Scripters I've got some high expectations for this game's features. The scripters main jobs will be to modify and organize the scripts already in the game, and to edit things like menus and the battle system.
Enemy Spriters It is very important that enemy spriters are dedicated to their job. This can easily be the hardest job, b/c monsters come in so much variety and number. However, the enemy spriters can always contact me or other spriting members for help. Also, since monsters are so diverse, this can also be the
funest job, considering how much you can revel in our own glory after your done.
Graphic Artist Also VERY important for the game to standout along with its makers.
The graphic artist will handle:
- Portraits (48x48 pixel faces),
- Title screen and gameover graphics
- Menu styles and art
- Concept Art.
Passability, Tileset Editor
I'm looking for someone who is interested in
detailed tilesets. In other words, a bit beyond the RTP standards. Also, I'm using an excellent pixel movement script in the game. It uses passablilty fields based on an image apart from the map/tileset. The pixel movement script I'm using uses actual pixels to determine passabilty, where white pixels are passable and black pixels are not. The tileset editor, since the fiields are based off the tileset, are in charge of this.
Animation Editor Animation is what gives the battle its "flare." Editors should be somewhat advanced in spriting, beyond the casual, anyways.
Character/Actor Spriter This is a combined job of charset maker (for actors) and spriteset maker. Once again, I'm looking to expand the sprites beyond the RTP look. Mainly, I want to get of the googly-eyed big head sprites and use more anatomic sprites, though no more bigger than 32x48. Spritesets will be detailed, and have about 4-8 frames per action for the side-view system. (Minkoff's)
Background EditorThis is the editor of battle backdrops and panoramas, basically all things that require a landscapers eye.
Sound Effects/Music Editor The sound editors are responsible for all things audio. That includes all music and sound effects. "Music is the language of the gods." My teacher always said, and I'm looking for those can speak it. I'm hoping to make most, if not all the tracks in the game, original.