Crankeye, what you say is wise, though, I'm curious to know what your conclusions from this is?
An interesting quote:
Americans are so enamored of equality that they would rather be equal in slavery than unequal in freedom.
This is 100% true. Egalitarianism makes us slaves to whatever it is that the lowest common denomintors of the human race can comprehend, which, not surprisingly, is usually something either comepletely reactive and irrational(see: fairness, morality, ect) or something comepletely granular and easily manipulated (see: vote tallies, the conversion of complex issues into simple mission statements; pro-life vs pro-choice being the obvious one...).
You're forgetting something: history. Absolute rule under those who would "take the reigns" (nice pun by the way) could turn out just as badly as they have in the past. Case in point: Hitler. He was intelligent, forward thinking, and noble. That doesn't mean he wasn't cruel and vicious though, and when you deny people the right to participate in selective government, it makes it entirely possible for the world to potentially have another Holocaust on its hands.
History you say? Well, then, have you not noticed the fact that every single democracy in the history of the world became bloated and collasped into an authoritarian form of government?
As for Hitler, intelligent perhaps, but noble? I think not. Case and point; his views of the Slavs. And forward thinking? What, pretell, is forward thinking about leading your country into endless and unwinnable wars? When I say more intelligent and forward thinking and nobler leaders, I mean just that; pointing out the foolishness of small minded authoritarian leaders from the past does not invalidate my point.
As for a second holocaust; I'm not suggesting some kind of massive eugenics program or anything, I'm just saying we cannot continue to suffer the parasites to live among us unless we choose to embrace our own stagnation, and ultimate destruction. All I'm saying is that someone needs to do something...
now playing: "Raise Your Sword" by Graveland