the Earth stopping on it's axis, then spinning the other way, destroying almost all life in the process.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Oh, then no. Thats not going to happen either.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
i agree with holkeye.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Ruhani, why would I care?  Really, ask yourself that, and you will realize that I could possibly care any less about what you beleive.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
i already realize that, so stop wasting your time posting that.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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The 2012 theory, in which the world is supposed to end, is purely miss understood I think.

The Incans, in which we base this theory off of, say that Quetzalcoatl (sorry if I butchered that) will come in 2012, but that's just the start of it:

The Incans where supposed to be able to predict earth quakes to the day they happened I read. They were supposed to be very good at predicting earth quakes, and supposedly:
In 2012 "Bad Times" will start, yet they will end, and "Good Times" will begin again.

I don't know if that's what they said, but that's what I read. So, according to that, the world will be in bad times, then it will become good again!  :D

But, I don't know what else...I never studied them too much.

So, in my opinion, when the media says the world is going to end, is false, it's just going to be bad times. But I think that the world will not end, I think it'll just be like another ice age. If something like that does happen.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
The 2012 theory, in which the world is supposed to end, is purely miss understood I think.

The Incans, in which we base this theory off of, say that Quetzalcoatl (sorry if I butchered that) will come in 2012, but that's just the start of it:

The Incans where supposed to be able to predict earth quakes to the day they happened I read. They were supposed to be very good at predicting earth quakes, and supposedly:
In 2012 "Bad Times" will start, yet they will end, and "Good Times" will begin again.

I don't know if that's what they said, but that's what I read. So, according to that, the world will be in bad times, then it will become good again!  :D

But, I don't know what else...I never studied them too much.

So, in my opinion, when the media says the world is going to end, is false, it's just going to be bad times. But I think that the world will not end, I think it'll just be like another ice age. If something like that does happen.

'Twas the Mayans, not the Incas.
Also, read about the Hopis. ~

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
I find Tiwanaku and the Toltec empire the most interesting ones, they are respectively pre-incan and pre-mayan civilizations.
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Well, and no surprise here, that has nothing to do with the topic.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Well, I will find some half respectable websites that detail what I am talking about, namely the magnetic field of the earth changing, and over a 5 day period the earth stopping, both poles moving to where the randomly assigned new magnetic force is, and then righting itself, with the poles where they used to be, but the rest of the world not.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
The 2012 theory, in which the world is supposed to end, is purely miss understood I think.

The Incans, in which we base this theory off of, say that Quetzalcoatl (sorry if I butchered that) will come in 2012, but that's just the start of it:

The Incans where supposed to be able to predict earth quakes to the day they happened I read. They were supposed to be very good at predicting earth quakes, and supposedly:
In 2012 "Bad Times" will start, yet they will end, and "Good Times" will begin again.

I don't know if that's what they said, but that's what I read. So, according to that, the world will be in bad times, then it will become good again!  :D

But, I don't know what else...I never studied them too much.

So, in my opinion, when the media says the world is going to end, is false, it's just going to be bad times. But I think that the world will not end, I think it'll just be like another ice age. If something like that does happen.

'Twas the Mayans, not the Incas.
Also, read about the Hopis. ~

Oppps! I knew I had something wrong with that, why would the Incans have Q as their god? The Mayans and the Aztecs shared Quetzalcoatl right? (hehe, I should now this....)

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
wasn't this topic dead for a few weeks? or did i not check it in my 'show ne replies to your posts'

Crew Slut
Level 93
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 ;D I revived it.

Mr.Bean says:

If the world does happen to come to a halting stop, bring a towel.

Level 87
He's got my gravity gun...
I highly doubt the world will end due to an ice age or global warming, which is just a phase that everyone is making a huge deal over.  20 years ago it was global cooling people were worried about, this isn't a big problem. and the day after tomorrow is about as factual as a wikipedia entry edited by a five year old.

While we may end up killing ourselves off, this I am skeptical about as well, seeing as we have been fighting ourselves since day 1 and we haven't managed to destroy ourselves yet.

There are some who argue we will run out of resources for the ever growing population, this may be true.  But as we time goes on and the human race progresses we will most likely find ways to survive.

Aliens? maybe, but until they actually make themselves blatantly know to us, more advanced and obviously hostile, I keep this possibility astronomically small. 

Apparently the sun will eventually die out billions of years from now, I see this as our most likely end but I will not be around to witness it, so its all good.
You just got Frohwned!

Resource Maker
Level 91
I am still going with the Exploading Fridge Idea... I mean if it was covered in magnetic letters imagine the Carnage !!!... CARNAGE I tell ya !!!

(To find out WTF I am on about see page one of this thread)

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Crew Slut
Level 93
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I highly doubt the world will end due to an ice age or global warming, which is just a phase that everyone is making a huge deal over.  20 years ago it was global cooling people were worried about, this isn't a big problem. and the day after tomorrow is about as factual as a wikipedia entry edited by a five year old.

While we may end up killing ourselves off, this I am skeptical about as well, seeing as we have been fighting ourselves since day 1 and we haven't managed to destroy ourselves yet.

There are some who argue we will run out of resources for the ever growing population, this may be true.  But as we time goes on and the human race progresses we will most likely find ways to survive.

Aliens? maybe, but until they actually make themselves blatantly know to us, more advanced and obviously hostile, I keep this possibility astronomically small. 

Apparently the sun will eventually die out billions of years from now, I see this as our most likely end but I will not be around to witness it, so its all good.

Hmmmm....I have to agree with some of that.

Bull that the sun will ever die out, I remember a long time ago on art bell, some guy as on saying how he works for the government and it's his job to keep the sun from dying out.
I think that's a load of bull. (what the guest said)

I agree that e will survive incase we do run out of resources, but I think, eventually, it'll all come back, and it'll keep repeating over and over again...

Maybe Chuck Norris will save us....hah.

But what if we find another earth? That would be sweet!

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
I highly doubt the world will end due to an ice age or global warming, which is just a phase that everyone is making a huge deal over.  20 years ago it was global cooling people were worried about, this isn't a big problem. and the day after tomorrow is about as factual as a wikipedia entry edited by a five year old.

the movie is as about as factual as anything. Al Gore, says it completely relevates to his theories, which are true. You need to see the movie (The Inconvenient Truth: a documentary by al gore). It has alot facts, and truths about global warming, its just that the government tries to hide all facts about global warming. The movie explains all, no need for further talking.

and we did indeed find another earth, but their sun is huge compared to ours.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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Yeah, I don't really listen to the news, so heard it on Colbert last night. Just googled it to find a story. 


Level 87
He's got my gravity gun...

Al Gore, says it completely relevates to his theories, which are true.

You just got Frohwned!

Level 88
We reach the stars or actually be able to travel space with afortable prices and what not, the human race would probably exist forever. :zoid:

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
I hope that doesn't happen. 

Crew Slut
Level 93
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Hmmm...I sort of have to agree with you.

But the end of man kind, does this mean what? I bring up a very very good point:

By this, does it mean the end of everything that is, was and is going to be? Or just of Earth? Nobody can answer, and I don't think anyone has the liberty too either.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
The end of the human race.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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Hmm...no one can say for sure, and I don't think the media has the liberty to say, because, even we don't know if it's true.

I have no opinion other than I don't know. But I guess it would have to fall in the end of the human race, also. But even if we go to this other earth, how could that help? Because if it's the end of humans, there's no stopping us from dying.

Level 91
Blah blah blah...
Project of the Month winner for November 2008
Well there aren't a lot of ways to end human life forever. Like the dinosaurs it's going to take more than a little climate change to destroy 6,000,000,000+ people. Since humans are basically everywhere we have to take into account the probabilities of surviving the many situations that are presented to us.

Global warming, highly doubtful that will do anything. What better way to have fun away from the sun than to repopulate the world.

Nuclear warfare, anyone living anywhere has a good chance of surviving. It's like walking in a swamp full of man eating crocodiles. Chances are your going to live to see the next day, of course you may lose some friends on the way but that's basically the chance of survival.

I'm going to guess mankind will end in evolution, like the extinction of some animals. We'll probably evolve to a much less intelligent life form. Even if all of mankind were to become extinct, something else is going to take our place. Either that or a crazy virus that instantly kills you. Of course this is only a theory, but it's my opinion anyways. Mankind exists to fill the world, and if we don't do our job something else will.

- -

Crew Slut
Level 93
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Have ta agree with ya there.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
We'll probably evolve to a much less intelligent life form.
Paradoxical, wouldn't that be devolving?  And why would we need to do that?

