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Contradiction of sin (stupid title, I know)

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Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
All of use know that satisfying oneself is a sin (not important which religion). BUT! People are that way. There's a natural need for masturbation and it is even very common in nature amongst all animals. In other words: People are sinner from nature on. How can we even try to reach perfection where we're already sinning with our only existence and satisfying our physical and natural needs?

What do you think about this?
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Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female Member^_________________^f*ck u >:(LO !!
HAHAHHAHA. There's not a natural NEED for masturbation, but it is a natural thing.

Anyway, I'm sure if a priest gets an erection, he just prays it away or something. Otherwise, you've got to beg for forgiveness.

But I don't think God exists, so I'll touch myself whenever and however I want to.
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

The Church as we know it has become a dangerous adversary that (unlike The Church which existed in those arcane previous ages) shifts with the stream of new ideas and revolutionary theories.

If you didn't get it...

1. Church has never quite explicitly (or coherently for that matter) explained
   about many things, we have a case where they say that; if there is intelligent
   life outside this atmosphere; they would fully embrace it... (get this...)

From the beggining of time as we know it, there has been a need for reproduction,
satisfaction and sexual pleasure.

2. We must note that one of the most beautiful and precious songs written during
   the Church's existence is the infamous "Song Above All Songs" which by the way...

   - Is filled with erotic charges
   - Has explicit language describing a woman and man during intercourse in detail
   - Has the most perverse names for reproductory organs
   - Ad Facta was, is, and will be the greatest mistake of The Church
     which (as you say and we know) considers;;;;
   - Sex before marriage a sin
   - Masturbation is a sin
   - Any word that could have a remote sexual meaning (example: cherry, puffy etc...)
     is considered to be the word of Lucifer.

     The Church had not so recently concluded that their devoter followers
     must explore their bodies if they wish to know more about themselves,
     they also should be very careful about the quantites of sexual pleasure
     the allow themselves, because too much may lead to the corruption of the Soul.

     IN SHORT:

     The Church tells you this;
     - You can masturbate, it is not dirty; but masturbate once in a week.
     - If you masturbate every day; YOU HAVE A TICKET TO HELL
     - The only way to save yourself is to repent and stop doing it every day...

     That IS the official position of The Church...

     And might I add, a very disturbed one...  :-[

P.S. As an example, I took Christian Church, there are however certain religions
     are much more flexible (Muslims may have four wives and masturbate as much as
     they like).

Level 91
God of Dicks
So what if you masturbate every OTHER day?

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female Member^_________________^f*ck u >:(LO !!
Wait, so where did you learn that you can masturbate once a week? That's more lenient than I remember.
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Level 94
2012 Most Attractive Male MemberSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for June 20092010 Best Counsel
you are forgetting that before everything, we are animals. And there are some things that we can not change about ourselves no matter how hard we try. People can go without masturbating or sex for a long time, but there is a noticable change in their behavior. Issues like these are best left alone by organized religion, which is why I left them behind long ago. People wonder why priests snap and do things people think are crazy. You try not being allowed to have sex or masturbate for your whole life, and then let's see what kind of shit you get in to.

An erotic christian
Level 89
shit-porn story :-D
The only religions that oppose masturbation are the judaic religions of the middle east and the buddhistic religions of the far east (which are, philisophically almost identical, differing primarily in their views towards suffering, whereas the judaic religions hopelessly embrace suffering, the buddhistic religions vainly deny it). The only reason that they've taken this stance is because they are catagorically opposed to nature and natural functions; they must make nature into an evil and sinfull thing to justify their placing metaphysical deities and events as more important than reality (ei: carnal nature, the earth, things which are 'of the world' so to speak) Also; nature, being wild and untamed, is the quintessence of 'satanic' thought, being free from the outside rule or internal conformity which Judaic and Buddhistic religions (respectively) demand.

So what if you masturbate every OTHER day?

by the church: burn in hell. :)

It's like "poisoning" your soul, the more ou poison your soul, the deader you get.

Level 91
God of Dicks
Death is death. You can't be more or less dead. Just dead.

That's how they explained it to us...

ok... recheck rebound.

The more you masturbate, the more you get addicted to it, to more you
get addicted - your soul gets more corrupted. It's something like
overheating a nuclear reactor :) except you wont explode,
when you "overheat", it means you have corrupted your purity and you
must repent for your sin against yourself.



Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female Member^_________________^f*ck u >:(LO !!
So if I were to masturbate every day and then just repent for it, I'd still get into Heaven?
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I


The whole point of Christianity is about forgivance,
God will forgive you IF YOU REPENT HONESTLY!

That is why you have mortal sins and "ordinary" sins.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Blizzard, I love you dearly, in a non creepy way of course.... But this is just retarded.

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female Member^_________________^f*ck u >:(LO !!

The whole point of Christianity is about forgivance,
God will forgive you IF YOU REPENT HONESTLY!

That is why you have mortal sins and "ordinary" sins.

Hehehe, I think you mean forgiveness  ;)

So what are the mortal sins again?
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

An erotic christian
Level 89
shit-porn story :-D

The whole point of Christianity is about forgivance,
God will forgive you IF YOU REPENT HONESTLY!

That is why you have mortal sins and "ordinary" sins.

Hehehe, I think you mean forgiveness  ;)

So what are the mortal sins again?

Failure to fellate the jewpig bastard son of god is the main one.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Depending on who you ask... ALL OF THEM.

I fucking hate my overly chatholic mother......

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
After talking with a very religious friend about a completely different topic I have some to a interesting conclusion (but only in Christianity):

It is important to love God more than anything else. You cannot have two gods, either God or wealth (literally). To be able to enter the paradise it is neccesary that you are able to leave up everything earthly. In other words all your wealth and all earthly pleasures. So if you don't love earthly pleasures more than God, it technically is not a sin. It is a sin, because you love it more than God in exactly the moment you are experiencing it.
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Resource Maker
Level 91
There are many things that are impropper for people to do that animals do (In front of others)... like walk around naked... Pick their noses, sniff arses of others, Masturbate etc...

Its not that this is impropper to do behind closed doors... I mean even the sniffing of Arses, Example when 69'ing it happens through no fault of your own, human make up....

Also another thing the Bible and the 10 Commandments was written such a long time ago... I would not let it bother you... Who's to dictate whats right and wrong, these days... there is no right and wrong as long as you have a good enough reason to do it, then do it...

Its like Murder... As long as it was in self defence, is then manslaughter... and then if your female and its your partner you killed and he has previous then you get a smack on the back of the wrist and told not to do it again... No crime is a crime as long as you have justification... and if you don't pray for forgiveness...

Either way yo wont burn in hell... hell is a made up place that does not exsist, same as heaven... so there for the bible has no relivance... I know some one who claims to be the next son of God... and guess what he is in a mental institue... And thats exactlty the place Jesus would hve been should he have lived in this day and age... Its all Bollox

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sorry for not responding for a few days, but due to a recent "hack attempt" into one of our computers (trojan backdoor) in the firm (a colleague of mine - the fool had opened a mail with subject: Get this, it's free!) and due to security reasons involving our firm which sells mobile phones (hundreds of codes which can be illegally used) - i simply have to erase my account - we can't be sure what the guy/girl managed to steal before we found out about the intrusion - so you can't be sure that it is ME who is writing this right now - i can't be sure if my account was misused, maybe the guy/girl insulted someone on the forum and i do not want to have bad relations with any of you - so.. i'l be back in a few days - just to reinstall all of this sh*t on servers... see ya.

I'l bee baaak. (try saying it - remembers you of something?)

p.s. was it just on my workstation or was RMRK.NET down for the last 2 days?

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Can that last post be sent to the trash bin? Oh, and this one too.

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
This is what Hell and Heaven REALLY are:

A place close to God.

A place where you can't hear God's voice anymroe, a place where you are alone...

Note that these "places" are not material places, but spiritual ones.
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I love Firerain
Level 97
In hell they stick hot pokers in your ass!
Arlen is hot.

Level 89
Thats intelligent debate if i've ever seen it nightwolf :]

'Tis true tho :D

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Zero to Hero2013 Biggest Drama WhoreParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.

Where do people get these things... it never ONCE in the bible says that hell is a burning inferno... I think that all started because of the whole, Hell is in the center of the earth thing... well it's not!

If you study more into hell you will see that most plausible case would be that hell is cold and dark and all you do is stand in one place and hate yourself and hate everything because that is all you can do... god is love and hell is away from god so there is no love or happiness.

Hell would be a place for you to eternally hate and loathe your very existence.

Level 89
Actually I dont believe Hell is a burning place. I really dont believe in "Hell" at all.