Ok, I got bored and decided to make this tut. Tell me how you like it (This is my first tut! Second version of it.).
Spoiler for Purpose :
To make a maze, without wasting your map space (
) and have it so you don't need to make a map for every area... It is sort of complicated, but it is worth it if you want a big maze and the maze looks the same on each map.
Spoiler for Getting started :
Step 1: Make a map that shall be used as the maze... its fine at the default size of maps which is 20width and 15height
Here is mine:
Alright, We will get back to detailing the map later... First, we need to know what the maze is and how it works.
This maze is pretty basic... (In my terms, at least) and it basically just takes three variables and messes around with the numbers (also will talk about setting events for specific maps in V2.0, though it vaguely scrapes it in this version).
Spoiler for The variables :
- The first variable is the "Stay or Leave" variable: It basically makes it so if you mess up the maze, you start all over (this variable is not needed... I just prefer it).
- The second variable is the "Map count" variable: It controls the maze "area" so to speak, and makes it so you can reach the end of the maze!
OK. Now that we know the basic gist of how the maze works lets get on to the next step.
Spoiler for Step 2 :
Step 2: Making the "Stay or leave" common event! In the database make an event, I named mine "Set Map Count".
This event will make it if you have a certain variable for the "S/L" variable it kicks you to the beginning and resets the map count and yes we want to set a custom handler for else, make sure it is ticked. Lets make it with a conditional branch of... "variable "stay/leave" is less than 0".
Now under the condition we want to make it so the map count variable is set to 0 (to reset the map) and turn off any directional switches. Then have it transfer the player outside the maze.
Now on else you will want it to have it add 1 to Map count. This event will also, when at the 4th map (Our last map) They can't go any higher than four floors.
Also after that. We want to trigger the "Pass" switch. (explained in next step)
Spoiler for Step 3 :
The pass switch triggers this Common event, which tells you where to be transfered.
Step 3: make a common event that does all the work! (Explained below!)
make it look like so:
The image does 1: Turns off the "pass" switch so the event isn't called again after the transfer is completed.
2: Checks which directional passage you went through
3: Transfers you to the opposite passage
and 4: Turns off the directional switch (explained later) so that you don't get transfered incorrectly the following times you go through a passage.
alright, now to step 4!
Spoiler for Step 4 :
Now lets male the events for north, west, east and south.
Step 4: Making the North event. (In this tutorial the entrance is the north)
Here is the basic gist of how the event works. It makes stay/leave a random variable and for this demo we will make it -1 and 2, this means that there is a 25% chance that the player will be kicked from the map to the beginning. It will also turn on the "North" directional switch, and then call the stay/leave common event.
But we have a problem. This is the map we started from! Why should it take us to the south exit instead of outside? This is an easy fix. Simply make a condition. At the finish the event will look like this.
Here is south (Includes the actual exit to the map. (Which is the fourth map)):
and east and west are for you to make yourself...
Spoiler for Step 5 :
Now then. They have cleared the map... In an earlier stage I had you make the the switch "compleated maze" turned on. This is what I will cover in the demo: Making it so you can go around the maze(i made the tut go like this cuz i am a lazy bum, this is so simple I don't even needa tell you...)
Step 5: Seeing as you have done the clear event... We need new events and switches to go with it.
On the entrance on the other side of the maze... make a event that transfers to the beginning of the other side of the map... (the spot where you originally go into the maze). This does not need a switch trigger but if you want it to have the trigger... (if they somehow... hack around the maze?) you can do so.
Looks like this:
Now do the same to the entrance map... but on a different page and it transfers player to the end... Triggered by the cleared maze switch
Like so:
Spoiler for Step 6 :
alright. Now something to spice up the maze a bit. An Item box!
Step 6: Creating Item boxes on a certain level.
For this demo we will be making an item box at the 3rd "map".
It will require 3 pages and a switch. And you will be getting a Master Maze Stone. XD
Anyway, On the first page make it trigger "Variable "map count" is 3 or above". With image as a chest, and getting an item. Then turn Switch "Forest Chest" on.
The second page will have the "Forest Chest is on" as a trigger and it does nothing. With a image of an open chest.
The third page will have a trigger of "Variable "map count" is 4 or above". That makes the chest disappear on floor 4.
Like so:
First Page
Second Page
Third Page
And that is all I have for you in this tut!
Spoiler for Download Tut :
This tut download should be 100% independent from the RTP. Meaning Even if you don't have RPG maker XP official version you can still play it. (if you encounter any errors from it notify me ASAP. I tried my best to get all the stuff onto the files, also, there are things that are not necessary on the first game)
Here is the link to download the demo:
http://www.feildmaster.com/Maze_Demo_NonRTP.zip Here is the link to download the demo (without any extra stuff):
http://www.feildmaster.com/Maze_Demo_RTP.zip Both above demos are V1.0 and have a glitch on them.
The demo includes the "little bonus" talked about below as well as another feature...
Spoiler for Bonus :
Little bonus: Want it so you don't have to go around and change every variable set if you want more maps? Well there is an easy way to do this! Make a parallel process that makes a new variable equal how many maps you want set. Then change the upper left hand corner events conditional branch that is (4) in the demo to the variable, then change the variable underneath that = to the same variable. Then change the conditional branch on the exit (in this case the south exit) Map count = new variable.
So the events should look like this:
Leave/Stay Event:
South Exit Event:
Any comments/questions/suggestions? Post here or email admin@feildmaster.com