Level 88
I imagine that the only way we would all be wiped out, is if a huge void swallowed us all. This would be a black hole, large enough that we wouldn't be able to escape it, that is now.

If man-kind were to be wiped out, women would be very happy, but would most likely turn into lesbians and find a way to reproduce without them.

If humankind were wiped out in the future, I would think that it would be due to a more intelligent, more advanced life form with weapons that we could hold no candle to without it being extinguished.

There are some who think we devolved from a far more important civilization, and lost our innate abilities, this might be so in the future but I doubt it. Perhaps we will just be killed via civil war because one person thinks something different from another.
Kinsei kazoku no mottoo .

Seigi no mae no haamonii
heiwa no mae no barannsu
saigo no ha no mae no junjo ha kudaru


Kinsei Family Motto

Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before the last leaf falls

You zetta sons of digits.
Level 91
If the human race die out, meh, im still waiting for some Dumb fuck to say lets shoot garbage into space, no offense to anyone here but i think the human race has left its stink on the earth,

well apart from the people who use there heads, people who recycle ect.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
find a way to reproduce without them.
Yeah, like there are any girl scientists  ::)

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin, Nina Byers, Margaret Fountaine, Linda B. Buck; I know you were being sarcastic, but I just had to.
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 88
I world full of lesbians...mmmmmmmm...are these girl hot by any chance? If so can I some directions. ;D

Crew Slut
Level 93
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For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
I world full of lesbians...mmmmmmmm...are these girl hot by any chance? If so can I some directions. ;D

You're strange....

Marie Curie, Rosalind Franklin, Nina Byers, Margaret Fountaine, Linda B. Buck; I know you were being sarcastic, but I just had to.

And that's it, compared to the....male scientists....
I Doubt the human race will ever become apes, and I doubt we ever were. Darwin, sorry buddy, but there are waaaay too many flaws in Evolution.

Level 87
He's got my gravity gun...
You're strange....

ummm, no he isn't? perfectly sensible
You just got Frohwned!

Level 91
Blah blah blah...
Project of the Month winner for November 2008
I Doubt the human race will ever become apes, and I doubt we ever were. Darwin, sorry buddy, but there are waaaay too many flaws in Evolution.

Can you name a few flaws? Besides the lack of god's involvement?
I don't think humans will become apes, rather just more stupid. And if global change is in effect, then we will adapt. Too cold? We'll probably glow more hair, too warm? less hair. If you hadn't notice we've grown much bigger over the past years. 100 years ago the tallest person would probably be only 6'0". We adapted to our environment, like racial distribution across the world, and I believe that won't change anytime soon. So if the human race would die, it would have to happen in a short period of time.

And in a world full of lesbians, I'm sure at least 1/10 of them would be a transsexual.

- -

Crew Slut
Level 93
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For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
1. If we were, apes, then how did we become humans? How did we evolve?
2. What created apes?
3. How did the earth get here? Big bang? Doubt it, because what caused that?
4. What evolved to apes
5. Species can't evolve into other species

100 years ago the tallest person would probably be only 6'0". We adapted to our environment,

You know the skeleton they found in Africa was a lot bigger than any modern body builds.

You're strange....

ummm, no he isn't? perfectly sensible

How did it get from end of the world onto lesbian planet?

Level 91
Blah blah blah...
Project of the Month winner for November 2008
1. If we were, apes, then how did we become humans? How did we evolve?
Actually that's where most people have their mistakes. We weren't apes >.>
We were "like" apes, but just a different form.
2. What created apes?
Carbon and other random stuff.
3. How did the earth get here? Big bang? Doubt it, because what caused that?
If big bang was a sex orgy then I doubt it too. Apparently thats not the case. the big bang was just a theory in which spinning gas was compressed by gravity and eventually exploded into solid forms.
4. What evolved to apes
An earlier form of apes?
5. Species can't evolve into other species
No shit

- -

Crew Slut
Level 93
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For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
1. If we were, apes, then how did we become humans? How did we evolve?
Actually that's where most people have their mistakes. We weren't apes >.>
We were "like" apes, but just a different form.
2. What created apes?
Carbon and other random stuff.
3. How did the earth get here? Big bang? Doubt it, because what caused that?
If big bang was a sex orgy then I doubt it too. Apparently thats not the case. the big bang was just a theory in which spinning gas was compressed by gravity and eventually exploded into solid forms.
4. What evolved to apes
An earlier form of apes?
5. Species can't evolve into other species
No shit

Rethink your sentence if you want to argue about Darwin's theory.
Because it comes off as if you are agreeing with Darwin's theory being wrong.

