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Mapping - Making a Boat, bad tut

Started by :), December 02, 2006, 04:10:01 PM

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OK well, This tut is going to show you how to make a boat! Just a note, during my attempt at making this tut, it too was my first time working with the boat tileset.

Step 1: Click new map, set it up using the boat tileset, and make it be 50x50, then select the water tile, and paint tool, and lay the water on Layer 1.

Step 2: Switch to layer two and use the boat front tile, to make the front of the boat, which will later become our top deck:
(note you will have fool around with the tiles, its not a drag and drop, you have to make it a little wider)

Step 3: Using the side tile, make the left and right side of the boat going down as far as you want it too, should be pretty long. Then using the boat back tiles, make the back side of the boat, remember to make it line up with the sides, same width. Then select the wood tile, and lay out the floor of the boat deck. (TIP: You will notice when you get to the bottom there will be water showing, simply switch to layer one, and lay the floor tile where those spots were)

Step 4: What is a boat without different decks? Ok first using the stair tile and side wall, lay it on Layer two right where the front TRIANGLE of the boat ends. Next using the Stair tool, select only the middle piece of the tiles, and lay down two sets of small stairs on the middle, and near the end.

Step 5: Now another thing a boat needs is a sail! Now using Layer TWO, lay down the circular piece of the sail,(the pole) You will notice water will show, not again using the method used before, switch to layer one, and lay floor tile where the water was showing, then switch to layer THREE, and add a sail.

Step 6: hmmm one sail for such a BIG way, now go down to the bottom deck you made, and using just the pole tool, lay the two of them near opposite sides on layer two. Then switch to layer three, now you want to make the sails smaller, so first only select about half the sail tile, then lay it on layer three, then using the last piece of the sail, add it to the ends:


Step 7 : Using layer three, add STUFF. Add Some lights to the left side of the boat, some barrels, some pots, CANNONS on two diff decks, and pretty much anything you want! Also on the last deck, the bottom one, add a staircase which will lead to the inside of the boat:

Step 8: Using events, add some people, a Captain, a Sailor, and heck here's the boat in GAMEPLAY!!

Well, I hope you enjoyed this tut! Please some feedback would be nice, also check out my other tuts, I have 4 more here!

Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


Ok... You are a much better mapper then me and know a lot more... but I though that the  steering thing was in the back... and is there a way to make the back fit in? OH... and isn't the crows nest spos-sta be high up?

one more thing... I couldn't get this far, just a little more and it will be perfect.


ya, well Idk thats the way I made it on my first try  ;D anyways I hope you like the finished product when you get there
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Rune King Omega

If your looking for full ship, heres an edit of the rtp ship i fixed, has full ship at bottom of tileset. ;D

ill post as soon is i can get it on imageshack

"Chaos and evil are good. Without chaos and evil, there would be no order or good, and thus the universe would cease to exist as we know it. But there are always shades of gray. the ones in between Good and Evil, Chaotic and Order, who help the balance."


Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Rune King Omega

The tileset is now on imageshack

"Chaos and evil are good. Without chaos and evil, there would be no order or good, and thus the universe would cease to exist as we know it. But there are always shades of gray. the ones in between Good and Evil, Chaotic and Order, who help the balance."


that is a really great job man!
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


Is there any way you can make this better?

Because it kinda sucks....

The wheel should go in the back and crows nest are at the top not bottom of the mast.
Sails go down the center not to the sides and why are there random lamps on one side but the other?


Quote from: BanisherOfEden on January 02, 2007, 09:41:30 PM
Is there any way you can make this better?

Because it kinda sucks....

The wheel should go in the back and crows nest are at the top not bottom of the mast.
Sails go down the center not to the sides and why are there random lamps on one side but the other?

i wish I wasnt lazy, then I would fix all this.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


Woah, uh. Why is that so big?

Ok, you are an awesome mapper, I would have never guessed that map was made by you if you hadn't posted it... it's just that even I can do better then that so... I'll make a boat tut!  ;8


lol, I know it was my very first time ever even looking at that tileset...
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun


Just a note... Those lamps are hanging on a shadow...


How can lamps hang on something While the cannons are above the thing the lamps hang on ..

would that be like.. I have lamp on the floor of my ship !! w00t


Noooooooooo. It's probably just a tall wall and the cannons are through those holes and the lamps are on higher parts XP. (BTW, first post. yaaaaaaaaaay >_>)


Looking it over I see what it is. Those lamps are for the bottom of the boat for example. Not the deck. :)


Yeah.... but, the lamps are like attached on the sides to the wall :P


That one darker plank is in shadow. the walls are short enough so that there is no wall on top of the U shaped hollow cut out for the cannon.


Quote from: Dr_NooB on February 08, 2007, 10:39:49 PM
Looking it over I see what it is. Those lamps are for the bottom of the boat for example. Not the deck. :)

The lamps go on a different floor. Not the same one as the cannons as that would cause this problem. When have you ever seen lamps on the deck of a ship? Never! ;8


this tut was the worst tut I made, sorry just use it as a guideline my other ones are alot better. I made this one during my FIRST attempt at the boat tileset..
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

modern algebra

I wouldn't get too upset over it. The ship tileset is probably the least malleable tileset in the RTP. I've only been able to make one almost decent ship ever, and I am an alright mapper (in my own opinion at least).

Morris Lawry

Why doesn't anyone seem to know that the captain steers the ship from the BACK, why do all boats have the captain at the front ?
Good Bye. RMRK you were cool while I wasn't there.


I hope that i am allowed to post this after this long, but i thought it would be helpful to post a better version of a ship, using the RTP tileset (For the Tutorial Index.)

And for fun, one of my game's maps (working on tileset edit to fix the bugs.) :

If you wish a full-scale one, please PM me. :-)



I think the last ship can double off as some kind of mini dungeon-map.  :lol:
My rpg (in-making) :


RD, you used the tileset of an old ship, made it modernish, a little too modernish.

Nouman, looking at you're last pic-

At the down sail, you know, those white things, check the middle cuz it looks like stairs.
Otherwise it's a good ship, also those blue pots and barrells look all clubbed/even, you should make like instead of 6 barrells, about 4, so it looks like a, you know, real ship.


1 mark for 2 smallish mistakes, and half cuz now i am a bad boy u c :V

Arlen is hot.