Are you really tired of not seeing your character because (s)he blends in with the map?
3 Common Events
3 Variables
2 Switches
Download this
Create two switches.
Name the 1st "Arrow System"
Name the 2nd "Arrow Display"
Now do the first common event. Name it "coordinates"
Make the trigger parallel process
Condition switch: Arrow System
Do this:
@>Control Variable: [0001: X] = Player's Screen X
@>Control Variable: [0002: Y] = Player's Screen Y
@>Control Variable: [0003: A Variable] = 60
@>Control Variable: [0002: Y] -= Variable [0003: A Variable]
This adjusts the coordinates of the picture.
Make another common event, name it "Button" (Or whatever you want.)
Trigger: Parallel Process
Conditional Switch: Arrow System
@>Conditional Branch: Script: Input.trigger?(Input::L)
@>>Conditional Branch: Switch: [0002: Arrow Display] == OFF
@>>>Control Switches: [0002: Arrow Display] == ON
@>>>Conditional Branch: Switch: [0002: Arrow Display] == ON
@>>>>Control Switches: [0002: Arrow Display] == OFF
@>>>Branch End
@>>Branch End
@>Branch End
Lastly, make a new common event. Name it "Arrow Pictures."
Trigger: Parallel Process
Conditional Branch: Arrow System
@>Conditional Branch: Switch: [Arrow Display] == ON
@>>Show Picture: 1, 'Arrow', Center, Variable [0001][0002]), (100%, 100%)
@>Branch End
@>Conditional Branch: Switch: [Arrow Display] == OFF
@>>Erase Picture: 1
@>Branch End
The forest!
Where am I?
Oh, there I am...
Any questions, comments about this system?