Again, the bing bang, what cause the gas and gravity? How did that get there, evolved?

1. If we were Ape Like, then we weren't actually apes, and just an old fashioned human.
So Darwin wasn't right about evolution...

2. What created the carbon and other random stuff?

4. An earlier form  of apes. Need I say more?

5. No shit is right, you just said the magic word, how is Darwin's theory correct than?

Back to subject

If the humans died, is it just because earth has become toxic? Hmmm...
And could we move to a different planet to stop that?

Level 91
@Mexneto: LOL
@Mr Moo: You have some idea on how to debate, but you should learn more on what you believe before doing so.

I didn't even see this, certainly hope I'm not too late. =o

1. If we were, apes, then how did we become humans? How did we evolve?

Well as said, we where never apes. We where in a similar family as them and at one stage we where as one, or very close. One group of our ancestors would have separated to different lands (possibly for food, or water) and due to the different environment, different evolutionary changes would have occurred.

2. What created apes?

This is a beautiful religious answer used; "If science doesn't know all the answers, then it's wrong!!". Well, you believed that your god always existed and that there's no predecessor, why can't I say the same for this question? =o

Well I won't, because unlike religion I can answer, at least to what you meant in your question. "If we came from apes, or something similar to them, then what was before that?", right? You seem to know very little on natural selection, while I wont go in-depth on the matter, I'm happy to tell you a little.

Natural Selection: The basic idea (as MrMoo has already said) is small changes due to surrounding or need. The changes are not directly caused with what's around the animal, but rather mutation. As you know when parents have children, they're not an exact copy of mum and dad, they will always have a slight variable. If that change is better it will spread out.
Spoiler for Example Explanation of N.S.:
A species of birds finds itself in a new home, and the major source of food is little worms/bugs within tree branches, and they have to struggle to get the worms by placing their beaks within gaps of the branch to retrieve the worm. Well along comes an offspring (or three) and due to natural genetic mutation, their beak is a little longer, well that means they can grab the worms with slight more ease and therefor have more nutrients for breeding, and a larger supply of food for their offspring. Meaning that slowly the long-beaks will become dominant in that species bird. The process repeats and repeats until you have a new animal very well suited for that environment.

So in short, the ape was something else before it was an ape all the way back until the original source of life.

3. How did the earth get here? Big bang? Doubt it, because what caused that?

We don't know with any certainty of what caused the big bang, what we do know how ever that it did indeed occur.  A theory doesn't need to explain everything in order to be correct. The big bang states that it was an explosion that created the universe and shows enough evidence for it to be labeled a scientific fact. If you had any clue as to the actual work and heavy debate a theory undergoes before it is labeled that you would appreciate what that means, I sadly doubt you do.

There are many thoughts as to what  started off the big bang, but no person of science would state them, or present them because unlike religion science will not say it knows the explanation without proper backings.

4. What evolved to apes


5. Species can't evolve into other species

Going by your lack of understanding of evolution I'm surprised you can even pronounce the word, Mexineto. You know what about it, besides what your church has told you..? Well going by the layout of your sentence, 'Species can't evolve into other species' that would say what then? That you believe animals can evolve?? You said "into another species" you didn't say "They don't evolve". So now you do  believe in evolution of some form??

Well if you believe in natural selection as the form of evolution's occurrence, then you believe in both 'micro' and 'macro' evolution (both words which are now heavily outdated). The method of N.S. explains evolution in one whole, saying you believe in micro (small change between an animal) yet you don't believe in macro (large changes of an animal turning into another) is like say "I believe I can take a step forward yet not cross the street!". The evolutionary steps is identical between large and small changes, it's just a different amount of time in which it has taken effect.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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Now I just feel stupid.

No, I really have no opinion on what created us, or who created us. And I do go to church, although I don't believe everything they say, just because the church said it, and almost every church I went to the priest was either a greedy jerk or came off to be pedophile...
And you do know, there are tons of catholic scientists?

