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Kill the Dragon Game lol

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Absolutely the one chosen by fadark
Level 94
I would eat the cornflakes, and have the three llamas fight to the death over half the carrot, the victor would be the greatest, and he would slay the dragon for the other half of the carrot.

If Ham didn't taste like Ham, I would hope it tasted like turkey
Level 88
I get no weapons, so I eat the dragon.


cell phone

piece of gum


Level 90
Returned from the dead.
Stick the piece of gum to my forehead... set it on fire... and start headbutting the dragon...

The cellphone was just for show O_o

1) Rocket Launcher
2) No Rockets O_o
Your conscience.

If Ham didn't taste like Ham, I would hope it tasted like turkey
Level 88
Beat him to death with the empty rocket launcher.


Cd rack


Poster of Christina Aguilera

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
I use the pure evil of Christina Agulera's image to scare the dragon away, then I check if the purse has any cash moneys and if the CDs have any bands I like.

1. 3.50
2. The Loch Ness Monster.

Level 90
Returned from the dead.
Is the 3.50 just a number or currency? O_o

I pay the Loch Ness Monster to eat the dragon

1) A pen
Your conscience.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
It was money.

Also, I'd just stab the dragon with the pen.

1. Al Sharpton
2. Penis nunchucks
3. An issue of 'Big boobs monthly'
4. A kitten

If Ham didn't taste like Ham, I would hope it tasted like turkey
Level 88
I'd use the kitten and the penis nunchucks to beat off to the picture of Al Sharpton, then I'd give the dragon papercuts with the 'big boobs monthly' magazine.


32 toothpicks

pair of sunglasses.

Level 90
Returned from the dead.
Throw toothpicks in the dragon's eyes and put the sunglasses on just in case a toothpick decides to bounce off the dragon's eye and hit mine instead...

1) Yourself
2) A mirror
Your conscience.

Level 87
what... i would not like myself to be bait..-_-  stretched myself do some 20 push ups,2 reps,do a sprint run around the dragon until the dragon gets dizzy gets the mirror and let the dragon look at his reflection and died.

1] a wii console
2] a can of sardines

I love Firerain
Level 97
Throw the can to get attention and tease him to death with my Wii!

1. A Game cd's serial key
2. The game cd's crack.

Arlen is hot.

Level 90
Returned from the dead.
Try and make the dragon figure out what to do without the game cd itself... then sneak away after it is killing itself out of confusion :D

1) A mousemat
Your conscience.

Level 88
OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!
I cast summon with the +5 magic mousemat and the dragon dies.

Your items are:
1.A ninja
2.A bad speller
3.A chicken
Signature goes here

Level 90
Returned from the dead.
Get the ninja to teach the bad speller to spell chicken correctly... and make the dragon watch so it gets so bored it commits mass suicide

You get:
1) Fresh air
2) A milligram of Francium
Your conscience.

Level 88
OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!
I thro away the Franicisium and i throw the EXPLOSIVE fresh air at the dragon.

1. :bean:
2. :mex:
3. :gib:
4. :bb:
5. :sb:
Signature goes here

Level 90
Returned from the dead.
Uses bean 1 to act like a jolly old bean
Uses bean 2 to face theb dragon with wild west music in the background
Uses bean 3 to command an army to attack the dragon
Uses bean 4 to egg the dragon
Uses bean 5 to kiss the dragon

You get:
1) Lasagne
Your conscience.

Level 91
I throw the lasagna at the dragon in a vain attempt, not realising it has an allergy to the wheat in the pasta, killing it... 

You have;



a Bed

Level 90
Returned from the dead.
I'd throw the bed at the dragon which would probably kill it... then leave the other two alone with the remains of the bed

1) Me!
Your conscience.

Level 97
Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantSecret Santa 2012 Participant2011 Most Successful Troll
I make the dragon look at your face

you have

1.)a microphone
2.) the lyrics to She Bang

Level 87
Ontamarama FTW! :D
forces the dragon to learn the lyrics to she bang and make him sing and he realises hes such a bad singer that he dies.

you have: potato
                 and   :shoop:

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
Teases the dragon untill it breathes out fire and cooks the potato. Uses the shoop bean to shoot the dragon, which dies of massive exposure to randomness.... proceeds to eat the potato using the smart metal fork he's been given.

Next person gets:

1). A celine dion CD
2). Loud stereo
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Shadow Knight
Level 91
Ruin that brick wall!
Project of the Month winner for October 2008
Turn on the stereo with the Celine Dion CD in it to the highest volume to kill the dragon by blowing his eardrums.

-Duct Tape
-A Muffin
Be kind, everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.

Level 89
Let's attack agressively.
puts the muffin on top of the paper and when the dragon gets near, i duct tape his mouth and victory!

- :whoopass:
- :kfc:
- :wiimote:

Level 87
Shazamn bithes
Introduces the dragon to the  :wiimote: who gets addicted to the wii....
the dragon loves playing so much that he soon fogets his most basic desires
such as feeding and pooping. The dragon dies of colon cancer.

You get:
1). A huge novelty bong
2) some weed
3) a rasta hat
I'm the pigeon and you're the statue... doesn't take a genius to work out who's been shat on.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy 7

Level 91
Sexual Deviant
I shove the hat over his eyes and kicks him to death and keep everything else for myself.

1. Kitten
2. Puppy
3. CUTE baby