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Should any country in the world be spending money on Space Exploration?

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Level 91
Simple. When we learn to accept each other, then we listen to each other. Maybe a Iraqi or Iran scientist will know how to cure the common cold. If we continue to fight with Iraqi's, we would never or ,not right now, find that cure. Remember two hands are better than one. More minds working means more answers. Stopping wars and other harmful and useless things means more money being spent on meaning full things. That means more research, more space bases around the world, more eyes watching the sky. And about that comment on human nature being violent, we can change. In our more primitive lives (cave men) we would constantly fight over little things and never get along. But through out history, we have learned to become friends and say no to war. That is why we have NATO, the United Nations, public schools fill of people with different races studying under one roof. It is possible and we can do that. It is just a matter of time when we understand that. Will it be today, the day before doomsday or maybe never.
ATM? Well yeh... If you laced every world leaders glasses with LCD. Sorry to say but that is truly bull shit. World piece is a pipe dream that will never take place with divided countries. For a Utopian dream, it's going to take a lot of blood.

Oh and we do a cure to the common  cold. We just don't have a cure for colds in general, and won't for some time, it's not a matter of directly attacking the virus, because it consistently mutates, it's a matter of making the immune system better.

All your ideas sound nice and fluffy, but I don't see any suggesting on how we go about doing them. You sound like mis universe when she says "World piece!". Give some calls to your claims.

Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
Simple. When we learn to accept each other, then we listen to each other. Maybe a Iraqi or Iran scientist will know how to cure the common cold. If we continue to fight with Iraqi's, we would never or ,not right now, find that cure. Remember two hands are better than one. More minds working means more answers. Stopping wars and other harmful and useless things means more money being spent on meaning full things. That means more research, more space bases around the world, more eyes watching the sky. And about that comment on human nature being violent, we can change. In our more primitive lives (cave men) we would constantly fight over little things and never get along. But through out history, we have learned to become friends and say no to war. That is why we have NATO, the United Nations, public schools fill of people with different races studying under one roof. It is possible and we can do that. It is just a matter of time when we understand that. Will it be today, the day before doomsday or maybe never.

You haven't told us how stopping space exploration is supposed to hasten world peace. Rocket scientists know about rocketry, not farming techniques. As I have said about many things before, just throwing money at a problem does not instantly solve it.

We have something that's cure enough for the common cold: washing your hands. You'd be surprised how little people do it.

"Cave men" didn't fight over little things. Life was a daily struggle for scraps off Nature's table until farming was developed. You might think that a few acres of pasture is a little thing, but they took what they could get.

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
Quote from: Saucy
For a Utopian dream, it's going to take a lot of blood.

Doesn't that kinda contradict the whole concept of a utopia?
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Level 91
Quote from: Saucy
For a Utopian dream, it's going to take a lot of blood.

Doesn't that kinda contradict the whole concept of a utopia?
Not my Utopia...

It's ignorant to think that one day all of the people will drop the guns and start holding hands. The only way to get peace is at the end off a knife. I don't feel that separate organisations can exist under different rules, and many countries have already proven that.

Level 88
Ns points everyone. I am sort of confused but here goes. I think we should first fix all the trouble on earth like discrimination before thinking about the future. There is no point in moving forward if you still have some mistakes to fix at the present. But I think a global conflict will kick us in the pants and set us straight. Right now we are fighting each other not fighting together. Maybe if we are invaded by aliens, global warming, or something else, we would have to unite in order to solve the problem. I think we can achieve peace if we respect others first. We always wait until someone respects us, say hello to us, but sometimes it never happens. We are the developed nations, we should be the ones who respect others. We should invade Iraq to establish a fair government or wat ever, not to control the oil. we should help the people the people, not help ourselves. It is going to take something big to set us straight. It just has to be a world wide treaty to stop war. Sure there will be violence, but at a smaller scale as wars are obselete (sry can't speal). People may never throw down there guns, but they can point it at a common enemy. They can point there guns on global problems. Everyone has damned or don't believe that the human race will ever find piece or solve any problems. HECK, look at Africa, India, China! They were forsaken countries where the picture of poverty was present in so many minds. But at their current pace they will be the next super powers. We have stopped SARS, no nukes have been launched since WW2, and people are starting to see that the US is not all that is cracked up to be. We will reach the end of rainbow, but i agree, blood will be spilled. But remember, does not have to ours. 

Level 91
I am sort of confused but here goes.
The why are you posting..?

