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Easy Inn system in RPG maker XP.

Started by thatsmypie, January 09, 2006, 10:39:01 AM

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Ok, there are many ways to do this, but I find this the easiest, plus it works really well.

Make an inn, have an event for the inn keeper or the guy who works there. When he talks have him say something like this,
"Hello, would you like to check in? It is (x) gold to stay."(x meaning how much it costs to stay there)
Then have two choices saying 'yes' and 'no'
Under the 'yes' selection make a conditional branch, have it so if you have (x) gold or more (x meaning how much it is too stay) then you can check in,
then just make it remove however much gold it is to stay.

Now your event screen should look something like this.

Quote<>Message: -Inn Keeper-
                 Hello, would you like to check in?
                 It is (x) gold to stay.
<>Show Choices: Yes, No
[Yes] Handler
<>Conditional Branch: Money 20 or more
  <>Change Money: -(x)
Else Handler
[No] Handler

After you have done that you should make some beds in your inn, (Durrr)
Have them upstairs, downstairs, wherever you like.
After the making the bed have another message with the inn keeper saying something like, "I hope you enjoy your stay,"
Then make a switch called 'Checked in' after the message saying enjoy your stay make the switch turn on. Now your event screen should look like this.

Quote<>Message: -Inn Keeper-
                 Hello, would you like to check in?
                 It is (x) gold to stay.
<>Show Choices: Yes, No
[Yes] Handler
<>Conditional Branch: Money 20 or more
  <>Change Money: -(x)
  <>Message: -Inn Keeper-
                    I hope you enjoy your stay!
  <>Switch: [0001: Checked in] = ON
Else Handler
[No] Handler

Now you need to make something for the 'Else Handler' this is what happens if you do not have the required amount of gold to stay.
Make the inn keeper say something like "Sorry, you do not have enough gold to stay"
Now your screen should look like this.

Quote<>Message: -Inn Keeper-
                 Hello, would you like to check in?
                 It is (x) gold to stay.
<>Show Choices: Yes, No
[Yes] Handler
<>Conditional Branch: Money 20 or more
  <>Change Money: -(x)
  <>Message: -Inn Keeper-
                    I hope you enjoy your stay!
  <>Switch: [0001: Checked in] = ON
Else Handler
<>Message:-Inn Keeper-
                Sorry, you do not have enough gold
                to stay here.
[No] Handler

Now we have made the first page of the event, but you are probably wondering, whats that switch for? When do go to sleep, when is my dinner ready (lol, made me laugh at least)
Now make a second page and set the preconditions 'Switch Checked in ON'
Now make a message from the inn keeper saying, "You are already checked in"
"But when you sleep here you must pay again to stay again."
This basically means you pay for a bed, then the bed is yours until it is slept in, then if you wish to pay for the bed again you must pay again.

Here is what the second page should look like.

Quote<>Message:-Inn Keeper-
                You are already checked in.
                But once you have slept here you must pay again to stay again.

Now you need to make your character go to bed.

So on 1 of the beds you have made make an event, and on the first page set its preconditions to 'Switch, Checked in ON'
Also make it 'Hero Touch'

Now when you touch it you need to make a message come up saying, "Stay?"
Then make 2 choices saying 'Yes' and 'No'
Under yes you make it wait for 20 frames then tint the screen into darkness and make it wait another 40 frames, then tint the screen back to normal.
After that use the event command 'Complete healing' for the entire party.
then turn the switch 'Checked in' OFF.

The event on your bed should look like this.

Quote<>Message: Stay?
           <>Show choices: Yes, No
               [Yes] Handler
             <>Wait: 20 Frames
             <>Tint Screen: (-255, -255, -255,0), @20
             <>Wait: 40 Frames
             <>Tint Screen: (0,0,0,0), @20
             <>Complete Healing: Entire Party
             <>Switch: [0001: Checked in] = OFF
              [No] Handler

And there you go. Thats how you make a checking in system in RPG Maker XP, I know the tutorial was long winded, but it was just as long winded for me writing it.
Any questions, dont hesitate to ask!



wow that's a long solution for a simple event

make the keeper, action key setted right behind the desk infront of the keeper
something like:

X=keeper, unreachable
Y=table, unpassable
P=postion of the action key event on which the player will stand.

the event goes like:

message: keeper: welcome mate, wanna stay in the inn for 20gold?
show choices: yes,no
-if yes
--message: \n[x] : sure mate
--if money >=20 then
---message: keeper: enjoy your stay
---change money: -20
---tint screen: black, 5frames
---teleport: (inn room, on the bed)
---show animation: heal
---complete healing: entire party
---meesage: \n[x]: that was fun, time to wake up
---teleport: (inn room, outside of bed)
{walking outside the inn will be done by the player, using door teleport, this will also allow you to talk with the inn guests}
---message: keeper: sorry mate you don't have enough, get lost.
---teleport(outside the inn)
--if no
---message: keeper: maybe later then.

and that's it.. you don't need 500 events or stupid switches or anything of sort
holy shit my sig was big!


Yeah dude, that is a pretty long tutorial for such a simple thing like that... Not sure if some of the noobier people could really understand that :wink:


give the guy a break he thought thats how you did it and maybe thats the way he likes doing it.


I'm not saying anything bad about it! I fully understand it, just don't believe that others will, so maybe he could simple it up so more people like it! That's all! What I'm saying is for the good!

Done Yelling Now: :wink: