Passage Tab: X = ImPassable, 0 = Passable, [ ] = can only bet set on autotiles (top row). These tiles are basicly impassible, but when laid in a row the top ones become passible. (ex: For roofs
Passage (4dir) Tab: To which Direction can I go when steppoing on this tile
Priority Tab: How much to the foreground will the tiles be drawn? Can make some tiles above the player, others (standard) below the character. The higher the priority number, the more to the foreground.
Bush Flag Tab: When set, the bottom 12 px of the character becomes transparant when walking ont hese tiles. (ex: high grass)
Counter Flag Tab: When set, events can interact TROUGH this tile. Can be used on tables for example. Normally you would need to place an event on a table, but when the table has the counter flag on, it looks what is direct next to the counter tile to see if there is an event (ex: shopkeeper?)
Terrain Tag Tab: Can assign the tiles a number from 0 to 7. Can be called with several event commands (ex: variable). All the tiles with a number from 1 to 7 have priority in the top layer.