I do know what Natural science is, and I have a big liking to it.
I also believe species can adapt, or else I think we wouldn't be here. And adapting isn't evolving, by the means of Darwin, anyway. Totally.
Science has come a long way, and a lot of Darwin's theories were based off his findings when he was around. And there are tons of flaws in Darwin's theories.
In his time, science as he knew it, his theories, said that human evolved from ape, because of the such similar body and skeleton build.
Evolution, the theory, and the word are two very different things, it seems.
The  theory (And I call it that, because we have no proof that it is real, until then, theory) is based of the ape transformation into modern man.
The word is usually used to signify things that have changed over the years in things such as languages.

The body, I forgot what they called it (was it bones? Or is that something else I'm thinking of), the one they found in Africa, it is bigger than the modern human body, by a lot, yet it is still too small to be an apes body. So if evolution is real, it would have been billions of years in the making.

And every question like this can be answered(?) with "Why"? Which no one can explain in reality. And it pisses people off to try and debunk or prove the "why" wrong.

I think the same thing ever time I think of god, why don't we ever think of beings who could have been before him? And when I questioned my "church teacher" with that, (I hated those god damned things) it, he basically looked like he thought I was a psycho, and that really pissed me off.

I'm not saying if science doesn't know the answer then it's wrong, I'm bringing up another branch to what could have created it.

That you believe animals can evolve?? You said "into another species" you didn't say "They don't evolve". So now you do  believe in evolution of some form??

And first of all, we have our separate opinions it seems, and why can't respect them and get back on subject.
Space, time, reality and logic, we make our own thoughts to become reality. So, why not just get along and consider our differences as opinions.

But why has this gone off subject?

And last of all, my ending opinion, and my final opinion:

(a): God created everything.
(b): Evolution, and we evolved.

Both of those piss me off, because those opinions usually fall in to my non-religious friends or my super religious friends who hate evolution.

But in my opinion, why couldn't have god created evolution? Why is it so hard to think that? Because science and religion don't mix? I think not.

Level 87
To Mexnato

Read Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code both by Dan Brown, they show that sometimes science and religion can mix.

To Everybody

Who cares when mankind ends, if it ends far in the future then we  don't have anything to worry about apart from the eventual end of our life (our life being the one we ourselves are living  now not ones that belong to other people).

Resource Maker
Level 91
The Kindness of man ended long ago...

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
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Level 87
That it did :'(

Resource Maker
Level 91
Really what makes us men or what we are is our cores... And most of the people on this planet are out fr them selves...

Should we be faced with any of the pre-mentioned disasters, will we band together or save our selves and sod every one else ?

Will any one who is anyone stay top soil to save their people... I doubt it...

I just hope the end of the owrld doesn't happen in my life time or my childrns, childrens... 3 generation from now, I don't give a rats arse...LOL

In 3 Generations time if thing carry on as they re now, terrorist wont be using car bombs... they will have Nuke Grenaides orsome thing.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Crew Slut
Level 93
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I just hope the end of the owrld doesn't happen in my life time or my childrns, childrens... 3 generation from now, I don't give a rats arse...LOL

I have to agree with you man!

To Mexnato

Read Angels and Demons and The Da Vinci Code both by Dan Brown, they show that sometimes science and religion can mix.

To Everybody

Who cares when mankind ends, if it ends far in the future then we  don't have anything to worry about apart from the eventual end of our life (our life being the one we ourselves are living  now not ones that belong to other people).

Dan Brown isn't one of my interests.

Level 91
And you do know, there are tons of catholic scientists?

Yes, pathetic men who refuse the truth despite having the answer.

I do know what Natural science is, and I have a big liking to it.
I also believe species can adapt, or else I think we wouldn't be here. And adapting isn't evolving, by the means of Darwin, anyway. Totally.

You seem to be using a different meaning for the word "adapt", please explain this as I doubt you purely mean adjust...

Science has come a long way, and a lot of Darwin's theories were based off his findings when he was around. And there are tons of flaws in Darwin's theories. Science has come a long way, and a lot of Darwin's theories were based off his findings when he was around. And there are tons of flaws in Darwin's theories.

Of course there are flaws in Darwin's original theory, that's why we don't use it, we use a modern theory based on current findings.

