This is prolly going to sound like blatpheny to most of you, but I hate Naruto in general.
Also, since I hate that damend show I won't mention it again.
Okay people, ADV pissed me off when they got the Liscence to Slayers (OAVs and the Movies, to my knowledge Software sculptors still has the rights to all three seasons of the tv series). A prime exaple of ADV ruining Slayers was Slayers : TMP. First, they mistranslated Naga's name, and spelled it Nahga. Fuck, that's just assinine. Messing up a characters name is usually annoying, but considering Naga has a lead role this is plain insulting. Second, most of the jokes were changed and some (Goldfish Feces) were completely removed. WTF? Slayers is a damned spoof of Dungeons and Dragons, it HAS to be funny or the whole idea behind the series is ruined. It's not meant to have a dramatic and compelling plot, because it's a fucking SPOOF!
Also one of the OAVs, i can't remeber which, they took out some damned nudity. The nudity lasted only thirty seconds or so, plus it was meant to more funny than sexual. Also later in the OAV there were jokes about it, but damn because the nudity was removed, some jokes got changed AGAIN.
Also this was plain bullshit. They replaced Lisa Ortiz as Lina's VA because they thought she asked for too much money. They replaced her with Cynthia Martinez, who by the way sucks sour frog ass as a VA, she made lina sound sweet and Virginal..... Which contradicts that character completely. Lina is a greedy, selfish, angry asshole.
The only thing I agreed with ADV on was that they had Kelly Manison as Naga's VA. Which went perfect with the fact Naga is a stupid whore, because well Kelly Manison sounds like a stupid whore.
Oh yeah, they messed up Roudy's name too. His sure name was Gabriev not Gabriel. I hate you ADV....