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Pokémon - Another World [11/12/06]

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Level 88

Please note that this is still a story in concept.

Our hero, the one you will be playing, moves to a new country. At this point our hero is as follows. He or She is almost 18 and just finished school in his/her old home country. His/Her Father died last year trying to save some wild machop and machokes which where hurt by a avalanche of stones in the caves nearby their old home. Therefor, your mother does not want to live at that place anylonger, because she does not want you to get hurt. Instead, you move to the place where your mother was born. A little town called Dunning Dale. In this town Professor Oak was (by coincidence) placed this summer to help with the pokémon in that country. As he captured some pokémon, he would release them just before he went back to his hometown.
:chu: This is where you get your first Pokémon.

What you do not know is that you are living in one of the small towns hidden in the center of the mainland. One of the towns where Pokémon are allowed. In the kingdom you just moved too, Pokémon are strictly prohibitet and are all driven and put away to place where no people live. Why and when, you will learn along your Journey...
:snea: The main objective is, is to solve this Pokémon-disallowens in the kingdom

Hereby I include a list of important characters. To be filled.

The Main Hero
Okay, I guess this is pretty clear. This will be you, the player. As stated above, you are in the beginning almost 18 and... well... you will find out. I might include a (male and female) graphic later.

The Main Hero's Rival
Okay, this is not the contrary from what you choose as gender, neither will it be Ash or Ricky. This is a new rival you will met just close to your hometown... (No.. he is also not like ??? in Ruby/Sapphire from the Red/Blue Team...

Proffesor Oak
We all know proffesor Oak. I think he is one of the most coolest person in the Pokémon world (okay, except for Richie, He and Sparkie and Zippo where/are totally awesome!! XP). He will play a perfect role in the story, which I will not reveal/spoil.

A list of features. Yet to be expanded with more!

  • A Re-Newed pokédex System
  • Old Style, New Graphics Battle System
  • All Pokémon from to at least
  • Improved (Dynamic) Shop System
  • The old (Ruby styled) Bag system with new features (like weight and size)
  • A berry blender (but more features)
  • Pokémon performance competitions (Ribbons)
  • Day-Night Systems with Seasonal Wether and Tilesets
  • Online Battle and Trading modes (Including a Tournament of some sort :P)
  • Perhaps some new pokémon
  • At least 8 new badges
  • Unlimeted save files (one for each trainer name)
  • Other new features yet to be revealed.

A list with screenshots. Yet to be expanded with more!

  • I know I sould not show title screen, however, there is a story behind this. This titlescreen will show a pop-up (shown) when there are fonts installed. What is the point? Well, if the game finds out that your computer does not have the fonts, it automaticly installs the fonts, and shows this screen once. The next startup you won't see it. Also, the load is semi-transparant when there is nothing to load (duh).
  • The (sort-of) well known Intoduction 'help'. I intend to change the next, but it looks nice this way anyway.
  • Hey, looks who's there. Proffesor Oak with his (cough) original (cough) introduction.
  • This is the standard view without mapname display (good for cutscenes) Note, that picture is not an overlay of somesort. The maps 'Viewport' is just within this picture.
  • Again the Maps view, however, this time you can see that the map name (wrong in this case by the way ) is shown right there.
  • This is a new feature of the game. By entering a map you will most off the times be enlightend by this location popup. It shows the Area name, route you are on and last, but definitly not least the pokemon in this area. Will shown in full color when seen, sillhouet (black) if not seen, and with pokéball if captured.
  • Some same sort of Location pop-up, but now for a town. Wil lshow the name, then what Badge you can get. (if there is a Badge availeble, another window is shown with the Gymleaders sprite)  and the route numbers from the connections to this town.
  • Load screen in progres.
  • Save screen in progres... :P
  • Working on the menu system!
  • This is my first Pokémon map. It shows you the (crappy) hero start town and a bit of the forest around it. I only found 2 mapping errors yet. (Both made on the map's edge, this is a compilation of 3 separated maps)

I could not have done this/do this without...

There are some people I NEED to credit, I WANT to credit, and I just want to say thanks to. Here is a list:
  • Thank you Avatar, Now I can use your sprite in return for this credit.
  • Thank you DarkAngelX. You gave me a archive with all Pokémon Fonts (RS was damaged btw...)
  • Thank you Leon. ou gave me some Ideas to show me how to script some things...
  • Thank you Silon for the awesome new trees! Now I can have an even greater variety of trees.
  • Thank you Solarsoft GameTeam Members and hbgames.org for all of your support and friendship.
  • Thank you Enterbrain! for making this all possible.
  • Thank you GoldenAura, for the first Netplay module.
  • Thank you Trebor777 and Mr.Mo for helping me with Netplay Plus™
  • Thank you Lance, for those awesome images I fouind in your abadonned project.
  • Thank you Nonta, now I have a lot more awesome music files.
  • Thank you Bo(master) for capturing some images for me.

