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Level 89
Mystically Majestic
I posted this on another forum, and thought maybe I could post this here to see what other people think as well. I am quoting myself from the other forum, from my opening post. I am not claiming I know anything to be 100% true, but also I can't prove them 100% false as this discussion is about pure believes. Feel free to leave a comment.

Original Thread Can Be Foudn Here: http://www.legendsforums.com/showthread.php?t=5175

Note that this post is roughly 2000 words, and was a 4+ page document when I typed it out. If you have no intentions of reading it all, or making a comment which is lame, I suggest not doing so at all. If you don't want to take a few minutes to read this, don't waste anyones time by typing ten words. As far as believes goes, I talked about this in my conclusion. Once again, if your not going to spend the time to read, don't waste others with pointless one sentence posts saying this is dumb.

I always like to ask why, argue whether things are true or false, and try to push the boundaries and limitations of thought. I know that the following may bring up argument and religious battles, however, that isn't something I am trying to create. Hear me out first, and see what you can distinguish from right or wrong in your own mind. Remember, I'm not here to start a battle, just explain things I think and to see what others agree/disagree with.

What I wanted to discuss was something that has in ways, clouded my mind for awhile about certain aspects. I gave it some thought taking a shower yesterday morning, and then wrote most of it while waiting for my girlfriend to come out of her life skills appointment. It is concerning the fact of why do we exist? Not how we came to be, whether why and the reasons behind it. How & Why might seem like they are asking the same thing, but they open two completely opposite doors, but some people in same way will claim they open one door.

Was it because theories, religion, or scientists alike have come up? Possibly put on Earth as an experiment by a greater being(s) for his/her(their) enjoyment? Maybe created to, in the end, destroy ourselves?

In my mind there are countless ideas and personal theories as to why. I listed a few simple ones above. Although I can't prove any to actually be true, in some ways, some of my thoughts are quite disturbing, and may not be so far off from the truth. That is why I have chosen to post this. I was curious what people thought on this matter.

The main thoughts and ideas I have consist of this: (although I many many many more)
1) We were created to only justify all progress by destroying ourselves, the world, everything
2) We are none other than an a experiment or “science fair project”
3) Created for the viewing pleasures of another species or greater being(s), possibly as an example how a society overtime can prosper or destroy itself
4) Theories of old such as evolution or the big band theory. In most cases these theories don't explain how, rather why.

I will sum up my thoughts on each point, and afterwards conclude with some minor details.

1) Created to destroy ourselves, our planet, everything
I look at this idea due to how the world has evolved, and society runs (or tries to run) our lives. Technology has advanced at unrealistic paces in the past century, and with it has brought many creations which puzzles mankind, yet at the same time many can endanger daily life, not to mention our existence. Guns, Chemical/Nuclear Weapons, even simple everyday life items you can find around the house have become threats to one and all. With all the violence in the media and video games, it raises suspicion about how new generations are being brought up, and better yet, what they are being brought up on.

With that now in mind, it in most cases, teaches the children of today that violence is acceptable. At the same time with it being almost impossible to not come in contact with such things, children usually learn by example. Constant exposure to war, games, and the media after time can and has brainwashed most people, a population, a planet.

Now think about it deeper. These children are going to become the leaders of the future, and with the values portrayed, it seems scary. It is worse enough we could face a world war within the next fifty years, how it will be dealt with is even more terrifying. That is the point I'm trying to make however, with how children are being raised these days, the media, morals and values, it all has children growing up with a lot of flaws.

With this theory, I basically think, in the end, we were created to see how long we could survive before basically killing ourselves off. Nowadays, all it would take is a push of a button, and within minutes half the world would be dead or literally just a big hole in the Earth. This theory also is heavily supported if a third world war were to break out. Nuclear Holocaust would be the result, and the survivors would most likely die out, or kill each other.

2) Experiment
I came to this idea simply due to the fact of how many theories I came up with. It doesn't seem as likely as other theories or ideas, yet it still holds some validation upon consideration. Think back to when you were younger, and you either entered a science fair or was required to attend it. There would always be some neat ideas, and some of the more advanced students even tried creating new things, even if it was all diagrams and purely out of their mind.