In his time, science as he knew it, his theories, said that human evolved from ape, because of the such similar body and skeleton build. Evolution, the theory, and the word are two very different things, it seems.
The  theory (And I call it that, because we have no proof that it is real, until then, theory) is based of the ape transformation into modern man.

You think the Darwin's theory of evolution is solely based on man having evolved from the ape family..? Please sir, get some more information on the thing you refute so much before fighting it.

The word is usually used to signify things that have changed over the years in things such as languages.

No, it means to change. Simply.

The body, I forgot what they called it (was it bones? Or is that something else I'm thinking of), the one they found in Africa, it is bigger than the modern human body, by a lot, yet it is still too small to be an apes body. So if evolution is real, it would have been billions of years in the making.

I really don't get this part..? Not billions of years for evolution to take large change, millions.

And every question like this can be answered(?) with "Why"? Which no one can explain in reality. And it pisses people off to try and debunk or prove the "why" wrong.

Again: ???

I think the same thing ever time I think of god, why don't we ever think of beings who could have been before him? And when I questioned my "church teacher" with that, (I hated those god damned things) it, he basically looked like he thought I was a psycho, and that really pissed me off.

Well yes, the church isn't the best place to nurture and develop free thinking.

I'm not saying if science doesn't know the answer then it's wrong, I'm bringing up another branch to what could have created it.

Why? Because you're smarter then the greatest minds on the planet?

And first of all, we have our separate opinions it seems, and why can't respect them and get back on subject.
Space, time, reality and logic, we make our own thoughts to become reality. So, why not just get along and consider our differences as opinions.

Because your opinion is one of ignorance and indoctrination.

why couldn't have god created evolution? Why is it so hard to think that? Because science and religion don't mix? I think not.

One side is true, and one is not. Don't worry, soon enough when religion is finally backed into a corner of science it can't refute, then it will say God created evolution, as a means to hang on to power.

The minute man decided to think for himself, religion started to die.

I can say one thing on the end of human kind; it won't be stopping with an angel blowing it's trumpet...

Level 91
Blah blah blah...
Project of the Month winner for November 2008
Mex, I assume you're a fairly religious person. And DS is pretty much a complete atheist. I respect your beliefs and opinions but you can't base science off one person's theory. Things sometimes just can't be explained, and the easiest way to find an answer is to read the bible.
There's a reason we have religion, to help us understand complicated things in life. Without religion it would be like playing hockey without a rulebook, government without the charter of rights or RMRK without the mods. It helps us determine right from wrong, and that's the part of religion I respect.
Instead of trying draw more cards from the deck, accept the cards you are dealt.

And DS, you pretty much summed everything up. I just figured he would understand the simple answers I gave lol.

- -

Level 88
Koodos to MrMoo. Reilgion is the science that helps us live peacefully and righteously.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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Mex, I assume you're a fairly religious person. And DS is pretty much a complete atheist. I respect your beliefs and opinions but you can't base science off one person's theory. Things sometimes just can't be explained, and the easiest way to find an answer is to read the bible.
There's a reason we have religion, to help us understand complicated things in life. Without religion it would be like playing hockey without a rulebook, government without the charter of rights or RMRK without the mods. It helps us determine right from wrong, and that's the part of religion I respect.
Instead of trying draw more cards from the deck, accept the cards you are dealt.

And DS, you pretty much summed everything up. I just figured he would understand the simple answers I gave lol.

I can handle that. She sounds just like my father. (DS)

Also, can we get back on subject?

What if other planets were just like earth? Then, they died out.

EDIT: One more card, if I didn't already bring this up:

Darwin had no proof of evolution, as he created evolution from the fact that humans and apes skeletal build is alike.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2007, 07:08:16 PM by Mexneto »

Level 87
Modern solutions to a modern problem, changing our lifestyles would only slow down the problem because of the damage already in play, that and CO2 gases are naturally released. Given that animals release more CO2 then we do combined, it may be a naturally occurring phenomena from a newly evolved species!  You can't just put the blame on man without the proper knowhow.

