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Democracy is Tyranny Without Revolutions

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An erotic christian
Level 89
shit-porn story :-D
Democracy is a feedback loop that allows through just as much tyranny as the mass psychology will admit at a given time. And because people adapt, because they come to accept as a necessity anything that has been there long enough, they will always accept a little more tyranny tomorrow than they did today. And because they have accepted each bit as it came, they see themselves as under their own rule, even if in truth the driving forces had other interests in mind--and the resulting system other people to benefit.

And so democracy is an evolving tyranny immune to revolutions, like a cleverly malicious tyrant who polls his patrons regularly to see just how much they will tolerate, and just what superficial things would make them feel better about the whole thing. Over time, there is nowhere we can't go, no absurdity the masses can't be sold into taking themselves. If they are taken too quickly, they simply vote it down, and vote it in in smaller steps instead.

Democracy is to say "help me enslave you--tell me just how much more you will accept today without fighting back" and the reply is "just this much!"

Resource Maker
Level 91
Now thats pretty much what I think... but I can't write all that good...

It seems we are slowly being tested to see how much crap we are able to take before we break, the goverment slow rises our taxes, and slowly cuts the NHS, Pensions, and Policing... and with the other hand slowly rises Public transport while taxing drivers of cars with large engines more...

It seems Win, Win for the Goverment and SOD Mr Working class...

I think the best way is to stop voting... After all it is a Democracy... freedom of choice not to tick a box...LOL

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An erotic christian
Level 89
shit-porn story :-D
You complain about the government as if it is some kind of mythological entitie ruling over us from an unscaleable plateau. The true tyrant is the parasitic modern man, who's essentially selfish and individualistic world view (translating into voting habits in democracy) and demand for "equality" for his parasitic and destructive decisions and behaviors is the source of all social stigmas against changing our current order.

The solution, is, of course, simple. Remove the parasites from any position where they are allowed to make (or vote on) decisions affecting the world anymore than what they are going to have for lunch (though, considering what most people eat, they'll just fuck that up too), and allow the the more intelligent, forward thinking, and nobler men and women to take the reigns.

Resource Maker
Level 91
Hummm... I have faith in my fellow man... for example say if underground there lived Giant Erth worm creatures (Think Tremours for a MO... Nah,,,, Common stick with me...)

And they Ate pretty much every one and it was just down to a small group of people, Say me and my College mates from younder year...

Err... no actually your right we would all die...

But we don't in the films... so... Darn... I lost it... Did i have it in the first place...

Right well thats me living proof... Humans are parasites... I am a Bloody Good looking one though...LOL

On a side note are you agent Smith from the Matrix ?

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Level 88
What did you just say?
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
The solution, is, of course, simple. Remove the parasites from any position where they are allowed to make (or vote on) decisions affecting the world anymore than what they are going to have for lunch (though, considering what most people eat, they'll just fuck that up too), and allow the the more intelligent, forward thinking, and nobler men and women to take the reigns.

You're forgetting something: history. Absolute rule under those who would "take the reigns" (nice pun by the way) could turn out just as badly as they have in the past. Case in point: Hitler. He was intelligent, forward thinking, and noble. That doesn't mean he wasn't cruel and vicious though, and when you deny people the right to participate in selective government, it makes it entirely possible for the world to potentially have another Holocaust on its hands.

Level 88
I have to agree with Zypher here.
Government authorities without the limits of a democratic government can really mess things up, as you can see in Nazi Germany, the USSR, Red China, NK, &c.
Sure, democracy isn't foolproof, but it's much better than the alternative.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 92
The Return of Mandy
In todays modern form of democracy the people are slaves to their own government. The average citizen is afraid of his own elected government. The people should not be afraid of their government, but rather the government afraid of their own people. The government keeps us appeased with new releases (PS3, Cheap prices at Walmart) so that we do not question our very own form of government. Especially today with the bombardment of information surrounding us. We do not have time to study and elect proper officials to represent our country. Incumbency is a great example of this. It is so rare to see an incumbent lose a race because Americans simply do not have time to look at the alternatives. We simply choose the incumbent because we know there name and not because how they accurately represent us.

An interesting quote:
Quote from: Alexis de Tocqueville
Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.

Where there are no gold stars, demerits, or infractions. <3

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
YES! THAT'S THE ONE! THE POST TO DEFINE US! YES! I agree with every single part of that post, Crankeye deserves a fucking medal.

An erotic christian
Level 89
shit-porn story :-D
Crankeye, what you say is wise, though, I'm curious to know what your conclusions from this is?

