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Shadow Gates: The Apocalypse Recruitment thread

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Rep: +0/-0Level 87
I have been working on creating a game called Shadow Gates: The Apocalypse. Without spending half a page writing the story basically your in a world similiar to final fantasy games. It is based in a time of knights kings castles blah blah but theres technology present and you get introduced to a race of people who are very technologically advanced. They created a weapon called Darkheaven which is a mech with giant wings and it goes out of control while they are using it. Since they couldnt destroy it they trapped it in a sub space time gate where it would lay dormant for 50 years without being able to break out, thus being the futur's problem and not there's. Well that day 50 years past is coming soon and the gods have revived the greatest white mage in history to tell you about this and to ask if you will quest to stop it. Apparently you get informed that you were born with the blood of a half ancient and this unique mixture could unlock ungodly powers for you thus enabling you to fight off darkheaven. theres alot more to the story i just dont want to take up alot of space typing.  So far i have many added scripts into the game like a CMS and blizzards stat distribution and half a dozen other things. Level wise i have an opening cutscene a forest lvl you have to travel through with a boss gaurding the exit and some ruins and a grave site for the dead white mage where she will be reborn. also have the cutscene with the white mage explaining whats going on. most things are done i just need to make more lvl's puxxles side story etc and maybe add a couple more scripts in if necesary. music wise i have ALOT to work with and im using a couple final fantasy midis for some things like gameover victory blah blah. what im in need of is a lvl designer a scripter so that maybe we can add a few things in and a storyline writer in case we want to add more to the storyline or maybe have an ex mode to play as a different characters story. the game has dynamic weather system enabled in it for realism. Instead of going with some kind of save crystal to restore health and stuff im going about it a bit differently. The gods have made these different colored orbs that serve different functions. some serve as portable shops others heal health and mp others do stat distribution and some just help in the quest. Each orb can have its own personality depending on its color and the color indicates what it does orange sphere heals health and mp etc. For example the health orb doesent have a personality but the stat distribution orb does. i think this is a better way of going about this as it will connect the player to the orbs thus making this game more original. anyway enough talk here are some basic screenshots. these screenshots just represent what i have now and they can change if we decide to go a different way. Character models and names may also change but i beleive the names i have for the main character and the white mage are good.

You may notice a red white cross kinda thing in the corner that is part of blizzards stat distribution system which lets the player know he has stat points left to distribute.


Title Screen (still trying to remove the start load exit frame cuz it looks like crap lol anyone know how?) (also i want to change the thing highlighting continue to make it kinda like an oval flareing out kinda thing not boxy like it is.)

Title screen in first Cutscene

Screenshot 1

Screenshot 2

Screenshot 3

Screenshot 4

Any and all of this is subject to change upon future team members input if it seems like the right thing to do. I would really love some help with this project as its rather boring/hard to do it alone (although ill do it alone if noone helps lol). Thanx for reading and sorry for my bad grammer/mispelling i typed this really fast lol.

« Last Edit: May 27, 2007, 04:36:08 AM by Darkheaven »

Pure Awesome.
Level 87
Narrowing Fabrications of an Elusive Mind
Gimme the tilset in the first SS and I let you live....

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
hehe its my magical cave tileset which i am using to make the ruins of asrand with. Its a HUGE tileset with all different cave's and colors and all kinds of cool and unnesecary things >.>.

if you want it seriously just email me about it at nickmduncan03@yahoo.com make the topic magical cave tileset and ill send you it.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2007, 09:10:31 PM by Darkheaven »

Rep: +0/-0Level 87
does nobody want to join up and help?