Well, I have noticed on many forum's everyone is requesting a swamp making tut...so I will take the job.
First thing to remember, always have your own mapping style, something that separates your maps for everyone else's. Second thing is to not forget nature is RANDOM! please don't make your swamps look the same on the left side and right, here is an example of BAD:
To some that is actually a GOOD map...no its not even close.
OK we will begin now, first thing is first open a new map, and select MARSH tileset. Then leave the map size default.
First thing first, lay down the swamp. I like to work with the swamp as the painted bottom instead of grass. So on layer one paint the swamp!
step two, still on layer one outline three bodies of land, and a small island:
Step three, switch layers to layer 2, and now make the outsides of the land area look not so boxy:
Step four: Already you can see you have a decent map. Now on layer 2 first make a path outline, then switch too layer three and make bridges, trees, and whatever you need to make the map feel full. Try and use a variety of the tiles, just don't over do it!
Step 5: Add a little fog maybe, and here is a screenshot of the swamp you just made in game play!:
Well hope you enjoyed this tut! Hopefully more to come from me, also if you haven't already check out my river tut, and house exterior tut. Enjoy everyone! Please leave some feedback.