Yoh, still in business...? I can help. I can certainly try my hand at it. I mean. I have - Photoshop (7.0). I've done banners but not title screens. I would think they're a lot like a poster anywho.
I specialise in Photo-manipulation. (and restoring.) If you can tell me how they're saved and the exact dimentions I can whip up some easy-peasy, lemon-squeezie.
Ya need anything for me to provide...?
Edit time: (because I didn't want to make another post.)
Good lord my mind must be fries right now. I went though the whole thread before posting and didn't see that. so yeah here it is:
Name: Revanica
Age: 19
Experiance: 4+ years (studied formal graphic arts/visual arts)
Program: Photoshop
Specializes in: Photo-manipulation, adding LOTS of sparkles.* (Well whaddya expect, I AM a girl.)
Example: No title screens done. But got a banner,