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The Legacy of Durin-I need to form a team

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Level 89
Duran(Main character) Is a 14 year old boy that was raised in Kankario and along with his three friends(and his entire class) is graduating the swordsmanship academy who's head Swordmaster is Jin(Durans father)and revered as the best swordmaster in the land, Every year theres a party held for the graduates, however this year during the party the city is attacked by the Kings royal knight,(Whish is odd because Jin was the kings right hand knight 14 years before) The Knights quickly anniahlate anyone standing in their path. Knight Eneyrei(A sub villian,not as major as he seems) is leading the attack and eventually crosses paths with Jin, the two battle it out but in the end Knight eneyrei kill Jin. Duran happens to arrive just as the final blow is struck. His rage gets the better of him and he charges blindy at Knight eneyrei(Who is obviously waaaaaay above his skill levle) Duran somehow manages to impale the Knight after receiving much damage himself. After that he falls unconscience and he's dragged out of the dying town by his three friends. The city is levled by the royal knights attack. however
During the entire attack every soilder seemed to be targeting Duran. More like an assasination then a invasion. So why did they attack?
to destroy Duran?
To destroy Jin?
The only survivors of this attack are Duran and his three friends who now are looking for the answear and the knight.

Just to clear things up! This is not a cliche revenge story, The story line go'es much much deeper than that. anyway if your interested tell me

The Legacy of Duran is a game I've been writing the story to for years now, working out kinks and such of the actualy over storyline, however I have tried numorous times to create this game, everytime its been deleted for some reason(Four times to be exact) Well anyway Im looking for a development team to work on this game with me. here is a list of the posisitions I need filled

Edit: 3d movie artist- I know its a longshot to find one, but if you happen to be one then let me know.

Core Programmer
Battle Programmer
Music Composer
Graphic Artist-Monster design,town design.(Probally dungeons to)
Sprite(Character) Artist
Sub Quest desinger
Sub Quest programer

At this point I think thats all I'll need, I myself Have the job of Project Planner and the job of Writer.

Thats it.

And just to clear up any suspitions this is not a cliche revenge story.


Legcy- 2%(Dev stages)
What? I have to have a signature?

Level 90
I can do human art and sprites, not RTP style mind you if thats what you want, however this depends... Which RPG Maker is this for?

Level 89
I'll be doing it in 2003, just because the system is better for this game.thats the job of the core programmer. custom battle system and stuff.

Oh and why dont you post a picture of teh style of sprites you can draw Im pretty sure it'll be fine though.


Legcy- 2%(Dev stages)
What? I have to have a signature?

Level 90
Working on some, and I'm always switching styles.  I'll show when they're complete, don't worry.  If they ever get complete  :whoa:

Heres something I made quickly for a custom battle system:

Level 89
Thats great! As this will definetly be a side view battle system.


Legcy- 2%(Dev stages)
What? I have to have a signature?