Well, I already knew how to get the option.. my problem is i can't get it to work.. how does the variable know that the map id is not the world map?
This is what I have and it definetly doesn't work..
Common Event 002 Tent is set up like this
@>Conditional Branch: VAriable [0006] ==[0005]
@>(Fade out screen, inn scene)
Text You have no tent.
I have no idea how to make 0006 and 0005 variables work..
How do I make it check the map id? If you can show me step by step, of how to make the events work.. id appreciate it.
I have a parallell process event running
Control Variable 0005 = MapID
Thats running on my world map..
I am so lost, and its becoming tiring trying these things, and ive searched the tuts and they dont explain how to make map id work.. What am I doing Wrong??
Do I have to use two variables?