We mass-breed literally billions of cattle, sheep, chickens etc, whilst destroying vast amounts of plant life and forestation =o
this or star buring out...or somthing is going to collide into our planet

Level 88
I was led to belive divine intervention would occour and chuck norris would suddenly go back to being that ass kicking, cowboy lone ranger dude, and then he'd be all like "China, you guys suck resouces into making tanks and warheads and fake sexual toys" so china would be all like "No way we r teh r0x" and chuck would be all "Nah you are teh Fail" And so would intergalaxtic war would begin with the hip'n and the bob'n, so the kids in the next generation dont know what the jass is all about. . . See jas is like jello pudd'n. . no wait acctualy its more like kodac film. . no wait really its like the new coke, it'll be arounf for ever HEH HEH HEH, so anyways chuck would summon the powers of his manlyness. .ness (i am soo drunk i think . .) So yeah china will die, and due to all off our contrys trade with that place we'd all fall into a third world contry fighting with like kenya for land, and then we all warp to like 1999 so we'd be all like "HAMMER TIME!!1!!!2!!!!" AND SO FORTH COMES THE WORLDS BREAKING WERE WE ALL CLOG UP OUR SEWERS AND THE WORLD SOMEHOW EXPLODES MAKING A MASSIVE ASSIDIC MESS THAT KILLS AND EETS US ALL!!!. . yeah and i'd be like "Im so not teh fail" so i'dd be like GEEKY POWERS" and i'd pull a ligh saber out and then i'd be ligh swing swish and dead china would be like dead XD and id be likc chuck norris is teh r0xn my s0xns. .yeah and he pisses in japans rivers ans then he eets alaskia and then he basicly eets and pwns us all. . .

Yeah, i think it will be somthing to do with Nukes. . climate change or giant evil robots named hank, and so concludes my fail
Good Bye. RMRK you were cool while I wasn't there.

Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
Good references, but fail for not spelling jazz right  ;8

Level 87
great war or climate shift or big star (after I am dead XD) or even God's Judgment (Catholic XD)

Level 88
America will spell the end of mankind, definitely.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
America will spell the end of mankind, definitely.

I don't know if it will be totally our fault, but I'm almost positive that we will be involved with it in some way. If Amerika even exists when the end comes.

Also, good to see you back. It's been a while.

Level 88
China is going to make us all chienese.

Level 88
Except America, we're noncomformist.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 88
The mind is the best weapon.
If a virus like you said was capable, it would have killed us off long ago in my opinion.

My guess is nuclear war. We've been at the brink, and it will be pushed farther in the future.

America won't go down without trying to save it's own ass first. Which is, in my opinion, terrible.

Level 88
Goddamn humans always wanting to keep their lives.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 87
We keep but dont really value

Level 88
We should make this a debate about the inherent value of human life (which is, unsurprisingly for many of you I'm sure, not something I'm totally convinced of) rather than one of the end of mankind, since that's stupid anyways.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
We keep but don't really value is....  :=:

We take, but we don't really value what is reality. Computers, video games, books, movies, tv shows, virtual reality...
I think stupid kids will see dumb movies like 28 days later and want to invent the rage virus, same with resident evil.
Media is corrupting this world...if there were a virus, I'm sure it wouldn't be a zombie transforming virus, but rather, something that can corrupt things, and break them down, multiply on our cells, gain our knowledge...Maybe a little far fetched...

What if aliens do exist, and they are just waiting for Chuck Norris to die...

Level 88
What the FUCK!?
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

im in ur interwebs, pointin out ur stupids
Level 87
We keep but don't really value is....  :=:

We take, but we don't really value what is reality. Computers, video games, books, movies, tv shows, virtual reality...
I think stupid kids will see dumb movies like 28 days later and want to invent the rage virus, same with resident evil.
Media is corrupting this world...if there were a virus, I'm sure it wouldn't be a zombie transforming virus, but rather, something that can corrupt things, and break them down, multiply on our cells, gain our knowledge...Maybe a little far fetched...

What if aliens do exist, and they are just waiting for Chuck Norris to die...

I just registered to say that you're fucking retarded. Kthnxdie.

Level 88
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
We keep but don't really value is....  :=:

We take, but we don't really value what is reality. Computers, video games, books, movies, tv shows, virtual reality...
I think stupid kids will see dumb movies like 28 days later and want to invent the rage virus, same with resident evil.
Media is corrupting this world...if there were a virus, I'm sure it wouldn't be a zombie transforming virus, but rather, something that can corrupt things, and break them down, multiply on our cells, gain our knowledge...Maybe a little far fetched...

What if aliens do exist, and they are just waiting for Chuck Norris to die...

