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Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Okay well I thought this does indeed belong here and well, might be interesting. Basically I think what we should discuss what is desirable in a parter, or if ociety is too focused on sex and well sexuality in genereal.

I'll get the ball rolling. Surprisingly the first thing a woman needs to meet my standards is intellegence. That's first and foremost, looks are an added bonus. Seriously, if a woman can't give me at least semi-inellegent conversations I can't be sexually attracted to them. Even if they are 'hawt'. So every one, whats more important? A womans mind or looks?

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
I think mind. Just because she is hot is not a reason to like a women. Really all girls are attractive in some way or the other, having one with brains is better since she will still be attractive in her own way.

also shouldn't you add "girls what do you like in guys" lol because we have some girls here/
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Well In the first paragraph i did say 'partner' so I kind of tried to be fair to female memebers.

But yeah if a girl is dumb as a box of rocks it'll just annoy me.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Dumb people make me angry. I don't mean people who literally can't help it, I mean "I skipped all of my classes because mommy/daddy will pay my way through life and I don't care that it'll make me a total frickin' airhead" dumb. I cannot STAND those people. Personally, I am looking for someone who is creative and somewhat eclectic.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
I'm surprised that I'm not alone in putting a womans mind above her looks.

Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 Funniest Member2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Best Musician2013 King of RMRKFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]Most entertaining member on the IRC2011 Best Musician2011 Funniest Member2010 Most Missed Member
I don't care what they look like... good looks is low on my list of priorities for a partner. I've had my share of girlfriends that people would consider to not be good looking, but that doesn't matter, I just want someone who I can stand to be around, and if they're a moron, then all I'll be doing is trying to prove to them how moronic they are, and thus I won't be enjoying their company.

Then again, I'm engaged anyway, I shouldn't make it sound like I'm still looking. >_>


Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female Member^_________________^f*ck u >:(LO !!

I don't care how smart she is, she's never getting anybody.

Looks don't play an important factor, but they do factor in.
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
So wait. Is this actually about sexuality, or not? Because it seems like we strayed from the topic title in the very first post when you mentioned stuff about intelligence being attractive.

But for me, looks are moderately important. I can't be expected to be attracted to someone if I'm not physically attracted to someone. I don't hold that in the highest regard, though. Sense of humor is definitely on the top of the list. I like a girl that laughs as much as others laugh with her.

I'm practically in love with the Eliot from Scrubs.  :tpg:


Level 89
What will that crazy ape do next?
Okay well I thought this does indeed belong here and well, might be interesting. Basically I think what we should discuss what is desirable in a parter, or if ociety is too focused on sex and well sexuality in genereal.

I'll get the ball rolling. Surprisingly the first thing a woman needs to meet my standards is intellegence. That's first and foremost, looks are an added bonus. Seriously, if a woman can't give me at least semi-inellegent conversations I can't be sexually attracted to them. Even if they are 'hawt'. So every one, whats more important? A womans mind or looks?

ur going to ask a bunch of computer geeky-rpg maker using nerd boys if they find looks important?  we're not exactly the pick of the litter in terms of looks (usually) ourselves, thus it is complete hypocracy to think otherwise.

wait a second...~rereads what he just wrote~ I just made myself feel bad...
My Project: Dark Empire
Official Site: http://darkempirerpg.tripod.com
Process: Getting back to work.

Always looking for sprites, if your interested, PM.

"But then I realized, why stop things from exploding, when in fact it is in exploding that things reach their perfect form. Of course, they only reach it for a few glorious seconds, but during that short time there is no object in the universe more beautiful." -Kite Rockswell, the Mad-Mad Bomber, from The Final War, my very own novel project.  PM me if you would like to read.

"Oh, sure, blaim the wizards..."

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female Member^_________________^f*ck u >:(LO !!
You're probably just underestimating yourself.

an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Level 91
Personal Text
I put girls sense of humour at teh top folowed by looks then intelligence, and alot of stuff after that. I need a girl who can keep me entertained and still be able to look at. I mean If shes pug ugly the most we can be is friends...
But ... unfortunatly im giving up on the whole love/like BF/GF thing. It may stop the *family name* generation, Ive been having bad luck with relationships latly. So its kinda left me hanging.

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
"hawt" girls are there to be screwed. The intelligent and nice ones are the ones for life. :)
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I love Firerain
Level 97
Yes i agree intelligent and good.
But then there are some what you call "hawt" and int. girls in me class too..

Dumb people make me angry. I don't mean people who literally can't help it, I mean "I skipped all of my classes because mommy/daddy will pay my way through life and I don't care that it'll make me a total frickin' airhead" dumb. I cannot STAND those people. Personally, I am looking for someone who is creative and somewhat eclectic.

Signed. One of my friend is like soo...mindless. I wonder how he breathes. Thats the only thing i wonder bout him...sometimes i think how do you breathe when youre so dumb.
He;ll just pop up, irritate us annoyingly and then when we say something he says"Ur abusing me right??". HE just thinks by doing TaekWond-Do for like 2 years, he's the best of best.
Once i and my truly good friend tested his defense.

and it sucked...

badly because he didnt have the brains that i hit stomach head s h s h s s ...-.-
I feel like killing him =)
Arlen is hot.

Level 91
Personal Text
I wana do that to this ginga we have at school...
but instead we decided to get him so drunk he fell asleep then we drew penises on his face and shaved his eyebrows. lol. Stupid ginga.

I love Firerain
Level 97
Arlen is hot.

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
I wana do that to this ginga we have at school...
but instead we decided to get him so drunk he fell asleep then we drew penises on his face and shaved his eyebrows. lol. Stupid ginga.

That's totally immature.
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You can also love/hate us on Facebook or the game itself.

Get DropBox, the best free file syncing service there is!

I love Firerain
Level 97
Yes it is a little immature but it shows that we're bad.

Arlen is hot.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
WTF is a ginga? And yes, I won't disagree with Djangonator, but you also have to consider that this what every American with access to any source of public media is raised on.

Level 91
Personal Text
A ginga is a ugly person with really orange hair,
and I know its immature but it sure was fun!

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero

I love Firerain
Level 97
lol pirates.
Arlen is hot.

Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
In a poll given to women all across America, about 98% stated that a sense of humor was one of the highest priorities they look for in their partners.

Just putting that out there.  ;D  It's an impressive figure.

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
I put girls sense of humour at teh top folowed by looks then intelligence, and alot of stuff after that. I need a girl who can keep me entertained and still be able to look at. I mean If shes pug ugly the most we can be is friends...
But ... unfortunatly im giving up on the whole love/like BF/GF thing. It may stop the *family name* generation, Ive been having bad luck with relationships latly. So its kinda left me hanging.
Aren't you, like, 17 or something? Isn't it a little too early to be giving up? At that age, most people aren't even looking for a real relationship, anyway.


Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
You'd be surprised how important high school drama is.

Level 96
2010 Most Attractive Male Member2010 Best Musician
That's exactly what I'm talking about.

High school relationships are all drama. Almost nobody's actually serious about their relationships in highschool, so giving up just because you've had a few bad runins is, well, idiotic.
