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Other Game Creation => Game Creation General Chat => Topic started by: ShortStar on February 18, 2011, 12:16:32 AM

Title: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: ShortStar on February 18, 2011, 12:16:32 AM
Do you start out with a story and make the game from there?

Do you make the dungeons first and then make a story?

Do you just come up with things on the fly?
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: Bynine on February 18, 2011, 01:36:29 AM
Usually I make an enemy design I rather like then go from there.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: Pokey on February 18, 2011, 04:19:34 AM
Its better to have a story first. From that create a plot(yes, its different from a story)
Then think about the features and scripts you're going to add. Finally comes mapping and eventing.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: Ryosis on February 23, 2011, 07:22:53 PM
I usually start with a vague idea or central theme and go from there. Really, I don't have a set order, I just work on whatever I feel needs attention at the time.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: moobob9 on March 26, 2011, 08:11:11 PM
Here's some words of advice; make your game how you make your game, not how someone else makes their game.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: hiromu656 on March 27, 2011, 05:15:03 AM
I'm not in the dude's head or anything, but I believe this topic was more of a getting to know people kind of topic than advice... but I may be wrong.
But while I'm here I might as well answer the question.

I have a vast amount of notebooks at my disposal, because they're just very useful tools to have; so I write down nearly everything beginning with story then I start making it with the Engine and I add little twists off the top of my head where they're needed.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: Dyre on March 27, 2011, 07:11:57 PM
I hear a lot of people use outlines and start with story first. As a writer I thought this would be a better idea for me - I was mistaken.

It all starts in-engine for me. Sometimes an item in the database, or a certain tileset or maybe a picture or fog I haven't seen used much in other rmgames.

  The one I'm working on now came about due to finding an adorable little girl sprite in the default database. I wondered what a game starring a small child would be like to make and play - then I played with the colors and wondered what would it mean to have that color hair and eyes. Maybe she wasn't quite human? What was she then, why was she so important as to have her own game, what kind of conflict would she have to deal with - why do I care? Lots of questions, then some sketches were made, some sprite adjustments, really enjoyed the church tileset and thought a dungeon involving it would be fun - what if the game began in this dungeon? Why was she in a church? It's underground and huge - why? I developed the story while playing around with that tileset.

After the initial idea is formed I write and draw a lot of stuff and see what sticks and what doesn't.

Eventing and Mapping happen while story is being worked on, I like to play with maps and events so I do so a great deal and end up making a lot of maps, event systems and skills before I have any idea why they need to be there.

Story-wise; I may have a lot of notes and story written down but I hardly use it all - I've been trying to keep exposition to a minimum and showing more than telling. So far the important story bits will be shown with short, wordless cutscenes and interactions with npcs and told through dialogue and quests. Other, backstory bits will be available to the player as optional side-quests and books/knowledgeable npcs/etc.

I also came up with a large chunk of the story simply because I wanted a massive optional dungeon that is only available when the player dies.

That was a bit longer than I'd planned but I can't seem to find anything to cut out - so there it is. My odd little method to making rpgmaker games. I have yet to finish anything but that is likely due to all of my ideas being a bit more complicated than my skills will allow. =/ Hopefully this new one will make it to the end.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: Hmorris15 on March 31, 2011, 03:10:09 PM
I sadly have a bad way to start my game. I always just start mapping then add the main character... then a random place where enemies are, then...... I go

"So, why is he here...?"

... at this point my game is usually deleted.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: moobob9 on April 01, 2011, 02:23:45 AM
Ok, I thought you were asking like ideas on how to start a game or something like that.......

Well, this is how I started my game. First, I thought it would be cool to start a game on a boat. I continue the story be creating events that could happen after that. I kind of just make the game as I go. That's just my way of creating stories (I always sucked at pre-writing), but it may not be your way.

Yeah, I learned that the hard way.....I created a lot of my game and then learned how to use that stuff. I spent hours changing the problems that were bugging me so much on how I was going to fix them.
It's actually very easy to learn (in my opinion) and it will make your game much better!
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: RefresherSpray on April 04, 2011, 04:42:46 PM
I tend to think up a basic concept, come up with a few story ideas, then I come up with some gameplay features. First I create an intro and then I create a bunch of maps in another project to see what minigames/features I can get to work. Afterwards I put the best (most fun) features into the main game. From there I come up with more story ideas and put in some bits to connect them, along with coming up with more ideas on the fly (hello, sidequests).