Sure there will be violence, but at a smaller scale as wars are obselete (sry can't speal). People may never throw down there guns, but they can point it at a common enemy. They can point there guns on global problems.
Common enemy..? It sounds like your talking about a cheap world monopoly.

There is no point in moving forward if you still have some mistakes to fix at the present.
Yeh, there is. Have you ever thought that it might be future ideas that bring the change? Why should technological progress stop because, "man still hates one another"? If the answer is because we could destroy ourselves, uhh, sorry to break it to you but we already can. As Saladin said too, I don't think rocket scientists could really tackle world peace...

We are the developed nations, we should be the ones who respect others. We should invade Iraq to establish a fair government or wat ever, not to control the oil. we should help the people the people, not help ourselves.
Apparently that's what America did. How can you say either way..? How can you say that the invasion wasn't just to set up a fair government ( I'm hardly saying it was BTW... ). You can't prove a lie that contains a superpower to back it up.

It just has to be a world wide treaty to stop war.
And again, how the fuck do you expect that to happen..? Clapping your heals won't make it true.

Everyone has damned or don't believe that the human race will ever find piece or solve any problems.
I have no problem in the idea that the world will gain piece, but it's not going to be any time soon, and by that, I'm talking hundreds of years...

We will reach the end of rainbow, but i agree, blood will be spilled. But remember, does not have to ours.
Lol. Congrats, that sounded more psychotic then what I said...

Sorry if I missed anything, but you need some separate paragraphs.

Level 88
Everything i said was from my view because i am an optimistic person. Why do you think humankind have no hope? We did survive the cold war right? You are fixed on the point that humans will never achieve peace and that we are mindless zombies who will just blow up each other. Cut us some slack. you only look at our mistakes and not at our accomplishments. And yes, I can't make peace happen by clapping my heals, but can you destory the world by just saying we are damned? i am not god and i can't do anything. So stop saying that life is cheap, humans are not passionate and that we are going to all kill ourselves. Remember, we are still alive today. We are moving forward even though we kill and hate. But we would move faster if we don't hate or kill. Sure we can't stop it completely, but we can reduce it in considerable amounts.

Level 91
Everything i said was from my view because i am an optimistic person. Why do you think humankind have no hope? We did survive the cold war right? You are fixed on the point that humans will never achieve peace and that we are mindless zombies who will just blow up each other. Cut us some slack. you only look at our mistakes and not at our accomplishments. And yes, I can't make peace happen by clapping my heals, but can you destory the world by just saying we are damned? i am not god and i can't do anything. So stop saying that life is cheap, humans are not passionate and that we are going to all kill ourselves.
Actually I'm not opposed to peace, or humanity in general. I just don't feel we can do it in our lifetimes. If I was so fixed on humanity's down falls I would of said something like;

HAHAHAHA! You children are naive! Who said that we will live for 10 more years, 5 more years, GOD DAMN IT we might all just die tomorrow. Remember, you yourselves have no absolute assurance that you live today or tomorrow. NEVER and I mean NEVER say that humanity has an insured time of life. At any given moment, a asteroid can come crashing, splitting the earth in half. We could be invaded by hostile aliens or the sun's solar flares wipe all electrical equipment on earth sending into utter chaos. Maybe Iran or South Korea will nuke us, causing a massive chain reaction that mortally wound or destroy the earth. It takes only 23 high-powered nukes to destroy this planet.
Oh, wait a second...

Everything i said was from my view because i am an optimistic person.
Oh?? *Points up*

We are moving forward even though we kill and hate.
I thought you wanted to halt human progress??

Sure we can't stop it completely, but we can reduce it in considerable amounts.
Yes, we certainly 'could'.

Level 88
I just don't feel we can do it in our lifetimes. If I was so fixed on humanity's down falls I would of said something like;

I agree with you. We will never make it without blood. I just think that we can make it. But then again, we can do something stupid. Many value pride way to much. They don't think and they do stupid things. The human race is basically a gamble.

But then why did you say:
Should any country in the world be spending money on Space Exploration?

AHHHH!!! You insane man!!! WE SHOULD BE ON MARS BY NOW!!!! Damn you anti-spacites!!!

Now the question is: How are we going to stop humanity from blowing themselves up?

Level 91
I just don't feel we can do it in our lifetimes. If I was so fixed on humanity's down falls I would of said something like;

I agree with you. We will never make it without blood. I just think that we can make it. But then again, we can do something stupid. Many value pride way to much. They don't think and they do stupid things. The human race is basically a gamble.
I thought you were optimistic..? Your changing views more then how many pills Anna Nicole Smith ODed on.