Other things I like to say...

Pokémon - Another World
by Me™; Last Update: 11 december 2006
will be update weekly

This game is made with the official version of RPG Maker XP
« Last Edit: December 12, 2006, 09:36:35 AM by Me™ »

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
(this reply contains some..well..bad words)

OMG OMG...this is from creation asslum correct? I remember commenting on this! as aI said before THIS FUCKING KICKS ASS.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
6 Bagels
This is definately pretty looking, it fits the pokemon style for sure, but aside from looks, I'm going to have to leave overall game function and storyline on my "not sure if it can live up to the actual pokemon games" list. I'll be sure to play it when/if you release a demo.

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
 >:( If this does not get finished I will never forgive you! EVER! There has been almost millions of pokemon fan games, But have yet to find a fully, Non-demo one.

Level 88
6 Bagels
I have, but it was horrible. T'was called "Pokemon Diamond", back in the days of Gold and Silver, and it was about "Electric Monsters", and had absolutely nothing to do with pokemon except for its graphical style.

Level 90
(this reply contains some..well..bad words)

OMG OMG...this is from creation asslum correct? I remember commenting on this! as aI said before THIS FUCKING KICKS ASS.

Same! I'll comment anyways...

This is fricking aewesome! Nice screens and text, PM me when a demo comes out on RMRK, not CA.


Level 89
Call it too lazy to get a good avatar.
Sweet dude, I'll be glad to pitch in in anyway I can.
Sir Acer is back. This time, he has nothing. Its a fresh start.

Level 89
I'm back again. Again.
I want a demo for this, when possible!

Level 88
Evil will Perish In a Flash of Crimson...
Wow, Very nice, i used to love the pokemon games and there still gr8 to play, any idea when u have a demo or anythin? it really looks sweet :)
Good Luck ;)

Level 88
Thanks everyone. About the story: Yeah, it sucks. It is very concept, an I am about to change it. Not for a hundred percent, but just parts. Also, I just wanted to make a game, which is like pokémon, yet different.

For the record,
I did set up the Pokemon Object Setup functions, this includes methods for the IV's, DV's, Nature and PV. Also, I have made a method to calculate the expericne, catch_rate, did finish up the basic information and the base stats on the first 251 pokemon, this includes experience curves, did entered all the possible statussen and natures into the database and coded on the day night system (pretty right now :D)

Level 89
I'm back again. Again.
I loved the screens, they looked great.

Like Crimson said, any idea when they will be a demo avaliable?

Level 88
Well.. There is a lot scripting and mapping (mainly brsainkilling database inputing) to be done. I don;t know when actually, I have school running to and Netplay PLus , butthat will be finished in december, so I guess Only some time for Pokemon and the Online Game I am making (Will bve awesome).

Erm... I hoper this year, but I guess next year.

Level 89
I'm back again. Again.
I hope this year. It looks really good.

Level 88
The Hated One
You better put forth alot of effort if you want it to even come close to the real pokemon games, while the skin is nice, I wont be able to dertermine how good it is till we get a demo!
Legacy: The Gatekeeper- Demo 2.0 Now Avaliable

Level 88
I don't think you can really see how much I already put into it. You go put in the statistics from 251 pokemon. Inlcuding Discription, move lists, base stats, type, catch rate, base exp, exp curve, stepps to hatch egg, egg moves, battle formula';s, IV's, PV, EV's, nature and allt he rest.


Level 89
I'm back again. Again.
Your right, yeah. I still can't wait for a demo.

Level 86
I have, but it was horrible. T'was called "Pokemon Diamond", back in the days of Gold and Silver, and it was about "Electric Monsters", and had absolutely nothing to do with pokemon except for its graphical style.

I downloaded and played some of that! I'm not sure what happened to it though, I think I lost it when my computer was reformatted... I think I got confused and quit or something. And I'm replying to an old post! Woohoo!

Rep: +0/-0Level 86
God, A bloody grave digger, didn't you read the date?

Also I've finished the new Pokemon games, they both sucked, not as good as the old Silver/Crystal. I'll admit they were both O-Kay. . but allot crappier.