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Help with vechials

Started by Munnseter, January 11, 2006, 09:37:22 PM

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i need to know how to do somehting......
i need to make it when i use a item(whistle) the airship comes to the hero? and also if i could make it so you can make it so your hero can acctually run around the ship ..then go talk to the driver and then acctually drive the ship on the world map?
Protecting Lance..... DEMO 100%
Game -15%


Just a question and sorry for that but... what is "vechials"?
I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

My padawan (Tsunokiette) and me :p
I'm French so forgive my bad english!


Vehicles i think if i spelled it right  :roll:


You can always make a common event then if you want to run around on the ship and toalk to the crew just make it to when the ship comes you teleport onto it for flying it yourself would be changeing the hero graphic to the ship... thats all i can think of
"Existance cannot uphold peace. Ressurection
   is the first key, war is the second."

Jesse 015

make a map of a ship, let them walk around in it, them a make a guy, talk to him, and he will say "would you liek to go to ??? or ???, put choises, put switches, then when u talk to him again, then he will say we hav arrived, then just tranfer to the dock.
Badass, and a do'er not a thinker


this could be done as an event:

set up an item in the database that turns on a switch called vehicle

then on your world map put an event in the corner make it a graphic of your vehicle. set the movement of the ship to "towards hero" also set the trigger as collision with hero. set the event conmand as teleport to a map that is your vehicle.

i do hope that all of that made sense