But then why did you say:
Should any country in the world be spending money on Space Exploration?

AHHHH!!! You insane man!!! WE SHOULD BE ON MARS BY NOW!!!! Damn you anti-spacites!!!

I said that because space isn't getting enough attention paid to it. Unlike you I don't want to stop the acceleration of man. Really, what does that have to do with it?

Now the question is: How are we going to stop humanity from blowing themselves up?
I asked YOU that.

Level 88
Well, i have no idea what we are going to do. As you said, we aren't going to drop our guns and hold hands. I no idea, but why don't you tell me yours.

Level 91
I have no notion for world peace other then that which will occur naturally over time and development, cultural and technological. It would be heavily against the odds to say that it will happen soon. 

Level 88
Well, I think it is a gamble. But I lean more againest that we will achieve peace. Before that, we will have to go through another blood bath.

Level 88
More man than everyone here put together.
Quote from: Saucy
For a Utopian dream, it's going to take a lot of blood.

Doesn't that kinda contradict the whole concept of a utopia?
Not my Utopia...

It's ignorant to think that one day all of the people will drop the guns and start holding hands. The only way to get peace is at the end off a knife. I don't feel that separate organisations can exist under different rules, and many countries have already proven that.

And why do you find it so crucial to be ruled by someone?
The opposite of intelligence is not stupidity, it's patriotism.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Because communism doesn't work, it's not possible.

You need a ruler to, however cruelly, hold things together. People are followers, it's that simple.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Maybe if we are invaded by aliens, global warming, or something else, we would have to unite in order to solve the problem.

I stopped reading after you said this. Are you a little kid, on drugs or just messing with us? How can I take you seriously if you'll say this kind of stuff. The likely hood of aliens trying to conquer us is so low it's laughable. Also Global warming isnt real, the earth naturally goes through phases of warm and cold weather, in the future people will bitch about global cooling. 

Level 88
Okay, I know that was a little stupid. But I think it something big will cause us to unite together to solve a common problem. Remember how they created that book with information or proof on global warming? That wasn't done only be the american's, it was done by everyone. Plus, I somewhat agree with you global warming comment. Millions of years ago, volcanoes injected huge amounts of toxic gases that changed the world temperature. So i guess it is natural. But now, volcanoes don't as much as they did before. The earth went through an ice age because of a asteroid and cause intensified gases. None of that is happening now. It is us who are being "volcanoes." When nature is ready, she will do here thing. But we shouldn't accelerate that process.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
There is no point in moving forward if you still have some mistakes to fix at the present. But I think a global conflict will kick us in the pants and set us straight. Right now we are fighting each other not fighting together. Maybe if we are invaded by aliens, global warming, or something else, we would have to unite in order to solve the problem. I think we can achieve peace if we respect others first. We always wait until someone respects us, say hello to us, but sometimes it never happens. We are the developed nations, we should be the ones who respect others. We should invade Iraq to establish a fair government or wat ever, not to control the oil. we should help the people the people, not help ourselves. It is going to take something big to set us straight. It just has to be a world wide treaty to stop war. Sure there will be violence, but at a smaller scale as wars are obselete (sry can't speal). People may never throw down there guns, but they can point it at a common enemy. They can point there guns on global problems. Everyone has damned or don't believe that the human race will ever find piece or solve any problems. HECK, look at Africa, India, China! They were forsaken countries where the picture of poverty was present in so many minds. But at their current pace they will be the next super powers. We have stopped SARS, no nukes have been launched since WW2, and people are starting to see that the US is not all that is cracked up to be. We will reach the end of rainbow, but i agree, blood will be spilled. But remember, does not have to ours. 

You cant fix discriminations unless you ask the other countries to do so, and no country should have the right to dictate that. If you're confused, then why r you posting?

Sure a global conflict can set us straight, but one can't convince the whole world to feast upon their ideas. heck, that's why we have war.

I highly doubt the chance of us fighting together, maybe so in a few billions years i can look toward aliens sucking our blood and throwing our bodies in bodies of water, then spraying that blood back out.

Some countries dont take peace lighty....

We should invade Iraq to establish a fair government or wat ever, not to control the oil. we should help the people the people, not help ourselves.

Seriously, if you're gonna talk about iraq do so somewhere else. This is about space exploration.
WOW, like, WOW 4 years into the war and thats the best you've accomplished, yet it made matters such worse, because the main conflict between iraq is the civil war. So if the administration is Shiite based, than congrats, all your work in iraq has been for nothing. If you've actually accomplished anything in iraq you would've won by now, too bad you'll have to pull out those soldiers soon...


Its true those once poverished countries will become the next superpowers, china and russia are alrady on their way.

If you're in support of the U.S. join the army rather than complain about the wars

Sure, let me grab a stick and start fighting with it, and others should too <sarcasm>

Blood will be ours alright.

That wasn't done only be the american's, it was done by everyone.

Everyone eh...  :-\ just look at this


Well, money should be spent on space exploration, but we dont need to go now, we need to have the necessary equipment ready for whatever's out there. we're not capable of adapting to outer space conditions as of yet, and we need to rely on technology to support us.

Level 88
If we start now, we will learn more than if we start later. Lets have a head start and space explorations is bound to bring about new and useful technologies.

Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
yeah.... as if less than 5 billion years isnt enough time.

Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
Well, money should be spent on space exploration, but we dont need to go now, we need to have the necessary equipment ready for whatever's out there. we're not capable of adapting to outer space conditions as of yet, and we need to rely on technology to support us.

How are we supposed to have the technology in the future if we don't develop it today?

Resource Maker
Level 91
How are we supposed to have the technology in the future if we don't develop it today?

I still think if we could make exploration devices that can aid us explore our own planet better these can be adapted into space travel later...

After all our own planet is still a planet...

Lets make ships that can reach the sea bed (the very bottom)..

Lets make breath apparatus for diving that doesn't need MASSIVE cylinders (Bio Gills or some some-thing)

Some thing that can tunnel deep into the earth... May be submerg in Lava...

All these things could help us map the stars one day !!!

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Level 87
¥¥Death is Peace, and it is your friend¥¥
Saladin, read my posts before you answer, i said....

Well, money should be spent on space exploration, but we dont need to go now, we need to have the necessary equipment ready for whatever's out there. we're not capable of adapting to outer space conditions as of yet, and we need to rely on technology to support us.

I did not say people should stop spending money on the technology, i meant give it time and invest a bit more so we can at least develop some useful technology.


I still think if we could make exploration devices that can aid us explore our own planet better these can be adapted into space travel later...

if we get to know our own planet better, we may have a chance for whats outside of our planet. Heck, if you put the time periods in a day, dinosaurs have been living for 18 hours, where as we were only doing so for 10 minutes. We've been on earth for thousands of years, but a small fraction of that has helped discover new technology. We should get to know our own planet more, before we actually head out to outer space and come back with disastrous results.

After all our own planet is still a planet...

Lets make ships that can reach the sea bed (the very bottom)..
Well, to me, it's kind of impossible. Because think of water pressure. If you go all the way to the bottom, whats sitting ontop of you? Millions of tons of water, ready to crush your vehicle. And even if we did make one, what are the chances of it successful? Who'd want to go test out their prototypical underwater vehicle, when it may sink and cause deaths? True many people've died trying to unlock the mysteries of science, but i think this is one effort that's impossible.

Lets make breath apparatus for diving that doesn't need MASSIVE cylinders (Bio Gills or some some-thing)
Bio-Technology is primarily used by farmers. Perhaps we might make a an apparatus where as we may be able to filter out the water for oxygen.  :lol:

Some thing that can tunnel deep into the earth... May be submerg in Lava...
not even titanium can resist 1000oF. of molten lava.

All these things could help us map the stars one day !!!

sure they can, but the possibilities are really low as of now.  :-\

Level 88
metalcore loving gay pride christian
Okay, so we should develop the technology but not use it for an undetermined amount of time because there's a chance that people could die? There's no such thing as a perfectly safe vehicle, you know. Sooner or later these technologies will have to be put to use.

The technology that would be used to travel to the deep sea (which we can already do) or beneath the Earth's crust would be built to withstand massive pressure and heat, while space faring vehicles have to deal with zero pressure, near-absolute zero temperatures, radiation, and micrometeorites.

Holier then Jesus.
Level 87
I am sure space living for an extended amount of time is possible but it requieres alot of things. Now if it is really far away we all could not just move all at once. also once we are there you have to import some stuff so you can survive. So my argument is if the earth is dieing or being killed or what ever that is going to happen it will require time to feed billions of people.