WOOT for RECOLORS. I had a great idea. For the intro scene (like when you sit too long at the title screen) it'll show a scene of all of the mavericks be scavenged out of the scrap heap, being reworked into something usable, and shipped off to their designated areas, with Sigma overseeing the operation. The one ALLLL the way to the left is the project foreman, 60% custom sprite. The rest are recolors of the various pieces of machinery and construction that will make up the complex scenes and backgrounds. There is no where NEAR enough for the scene on here, but what do you think of this so far? MOSTLY I want to know about the color scheme. Do the colors of the lights go well with the chrome? Does it look good so far, or do some pieces look wonky?
EDIT: Please note that the lift with the Hazard markings has been fixed, (an outline has been added.) thanks to an observation Zypher made. The next time I post this sheet there will be much more, and you will see the fixed version of that piece.