An interesting quote:
Quote from: Alexis de Tocqueville
Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.

This is 100% true. Egalitarianism makes us slaves to whatever it is that the lowest common denomintors of the human race can comprehend, which, not surprisingly, is usually something either comepletely reactive and irrational(see: fairness, morality, ect) or something comepletely granular and easily manipulated (see: vote tallies, the conversion of complex issues into simple mission statements; pro-life vs pro-choice being the obvious one...).

You're forgetting something: history. Absolute rule under those who would "take the reigns" (nice pun by the way) could turn out just as badly as they have in the past. Case in point: Hitler. He was intelligent, forward thinking, and noble. That doesn't mean he wasn't cruel and vicious though, and when you deny people the right to participate in selective government, it makes it entirely possible for the world to potentially have another Holocaust on its hands.

History you say? Well, then, have you not noticed the fact that every single democracy in the history of the world became bloated and collasped into an authoritarian form of government?

As for Hitler, intelligent perhaps, but noble? I think not. Case and point; his views of the Slavs. And forward thinking? What, pretell, is forward thinking about leading your country into endless and unwinnable wars? When I say more intelligent and forward thinking and nobler leaders, I mean just that; pointing out the foolishness of small minded authoritarian leaders from the past does not invalidate my point.

As for a second holocaust; I'm not suggesting some kind of massive eugenics program or anything, I'm just saying we cannot continue to suffer the parasites to live among us unless we choose to embrace our own stagnation, and ultimate destruction. All I'm saying is that someone needs to do something...

now playing: "Raise Your Sword" by Graveland

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
History you say? Well, then, have you not noticed the fact that every single democracy in the history of the world became bloated and collasped into an authoritarian form of government?

As for Hitler, intelligent perhaps, but noble? I think not. Case and point; his views of the Slavs. And forward thinking? What, pretell, is forward thinking about leading your country into endless and unwinnable wars? When I say more intelligent and forward thinking and nobler leaders, I mean just that; pointing out the foolishness of small minded authoritarian leaders from the past does not invalidate my point.

To your first point, this country doesn't have a democracy; it has a republic. So ancient democracies don't apply to it.

To your second point, Hitler was noble in the sense that he was majestic, and impressive in appearance. And he was forward thinking in the sense that he had a set plan for what he wanted the world to be like, and then acted on that plan. You may not agree with Hitler's intentions: I don't believe anyone does, or should. But the method in which he acted on his intentions doesn't make him "small-minded" by any means.

Level 89
Za Mullet With the Bullet ;o
GIAW 14: Participant
Wow, This is all encountered in a book series entitled "The Sword of Truth".
Anyway, democracy in itself is a perfect system. The only problem, is that we ourselves in America support a republic, not a democracy. (The pledge of allegiance: and to the republic for which we stand, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty, and justice, for all)
for all other countries supporting democracy, a devolution to a republic happens invariably. The only country that supported a lasting democracy was ancient Rome, which eventually desolved. The only way to create a democracy, is to have a forced vote, which takes away the freedom of democracy. It is all a contradiction of itself.

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
I just explained it was a republic right above you but thanks for elaborating anyway. I wouldn't call it a devolution though, just a refined form of democracy.

Level 88
You know you guys are right. I'd much rather have a small group of elite rule over America, in which case I would have no say whatsoever in  any matters! Perhaps, if I contradict them, they'll imprison or kill me. But that's OK, I'm just a dumb commoner, so I shouldn't be questioning them.
Guys, doesn't this sound great? Anyways, don't worry about them doing anything stupid, they're forward thinking, and pretty noble, they're also smarter than you, so if you disagree with them you're just being ignorant.
Quote from: Elegy
It's fucking sad that you and the cat can't stick to the subject and even attempt to defend your little bullshit religion without jumping to personal attacks, maybe thats because evolution is such a stupid idea it's hard to back it up with any claims pertaining to reality.

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
Way to miss the entire point, be a douchebag and make yourself look stupid all in the same post.

Level 92
The Return of Mandy
Crankeye, what you say is wise, though, I'm curious to know what your conclusions from this is?

An interesting quote:
Quote from: Alexis de Tocqueville
Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.

My conclusion served to leave the reader into another train of thought on which to expound upon.  It was an interesting quote to say the least. :]

Where there are no gold stars, demerits, or infractions. <3

Resource Maker
Level 91
Here's What I think whats going on in the Goverment circles, explained in Video form, Enjoy:- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVotmUydJIY

(PS its a Joke... but its fairly funny...)

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows