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[ADVERT] Valcon Sky: REBIRTH (2003)

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Art Master
Level 90
Valcon Sky: REBIRTH

"All lost to our sins. Our greed, our hatred, our desire...through this in which we sought our world falls. Through Heaven there is hope. Though in the faintest..there is still the possibility: the possibility of life. Of hope. Of rebirth."

A world in which rests in prosperity. A world in which lays dornment, away from tragedy. A world...this world...this place in which they tred. It is but a peaceful land, a land ruled by those of whom are of demonic nature. Those in which were once referred to as "Inhuman and blood thursty" now rule with an iron fist this world of beauty. A world of this calibur none would expect to come from those of such horrendous pasts, those beasts in which seek only murder. True? or...not? Lies, clouded by more lies in which were born from the minds of the unworthy and dillusional. Those in which were afraid: afraid of the difference between the two. No matter how small..one had to be the superior. Who was to blame? It was mere instinct to go against something in which was different from ones self. A blame in which is too late to cast, too late to burden for it was that very difference in which led the world to an end.

Rebirth. Surviving destrucion it lived and through the light they came: demons. Monsters of such...though not really different from all else. Some more monsterous than others while some remained in contact with the side in which reflected the dwindling race. In a tale where once the race of man ruled the world and all of it's glory, it tells of their downfall. Seething in hatred and burning in the chaos of their hope the light engulfed them and thus remade the world. From this light the dominant race came forth: the Kjrn. Yet another word representing "the indifferent". And also from this life the world was born anew in all of it's former beauty. All remained the same...the same before the chaos. The light had come and had once again brought upon the world hope of salvation.

Hume. The legendary race said to have once been rulers: the owners of and the most dominant species on Gaia. Creatures in which that have now been forgotten. These in which are the minority in this world, those in whom are weak and worth nothing. However, unlike the way in which they treated Kjrn, they were as one with the world. None rejected them. Yet...somehow the instinct still remained. To no suprise that it did...and drive some to the brink of fear. Some lived in a world in which could not be better....whilst some remained in a world in which their nightmares ruled and enslaved them.

This is the beginning. The beginning of a tale in which speaks of a world in which is populated and governed by the Kjrn. This is where it starts. This is where it ends. This is where the twilight breaks and this is where Heaven shall become reality.

Enter: Valcon Sky: REBIRTH


Some Key things to know:

The Kjrn (Pronounced " Key-Urn"):
Basically "Kjrn" in this RP is another word for "Demon". Whence once in the past they were shunned, through the acts of the Hume they have become dominent. The new world is populated almost entirely with Kjrn. They are the dominant race in which govern Gaia. They are now it's children. There are many types of Kjrn: Some are large and monsterous, while some remain in contact with a human side. Some have many abilities and powers while others are nothing but commoners with a look not so different from that of a Hume.

Hume (Pronounced "Hu-May"): The ones in legends who were  once supposed to be the rulers of the land and the dominant and most powerful race on Gaia. However, it was supposed that their 'absolute power' was their ultimate downfall. They are now, upon this new world, the least dominant race and the minority of the planet. They are as Hume are supposed to be: some are strong while others are weak. They don't have many large characteristics and are the least-powerful.

Gaia: Gaia is the planet in which all life resides. It is, unlike the time of the human rule, full of life and has a much larger variety of species.

The Byera: A race of Kjrn in whom specilize in the way of magic and spiritual power. They are the race in which are most heavily religiously based and follow the guidings of Heaven tightly. They can manifest massive swells of energy and can use devistating magic spells to deal massive ammounts of damage to their opponents.

The Shatra: A race of Kjrn that are pure warriors at heart. They despise the power of Magic and refuse to use anything of such. They rely purely on brute strength to win their fights. However, unlike their life ma suggest they are polite beings.

The Yaorta: A race of Kjrn in which are long-ranged fighters. They are very quick, agile and can conjure many spiritual-based seals and traps. They are balanced in both physical combat, magical combat and long-ranged combat. Because of this many of them are feared. Unlike the Byera, their magic revolves around seals and such.

The Ryunos: Demonic monstrocities in which hold overwhelming power. Some are small while others are large. They are very powerful both Physically and magically yet lack the intelligence of most beings on Gaia. They thrive on death and take pleasure in taking lives. They roam the lands randomly: some taking on an appearance of most Kjrn while some remain as tower beasts able to take a city in one attack. They come from the unknown and are born from the nothingness. Their origins are unknown.

Spirit Energy/Heaven Energy: This is something in which the grand deity of this universe releases into all living beings. It is more present in Kjrn than it is in Hume. It is released into everyone and everything at the same rate and in the same ammount(more in Kjrn than in Hume. The Hume receive less). By utilizing this energy people can wield various deadly arts to overwhelm their opponents.

If this substance ceases to be and/or is stopped from entering the body then that thing will die and cease to be.

HEAVEN: Grand deity of this universe. It is a being without gender that rules over all and forsees everything. It holds within it's self the information of creation and the occurances of all past happenings. As new information is gathered and more energy is obtained it releases the old as waste, resulting in the creation of another entity. namely Ryunos

Basically the world is ruled by the Kjrn, demon-like entity's in which resemble humans in a way but have much more power. You are Valcon (hence the games name) a young lad in who only wishes to live a long and wonderful life by his friends sides. However, fate has something else in store for him.

It all begins as any other basic day within Occoru Village. Valcon is woken by his friend Laven who has come to fetch him, seeing as how he had slept in. He informs him that Aika, another one of thier friends, has gone to the northern cave to search for the pendant she lost the other day. However, Valcon is more concerned with Laven, seeing as how he had to "break in" (In Valcons eyes) in order to wake him up. They rant on and on until Laven finally has enough of Valcon and leaves. Valcon FINALLY fully awakens and remembers WHY Laven came and get's ready. He and Laven then depart for Northern Occoru Cave in search for Aika.

They reach the Orsha Hills and Valcon complains some more. Laven blaims Valcon for the fact that Aika lost the pendant in the first place. They proceed some more and something else occurs. They then continue to the cave.

Once there they enter and explore around in search of Aika. Aika is found in the mid-section of the cave running from a large Cave Tortoise in which has swallowed her pendant. Valcon and Aika fight it and they kill it, retrieving the pendant from it's remains. Valcon, Aika and Laven then head back to Occoru. Though..what later awaits them is something in which would change thier future entirely.



Age: 18
Beginning Title: Basic Swordsman.
Main Weapon: Sword.
Race: Shatra?
Skill slot: "Sword"
Beginning Level: 1
Best At: Physically attacking. Has High HP.
Personality: Cheerful at times, rude, sometimes rather kind.
Short Biography: Valcon has, since he can remember, lived with his teacher Mia within the village Occoru. He learned from her how to fight and to channel energy throughout the body in order to learn various techniques. He can not remember ever having parents and just only remembers having Mia around. He grew up with Aika, another child in whom resided within Occoru. Both he and her a great friends and exlpore the surrounding areas almost daily.

Recently Valcon has been having strange dreams in which depict a shadowy figure taunting him. He always awakens before he can see it's face.

Age: 18
Beginning Title: basic Healer
Main Weapon: Pins
Race: Byera
Skill Slot: "HealingMgc"
Beginning Lv: 1
Best At: Healing. Has high AGL and INT ratings.
Personality: Kind, sometimes rude, cheerful.
Short Biography: Aika is but a sweet young girl who has resided within occoru village since she was young. She practices the art of Healing with her mother and learns the basics of fighting from her father. However, despite her "cute" appearance she can, at the most awkward of times, go up in a blaze of fury. She finds valcon to be a very good friend, bespite his idiocy on her account.

Age: 25?
Beginning Title: None.
Main Weapon: None.
Race: Yaorta
Skills Slot: None.
Beginning Lv: ?
Best At: ?
Personality: Mostly serious, yet he can be kind.
Short Biography: Laven showed himself within the village of occoru when Valcon and Aika were at the age of 12. They were being attacked by a rogue Ryunos when he appeared and silenced it. He has been there for them both ever since then, residing within Occoru. He is, at most times, serious. However, he can joke around whenever he finds it to be appropriate.

Age: 37
Beginning Title: Basic Black Magic
Main Weapon: Gloves.
Race: Byera
Skill Slots: "BlackMgc"
Beginning Lv: 3
Best At: Decently high ATK count for a mage. She has high MP, INT, AGL and HP.
Personality: Stern, strict yet caring.
Short Biography: Mia is the caretaker and teacher of Valcon. She only remember having him by her side since he was young but can not seem to remember how it happened. She saw a part of her old husband in him and taught him to use a sword at a young age. She also taught him how to control the basic flows of energy throughout the body due to her being a Black Magc/Dark Arts user. She gave her old house to valcon once he was old enough and moved into her new one once it was completed. She is a great friend to Valcon and never lets him down.

^Beware the dangerous plants.