I just registered to say that you're fucking retarded. Kthnxdie.


What part was weird? The Chuck Norris part? That was a joke...
I was saying that media is killing off reality, and making, this very grotesque way of viewing life, eventually, nothing but sci-fi houses, curfew, guards, etc...

Level 88
Everything. Also, why haven't you cut yet? You really should, seeing as you're still acting incredibly retarded and nothing you're saying makes sense.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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It does make sense...

Media gives us an impression of a "perfect" life that's not real.
We go out, act like these people we see on tv, do things we see, repeat things we do.
Eventually, giving us a virtual reality, mixing in with movies and tv making it even worse.
Killing be comes a fact, guerrillas, rebels, guns, violence. End of World.
(Or at least a post apocalypse)

Level 88
No, it makes no sense.
You're overestimating the influence the media has on people's thoughts and actions. People don't go around imitating Dr. House or Tony Soprano.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
No, it makes no sense.
You're overestimating the influence the media has on people's thoughts and actions. People don't go around imitating Dr. House or Tony Soprano.

I've seen my fair share...
And Dr. House? He's just an ass, but he saves people.

The influence media has on people's thoughts is how much they believe, mainly, the news.
I've never seen the Soprano's, well, only once, and less than half an episode. It kind of sucked...  :=:

Media plays a huge factor in almost everything. Food even.
Most people don't go see something like Scar Face and go out and kill a bunch of people, but there are sick people in this world, stupid people, who want to try it.

Level 88
Movies don't turn people into murderers. It'd be great if you supplied evidence to the contrary, however.
Also, I was just pulling random characters out of my ass- I don't watch much TV, and I'm not  a House fan nor have I seen the Sopranos. But it'd be obvious if people were tying to mimic TV characters, and they don't. They mimic their peers and mentors.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Crew Slut
Level 93
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For taking a crack at the RMRK Wiki
Movies don't turn people into murderers. It'd be great if you supplied evidence to the contrary, however.
Also, I was just pulling random characters out of my ass- I don't watch much TV, and I'm not  a House fan nor have I seen the Sopranos. But it'd be obvious if people were tying to mimic TV characters, and they don't. They mimic their peers and mentors.

Sorry, (bout that, I hit post by accident!)
people also mimic idols...if someone mimics an idol who does something, you don't think they;ll rub off on them?
And mentors and peers? Same thing.

Level 91
We keep but don't really value is....  :=:

We take, but we don't really value what is reality. Computers, video games, books, movies, tv shows, virtual reality...
I think stupid kids will see dumb movies like 28 days later and want to invent the rage virus, same with resident evil.
Media is corrupting this world...if there were a virus, I'm sure it wouldn't be a zombie transforming virus, but rather, something that can corrupt things, and break them down, multiply on our cells, gain our knowledge...Maybe a little far fetched...

What if aliens do exist, and they are just waiting for Chuck Norris to die...

I just registered to say that you're fucking retarded. Kthnxdie.


Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
I don't see what is is wrong with using characters found in movies and TV shows as role models. If it makes a person happy to draw on TV, movies, or books for inspiration then why should we care?

Edit: what is the difference between using, say, William Mandella as a role model and Jesus from the Bible?
« Last Edit: May 27, 2007, 09:32:18 AM by Saladin »

Level 88
Movies and stuff like that are just outlets for our desires. It is our nature to push ourselves, fight, and go on dangerous adventures. We bottle that all up due to the rules of society. We humans were meant to do more, not sit around and make babies!

Level 88
If a person chooses as a role model a violent character off of TV, it's probably a sign that the person is fucked up to begin with and probably would pick an equally bad, if not worse, mentor independent of the media.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
Going back to the topic, (sort of), I like Vonnegut's view on possible extinction being something formed from opinion. Its not really to be taken very seriously, but it is interesting. One of his scenarios has people's opinion of money virtually disappear, so people are all starving to death even though there is still no shortage of food. Basically, an opinion changed, and brought about a famine.

Level 90
Go away Hakumen...
aha, I'm so happy that I made a topic that has grown to be one of the most popular in Intelligent debate.

"Think outside the box, collapse the box, and take a fucking sharp knife to it." - Banksy

Level 91
And I'm so happy that you bumped a dead topic with such a useful and insightful comment.

Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian