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[VX/VXA] Strak's Edited Tiles

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I saw a squirrel...
Level 82
...it got in my way.
So these are some tiles I edited to make 'em awesome.

The carpets are just recolours, but I made the stairs. You definitely want to use shift while mapping to make the stairs flow together with the carpet better.


The shadowy thing is pretty cool. You know those weird looking tiles that fade into darkness, but don't flow with the autotiles very well? Or have you ever wanted a waterfall that plummets into an endless abyss? Well, with this tile, it's possible. Just use it as you would a shadow. EDIT: Added a shadow that does the same thing, but blends with wall shadows. The example can be found on the left corner of the waterfall.

Spoiler for SHADOWY TILE:

The side facing stairs are a little funny, but I'll post them anyway. Figure out how to use them from the screeny, cause I'm too lazy to describe it.

NOTE: The side facing stairs need Modern Algebra's Kill Autoshadow's Script, which you can find here.


And the beds are just different colours. Not much of an explanation needed there.

In terms of Credit, I would appreciate being credited for the tiles. Particularly the side facing stairs. That took quite a bit of work. If you don't credit me for the other tiles, I'm not going to care very much, but the stairs are mine. HOWEVER! If you use Modern Algebra's Kill Autoshadows script, you must credit him, as well as Abt Plouton, for original code upon which he built. (OR DER WILL BE HELL T' PAY!)
Anyway, here's the file itself!
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 05:09:52 AM by Strak »

Gods ain't gonna help ya son...

I saw a squirrel...
Level 82
...it got in my way.
Added a shadow tile that blends well with wall shadows. Good for corners.

Gods ain't gonna help ya son...

I saw a squirrel...
Level 82
...it got in my way.
Here's my current project.

There are a few bugs. First, the shadow error. Easily fixed with an autoshadow fix, but I'm working on another solution. Other problem, the lowest tile on the side facing stairs. Doesn't blend well. Working on that as well. A solution to that would be to have the middle tile just above a ceiling tile, but that's annoying.

EDIT: Like so.
« Last Edit: September 05, 2012, 01:53:10 AM by Strak »

Gods ain't gonna help ya son...

A-pow 2015
Level 81
2014 Best RPG Maker User - GraphicsFor frequently finding and reporting spam and spam bots2013 Most Unsung MemberSecret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.How can I help you? :Da^2 + b^2 = c^2Secret Santa 2012 ParticipantSilver - GIAW 10Silver - GIAW 9Bronze - GIAW HalloweenGold - Game In A Week VII
That's pretty cool. Good job.

I saw a squirrel...
Level 82
...it got in my way.
Fixed it, although I did need to use Modern Algerba's "Kill Autoshadow's" script, which I will add a link to in the main topic, as well as this comment. It still looks funny to me though. Not sure why. Any thoughts?


Spoiler for YOU'RE AWESOME:

Gods ain't gonna help ya son...