Ventwig's Enemy HP Bars - Version 1.2By Ventwig
This topic is updated more: (Script is on pastebin, so it's updated on this topic, but script only) the HP for up to 8 enemies (default troop max)
-Two rows of bars, re-sizes to one when there's only one enemy
-Fixes itself when an enemy dies
-Also adds an option to add wait time between skills (to show off HP bars )
-Can show a long boss bar for cooler boss battles!\
-Compatible with Neo Gauge Ultimate Ace!
-Compatible with Yanfly Engine Ace (Though Yanfly has an animated HP bar thing for that )
In version 1.2, boss HP bars!
Neo Gauge Ultimate AcePlug and play gauges! Wortana originally(in VX), translated to Ace by Pacman
How to UseCopy into materials, but above main.
Place above Neo Gauge Ultimate Ace if used.
Almost plug and play, just the switch needs to be ON for the window to show,
Setup for bossbars in the script
ScriptThe script is updated on pastebin: Why won't status icons show?!
A: That's a plan for an update. Can't be THAT hard
Q: Why isn't my boss bar showing?
A: Make sure the boss was the first enemy you put in the troop, and make sure you set up the bosses right in the customization
EXTRAThatnks to Lyan for pointing it out, you can set the y of the window to 0 and just
remove the battlelog lines so they don't overlap, or you could just
set the MSG_CURRENT_ACTION to false so it won't keep showing "Eric Attacks!"
Also, it IS possible to have more than one boss monster, but the hp bar will only show for the first one.
Also, if you place two of one boss with the same id (Werewolf A, Werewolf , when werewolf A dies,
Werewolf B will have a boss hp bar as long as Werewolf B is the second troop member.
When Werewolf A is alive, Werewolf B will have a small HP bar, though
Credit and Thanks-Me, Ventiwg
-Shaz helped me out with refreshing the hud and simplifying it.
UpdatesVersion 1 (Apr 8, 2012) - Release
Version 1.2 (Apr 9, 2012) - Boss HP bars!
Version 1.21 (Apr 9, 2012) - Hidden HP!
Version 1.2 (Apr 9, 2012) - Reverted back, hidden HP was buggy
Update Plans-Showing enemy status via icons.
-Option to show MP
-Any suggestions would be considered
Script is updated here: post suggestions there, too