I figured, and it doesn't seem impossible compared to other believes, that maybe we are just an experiment carried out by beings of another dimension. They could created our Solar System, our Galaxy, everything. They could have possibly planted things to be discovered one day to ensure us we have been around for billions of years. Heck, maybe these extra dimensional beings have different time standards than us, so maybe one day there could be one million here on Earth for us.

Then again, we could be someones “Pets”. How do we know, we aren't some small creature which extra dimensional beings buy, and look after. I mean, it isn't unthinkable, and for all we know there could be hundreds of Galaxies with Planets or structures resembling ours, where Human populations can be found.

With this theory, I think that we could possibly be the outcome of some experiment. Humankind has created species of animals before through science, so to think the same for us isn't possibly seems like not looking outside of the box. We also tame animals as pets, watch them grow and live their lives, which brings me back to the point of how do we know the same doesn't apply for us, just put here as someones pets to live, and eventually die.

3) Example Of Society
I came up with this idea shortly after the one above, however the overview is much different. Ever wonder how on TV or magazines or the Internet, there are reports of what a good example of a society is compared to others? Well, with this theory I believe that as a whole, the Human race was created to give an example of what to be, and the opposite.

I feel the Human race as a whole exhibits features and feelings which are needed to succeed in life, or fail. Although failure can eventually lead to succession, sometimes failure can make or break the issue at hand. Seeing as the world and Humankind need each other to survive, we are usually rewarded for with the benefits that come from teamwork, and feel the disaster when deceitful deals or opporations have conspired.
I feel if someone is going to take a look at an individual country or radius for what a great example of living is, I think they are easily mistaken. Think of Humankind as a Hockey team for a moment. Everyone needs to contribute if they want to win. If everyone was a puck hog, then nothing would get accomplished, and the task of winning would become farther and farther out of sight. The same goes for real life. If we want to set an example, we need to all follow. I know different countries and religions have different values and insights on everything, which makes it hard to state what I just have.

I feel though, that seeing we all have such differences, it was always meant to be the way. It makes sense. Not everyone sees eye to eye, but when you can agree with something on someone, you have succeeded.

Overall, with this theory I think that we are observed by other beings to see how different issues are dealt with by different people. Studied to see how society can function with certain laws in place and rules laided down. Basically we are observed while we ruin our world, for others to know how to save theirs. Also how to live peacefully possibly, observe us to see what they are missing, and even the chance of what to avoid?

4) Evolution, The Big Bang, Reincarnation, and the whole Nine Yards.
I'm not going to touch upon this really, as they aren't my theories, and I have no intentions of touching upon something like this I don't have 100% facts on. I know what most theories represent, but they look more towards how, and as I have been stating, I have theories about why. They are interesting theories nonetheless.

5) Game Scenario
I didn't mention this one originally back at the beginning of my post, but I have chosen last minute to add it. This scenario and theory is more for fun than something I think is a reason, although it still is a possibility nonetheless.

I'm sure if your reading this, you have most likely played an online game, where you can customize your character throughout the game, such as changing their appearance, equipment, etc. This theory looks at the possibility that maybe we weren't put on Earth for any of the reasons stated above, but rather were created in a separate realm or server named Earth, and we are being controlled by someone, something, anything. It kind of seems scary, especially while I'm typing all this out.

This theory also takes a piece out of the book of reincarnation, a believe system which claims that after death, we are born again, as another person. Now, in most video games, when you die, you respawn or get revived, even possible get to restart. What if, lets say, this video game theory was real. Could it be possible when we die, that we respawn or are revived as someone else?

The theory basically touches upon the possibility we are simple nothing other than a character in a game, much like how we play video games. Beyond that, not much left to touch upon for this theory.

In conclusion, I could have explained things in more detail, but I suppose if people actually start up a decent and intelligent conversation or debate, I can use that as an opportunity. You see, I have many ideas and theories, and most come from everyday occurrences or objects, that most people would look at for what it is, and not look beyond for what it could be.

You have to understand that I enjoy discussing and debating such things, makes my mind think and absorb. The world is full of things we aren't suppose to know, but to discuss and broaden ones mind about such things I find is fascinating. Everyone has a right to freely speak their mind, and that is exactly what I have done.

So I will wrap this up by simply saying, hope you enjoyed reading this, seems like I just wrote two 1000 word essays. Whether you find this post enlightening, repulsive, pure garbage, I really couldn't care. At least discuss how so instead of just degrading it because it isn't something you agree with or have in common, or just because you don't see eye to eye. I never intended for this to be 100% acclaimed by all, heck, I have the freedom to say this, so I did. Simple as that.