But I haven't submitted any games to RMRK yet, so I can't be certain what kind of reception a game made like this gets.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: DarkMessiah on April 04, 2011, 08:35:12 PM
Usually, I come up with a basic concept for a game first, by that I mean the central idea and overarching story. I don't write every detail beforehand because I don't like prewriting, but I know basically what is going to happen at the major points. I also do some database editing first as well, such as starting equipment, items, and enemys that will appear close to the beginning of the game. I also sometimes draw sketches of maps with there basic layout. From there the project just evolves, and for me, a big chunk of things happen a long the way
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: EvilM00s on April 05, 2011, 01:22:56 PM
I start my game with the main villian. Since the game is probably based on some kind of conflict, I need to know what the bad guy wants to mess with. Then I can decide how all the characters are going to act after meeting this conflict. That's all on paper. After that, I map. The skeleton of the world, towns, dungeons, and all the while I try to stick to some kind of convention so anywhere you go in game looks like it belongs there. Then I will construct a starting DB, and any engine mods with scripts. From there it's a  matter of telling the story and fleshing out details as I go.

Many times my characters will end up different from waht I had imagined. It's good to listen to your art, it will tell you what it wants to be.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: Leophard on April 14, 2011, 08:04:45 AM
I'm still working on my first game... But here's how I plan to create it.  :)

Basically, I first think of a plot. I develop this plot into a short story which shows the general events of the game. This story does not have to involve specific characters yet, and it doesn't have to be long -- Mine was half a page in A4 format, with letter size 12 in Word.
Once I've created the plot, I divide it into different chapters. I create these chapters individually, and do not begin on the next before this one is finished. For these chapters, I create a list of actions and events that will occur, in chronological order. At this point you should also start making up names for characters and locations.
When you're finished with a chapter, it's time to start making concepts for the characters and locations you've just named. Especially regarding locations, you should try to either play around in separate maps to find a design to your liking, or sketch something on paper.
When I've created my concepts, it's time to start making some monsters. These can be either generic or important to the plot -- Whenever you use which depends on the story you've created for your chapter. Monster stats are difficult to balance correctly though, and this often requires a lot of testing to do correctly. This is where I current am myself, and the only advice I can give you is to start off with weak monsters. Facing strong monsters which can kill your group from the start of the game gives the element of challenge, but can also be very annoying if your healing options are limited.
Once the regular monsters are created, it's time to make some bosses! These are basically the same as regular monsters, with the difference that they should be very well able to kill your group if you’re not careful enough. The first few bosses can be easy, but beyond that you want to consider making much trickier bosses. What I plan to do is the following: I take 10 tries at the boss, with the best equipment available at that time. If I win more than 5 out of 10 tries, I increase the boss’ strength. If I win less than 3 out of 10 tries, I decrease the boss’ strength. If I win between 3 to 5 times out of 10 tries, then I consider the boss balanced.
Then, lastly, I start creating the maps. To me this is usually the most boring and off-putting part, though other people might find it more enjoyable. Anyhow, I’m very inexperienced with this myself, and I’m afraid I can’t give you any advice on this matter.

And that is how I plan to create my game!  :D
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: Aurelia on April 14, 2011, 11:00:41 AM
Mmm game making is rather a diversified field to me, it involves a lot of particular work (drawing, coding, music, etc.) so it's possible to be inspired from many different sources. What I would do first is:

- Get bunny ideas: Bunny ideas are small, non-developed ideas which might or might not related to each other. List them down. After I get a handful of them, I'd pick the one I like best and develop the story from then. It's very possible with small alteration, I can transform other ideas into one part of my story as well.

- While making story, I'd work with a basic tech demo: This includes a few scripts I would like to use, sprite and in general graphic style I like, music for some general scene (like one used in dungeons, plains, etc.). This is no where the final version of my tech demo, but I will have a general ideas of how my game will be like. And I will never know when inspiration might struck, since music, graphic and even codes, they ARE work of art and art just inspires people so awesomely like that XD

- Sketches: I don't need to be Leonard Da Vinci to make sketches of my character. Then give them a background, give them some interests, something they care deeply about. Villains can be developed as I do the story, but generally, villains are those with opposite view that my main protagonist has and/or those who try to threaten what my main protagonists care about. Take it from there.

- Base on sketch, make graphics for main character: It doesn't matter if they are just frankensprites and edits of VX art, at least I need to have that much customization so my main protagonists will stand out

- The story then can be either make up as I progress or finished before I start with other stuffs: But at least I need to have the story a bit ahead of the current part I'm working on. Dialogue should be written before and kept in a seperate word file as well. It's nice to be prepared.

- Most importantly, be inspired and have fun: Game making is a hobby and having fun would be the most important part. And release a demo/full game and have others enjoying it will be second, heheh :D

That's my progress for the current project of mine ;)
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: tSwitch on April 15, 2011, 12:57:18 AM
I sleep, have an awesome dream, and make it a game.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: pacdiggity on April 15, 2011, 03:22:16 AM
I sleep, have an awesome dream, and make it a game.
Usually this, but if my current project was a dream I'd be pretty fucked up.
So yeah, usually just an idea that snowballs into a story, then I put things in it and before I know it it's a game.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: Leophard on April 15, 2011, 11:52:38 AM
I sleep, have an awesome dream, and make it a game.

I don't know, that would make most of my games X-rated...
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: M@pple on May 08, 2011, 10:57:36 PM
I've created my funniest games  working with things on the fly but took me much time since i had to come up with characters and edit the database.

Now im taking care of the database first, making a good majority of the equipments and items first, then editing the jobs and the characters, mapping and plotting its easy and fun for me, so the rest isnt hard at all..

The database IS the REAL problem, believe me, it can make you cry sometimes...
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: Ryosis on May 09, 2011, 05:10:50 PM
I sleep, have an awesome dream, and make it a game.

Did Colorful come about that way? Must've been a trippy dream.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: Darico on May 09, 2011, 05:17:24 PM
My favourite part of the game making experience for me is the mapping, so I start there. Once I get a few areas down I consider how they link and why they link. From the there the story slowly forms and changes as I progress with the mapping.

I try not to event anything till late in the process incase I change my mind about a plot line or quest. Instead, I write most of my ideas down.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: skaraflame on May 11, 2011, 08:16:42 PM
I think of a vague story, then as I make it and develop characters I come up with amazing twists that I add in. I've gotten better at it, Masamune was horrible for character development and Aeone Valentine is 10% finished.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: Gracie on May 12, 2011, 11:30:40 AM
I usually have a couple of ideas I iron into a story with some help with of my friends (trust me it works. I don't mean 12 year olds. I mean 25+ year olds with years of gaming/game making experience). Then I sit down and draw. Lots. I write things down. Then I just start and it all comes together.

thats pretty much just me though.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: skaraflame on May 13, 2011, 05:32:14 PM
In the case of my new project, the story starts off with a swordsman departing to train. Then the story begins.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: pacdiggity on May 14, 2011, 02:49:55 AM
Well, I'm sure you could make your own topic about it then.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: skaraflame on May 14, 2011, 10:52:09 AM
I will soon. At the moment I have about 1 minute of gameplay after 4 days of development XD
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: vogelmeister on June 16, 2011, 12:02:15 PM
I would say I come up with an interesting character or two first, mainly based on somebody I know.
Then I play music to jazz it up with some atmosphere.
Then I write the main story up to a point where I can't drink any more ;)
At this point everything kinda "comes alive".
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: skaraflame on September 13, 2011, 11:38:41 PM
I come up with a character, a start point, and a basic story to develop.
Title: Re: How do YOU make your game?
Post by: Adon on September 23, 2011, 11:55:54 PM
Stonesearch's Working Process(S.W.P. or SWP)

Step 1: Writing It Out
Sec. 1: Storyline
At first, I had to write out my storyline completely from my general idea of a game. For Stonesearch(Elemental Quest at the time) was basically rpg cliche about collecting the elemental stones. It still is really, but modifications happen.
It took me about a week to finish it all out, mind all of this was held off a bit by the rest of my life. :) You should really be descriptive on this part, because basically you conduct your whole game off this. You will be better off including Character Dialogues, and Intros, character profiles, and stuff like that. The more you include, the more likely it will be easier to construct your game, and any game topics/pages/profiles. I could be a lot more descriptive in this category, but yeah, it shouldn't be that hard, since that should most of the time be why you are making the game in the first place.
Sec. 2: Gameplay
In Stonesearch, this came next. The battle system, what it's like, how it functions, overall difficulty.(The one you see now isn't permanent.) If your game is a (classic?) RPG, you'd better have some battle of some sort.
Whether it is an Action battle, traditional side-view final fantasy battle, or something completely different and or unique. You should write out how it works, basics, the elements, the planned status properties, and the like.
But Gameplay isn't just battle, it is many other things too; mini-games,dungeons,puzzles, and other things. Basically, how the player interacts with your game itself. Really important to have this down.

Well god, I have no time left to finish this tonight, I must finish tomorrow.