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Can someone help me find "something"?

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Level 87
ppl with B&W pics are not emo, ppl with anime are.
Yes, I tried google. I mean I tried a lot.

I want rpgmaker vx for free.

I'd really rather like to get the full official version, and have it think I paid for it.

I'd settle for the translated version of the Japanese I heard about, although if the translations are as bad as in postality knights for xp, then its gonna suck.

 I don't know if I can be banned for this thread, I hope not.

Anyways send me a pm if you can help me out, thanks.
"Your already not f*cking her, what have you got to lose?" - Mystery

"What I'm really after," Mystery finally
said, "is for people to be envious of me, for women to want me and men to want to be me."
"You never got much love as a child, did you?" Style  asked
"No," he replied sheepishly.

Mystery is THE greatest pick up artist ever and my dream is to become his wing someday, that or AMOG him!
 www.venusianarts.com <- mystery's site

"Attraction IS NOT a choice!" - David D.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

A man chooses,
Level 92
a slave obeys
Project of the Month winner for April 2008
I hate to burst your bubble, but there are ways to get it for free via google & I personally don't think anyone will PM how. =/ You just have to keep searching.