Also Known As:
Nec - Tactics Arena Online / MysticNec - Maple Story / [opiate] Mystic - Counter-Strike

Level 91
God of Dicks
Who gives a shit? In all likelyness humans were not "created" but exist through random chance. If there is some grand design no one is about to tell you or anyone else what it is. If you figure it out yourself you'll never know if you're right because there will never be proof. Enjoy your life, live it as you think you this is best, and stop worrying about the "what if"s that you'll never have answers to.

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female MemberLO !!f*ck u >:(^_________________^
The best answer to the question "why?" is "because". Pick a philosophy/theology/theory/whatever and run with it. I mean, nobody can (nobody is able to) give you the answer to "why?", so you've got to find meaning for yourself. If you can't, you'll never be complete as a person.

an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
Who gives a shit? In all likelyness humans were not "created" but exist through random chance. If there is some grand design no one is about to tell you or anyone else what it is. If you figure it out yourself you'll never know if you're right because there will never be proof. Enjoy your life, live it as you think you this is best, and stop worrying about the "what if"s that you'll never have answers to.

This man said it better than I ever could have.

Level 91
God of Dicks
live it as you think you this is best,

Well, I think I just meant "live it as you think is best," or maybe "live it as you think is best for you."

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female MemberLO !!f*ck u >:(^_________________^
Hey kids! It's time for "Jesus Hitler says"!

"People who like to ask "Why are we here?" don't like to discuss the possibility that our lives don't have any meaning at all because it deflates their egos. They become so desperate for an explanation that they'll even bring up something as retarded as extra-dimensional beings. Get over it: your life has no inherent meaning."


JH: "By the way, all of your theories are totally fucking retarded. I hope nobody has heard them and said 'gee, that sounds right!' because then it would be legal to kill them and I'm just too busy."
« Last Edit: December 14, 2006, 12:08:13 PM by Djangonator »
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Level 89
I'm back again. Again.
Who gives a shit? In all likelyness humans were not "created" but exist through random chance. If there is some grand design no one is about to tell you or anyone else what it is. If you figure it out yourself you'll never know if you're right because there will never be proof. Enjoy your life, live it as you think you this is best, and stop worrying about the "what if"s that you'll never have answers to.

I can only agree.

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
Hey kids! It's time for "Jesus Hitler says"!

"People who like to ask "Why are we here?" don't like to discuss the possibility that our lives don't have any meaning at all because it deflates their egos. They become so desperate for an explanation that they'll even bring up something as retarded as extra-dimensional beings. Get over it: your life has no inherent meaning."


JH: "By the way, all of your theories are totally fucking retarded. I hope nobody has heard them and said 'gee, that sounds right!' because then it would be legal to kill them and I'm just too busy."

Get that shit out of here.

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female MemberLO !!f*ck u >:(^_________________^
Apart from his insults, was what he was saying really shit? I agree with him- a lot of people don't like to think that life has no meaning, and they'll believe irrational things in order to justify their existence.
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
I was talking more about his edit. Plus I think proxy posting for a banned member is pretty lame.

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female MemberLO !!f*ck u >:(^_________________^
I don't care if you think it's lame or not, I generally agree with him on that point (I wouldn't have posted in this thread otherwise), and what he's saying (albeit immaturely) is basically what a third of the people who post in this thread are going to say anyway. I'm not going to censor him to make sure that he's not rude, or that he doesn't offend anybody- I wouldn't be representing him well if I hadn't included his edit.
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Level 91
God of Dicks
I don't mind her posting things for him. It certainly makes things alot more interesting for me.

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
I don't care if you think it's lame or not, I generally agree with him on that point (I wouldn't have posted in this thread otherwise), and what he's saying (albeit immaturely) is basically what a third of the people who post in this thread are going to say anyway. I'm not going to censor him to make sure that he's not rude, or that he doesn't offend anybody- I wouldn't be representing him well if I hadn't included his edit.

I'm saying his edit was completely pointless and added nothing to the debate besides "iam better than u."

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female MemberLO !!f*ck u >:(^_________________^
I wouldn't be representing him well if I hadn't included his edit.
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I