^A portion of the Occoru Cave.

^Explporing ones room can lead to finding great treasures.

^The grand, bottomless Orsha Hills.

^ The kitchen!

^ Equiping something o.o

^The entrance of Occoru Cave. Beware the green slime!

^ Where does all this water come from? o.O


Level 88
Back with RMVX!
Looks promising. Can't wait for a demo.

Art Master
Level 90
Thank you. I'm doing both this and and RTP side project just for fun. The other will be less serious and not as good (hopefully o.o). Still, it's all about fun and I'm sick of thinking about what should happen here and there..and why...

SO...in the side project i'm just making it up as I go along.  ;D

Level 88
Back with RMVX!
Well, good luck.

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Most Mature Member2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Best Veteran2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
Looks cool. Good luck with it. We need some cool 2k3 games, and I think this one will fall into that category

Art Master
Level 90
Thanks M_A. I'll be more concerned with the story more-so than with the graphics so every map might not look like an A+ map in which has 5-7 hours put into it. I'm just not a mapper.

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Most Mature Member2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Best Veteran2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
As far as I am concerned, story is the most important thing. As long as the maps don't detract from the story, their importance is negligible. And your screenies are pretty good anyway.

Art Master
Level 90
Indeed. I am hoping for it to be good. At the very least moderate.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
yay! this looks sweet!

that map = <3
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
Paradoxial failboats are cool.
Very nice. The maps are good, and the story looks great. Can't wait to see a demo. I hope this project ends up finished!
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Art Master
Level 90
Thanks. A demo is in production..but it will take a while yet.

Level 88
Paradoxial failboats are cool.
I can wait. I know demos take a long time to come out...
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Level 88
Back with RMVX!
Really? mine took a couple of hours, of course it did kinda suck...

Level 88
Paradoxial failboats are cool.
Well, yeah, 15 minute demos with cruddy maps come out fast. (Like mine...)
My next demo would take a while though, I'm redoing the maps cause they STINK, I got a couple tips to help me do it.
But this game does not look like it will have a 15 minute demo with cruddy maps...
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Resource Maker
Level 91
I have never used 2003 so I am not sure how much of your game is standard and what's your own.

But the story line and the amount of races makes your game standout... I hope you make a Version in RPG Maker XP one day... The graphics in 2003 look very dated.

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 88
Back with RMVX!
Those definately are NOT RM2K3 RTP, the RM2K3 RTP sucks so friggin bad.

Art Master
Level 90
I find Rm2K3 better than most for some reason. I made one of my very first games on RMXP (one of my longest ones) and that stunk compared to this. Still, I might someday try XP out again.

Oh...and I hope MOST of you don't mind, but this is going to have all MP3's. Sorry if it effects anyone but it's just the way it's going.

Thanks for all the responses =)

Level 88
Paradoxial failboats are cool.
Well, I guess almost everyones first try at making a game would be not so good....
I didn't even know what swtichs were..>.>
You can guess the quality of that attempt.
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Art Master
Level 90
Yes, yes..most first projects work out horribly. It's rare to see a first-time good project. Rare indeed.

Level 88
Paradoxial failboats are cool.
You sure got that rare part right....
First projects are almost always bad....
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Art Master
Level 90
Soon enough there will be a demo. I want to get one out..but I also don't want to rush anything either. So...I'll just take it safely and not rush at anything. However, I shall keep you all informed.

Level 97
2014 Most Unsung Member2014 Best RPG Maker User - Engine2013 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Most Mature Member2012 Favorite Staff Member2012 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2012 Best MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for July 20092011 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2011 Best RPG Maker User (Scripting)2011 Most Mature Member2011 Favourite Staff Member2011 Best Veteran2010 Most Mature Member2010 Favourite Staff Member
cool. can't wait.

Level 88
Back with RMVX!

Art Master
Level 90
-Each character specializes in some sort of magical art/ talent in which they are most powerful with.

-There are 7 playable characters in total

-Almost complete making the items for the current portion of the game.

-Soon beginning to work on the script again.

-Working up some quests for the beginning of the game.

-Most of the MP3s are FF based, along with some Chrono Cross.

Example, this is the list of stuff that each of the 7 character's specialize in:

Sword Skills
Healing Magic
Dark Arts
Status Magic
Attack All Magic
Resistance Magic
Physical Magic

May be a tad on the cliche side..but it's just going to be like that.

Level 88
Paradoxial failboats are cool.
Cliche is fine, as long as the game is good. ;8
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