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Christinity and Polytheism

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Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
Christianity has always seemed to be a polytheistic religion in denial. God (or as I will refer to him, Deus), Jesus, Satan, and a hundreds of angels and saints all operate in a way reminiscent of the old religions. The Trinity tries to clear this up by explaining that Deus, Jesus and the Holy Ghost (who seems superfluous to me) are all of the same "essence", which means absolutely nothing at all.

Then there is Satan, who operates as an evil trickster god from his own realm. Can someone explain how he is not a god? His banishment from Heaven can be compared to the banishment of the Titans to Tartarus or to Loki's punishment, except that from Hell Satan still has a great amount of influence in the affairs of the Earth. Sometimes Satan seems to move almost unchecked throughout the world, holding the majority of mankind in thrall to various false (or as I see it, "dummy") religions. All of their devotion is funneled away from Deus (who doesn't really need it anyway) to Satan. He seems to do this for no greater reason than because he is greedy and selfish - standard godly behavior.

Finally, there is the constellation of saints and angels that are prayed to instead of Deus by millions of people every day, an activity encouraged by the Catholic Church. Can you tell me that all these Saints aren't analogous to an ancient household god?


Level 89
The Knight Sabers Shall hunt thine adversaries.
As a Roman Catholic (which is only a tad bit different from Christianity, one of the similarities include this issue), we don't worship saints. We worship God. We "love" Jesus Christ. We respect the Holy Spirit (or Holy Ghost if ur Brit or something). BUT NEVER SAINTS. Saints are to be revered, and that's what we do. And no, Christianity is not a polytheistic religion. Satan is a fallen angel banished by God.

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
As a Roman Catholic (which is only a tad bit different from Christianity, one of the similarities include this issue),

Catholics aren't Christian anymore?

BUT NEVER SAINTS. Saints are to be revered, and that's what we do.

What does that mean? Veneration seems to be worship with a different name. Saints seem to be a continuation of the old fashioned "GOD OF" scheme, only now it is "PATRON SAINT OF".

Satan is a fallen angel banished by God.

But can you tell me how he differs from a god?

Full Metal Mod - He will pillage your women!
Level 93
The RGSS Dude
He was an angel created by God. He tried to become God and failed. Miserably. He was banished to Hell. (Well... actually heck, nobody goes to Hell until after the judgements)
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Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
He was an angel created by God. He tried to become God and failed. Miserably. He was banished to Hell. (Well... actually heck, nobody goes to Hell until after the judgements)

Gods don't create other gods? Gods don't try to usurp other gods? Gods aren't banished from certain places?

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Yes, just like Tsuno and loonygamer said. Obviously you have no idea about christanity. The Trinity symbolizes ONE god, ONE entity, but 3 personifications. Lucifer (the very first angel) rebelled against God as did several other angels. After a lost battle they were banished into hell, Lucifer became "the devil", the fallen angels became "demons". Just because we pray to the Holy Virgin, angels or saints, doesn't mean we pray to gods.
And who made your the official "declarer of standard god behaviour"? How are you supposed to know that standard godly behaviour is selfishness and greedieness? Use common sense, man.

"The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about."
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Level 89
The Knight Sabers Shall hunt thine adversaries.
What does that mean? Veneration seems to be worship with a different name. Saints seem to be a continuation of the old fashioned "GOD OF" scheme, only now it is "PATRON SAINT OF".

Revering and veneration is the same. It means "profoundly honored."

"The greatest ignorance is to reject something you know nothing about."

lol that was my quote.

Well, Catholics came from Christians. If you are Protestant, you are Christian. If you are Catholic, you are Christian. Believe me, I have 8 years of Christian Living and Religion. Yep, those were classes I had in the Philippines since I went to a Catholic school. I know what I am talking about.
« Last Edit: November 23, 2006, 04:48:00 PM by loonygamer »

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
I know, I just wanted to point it out, because I love that phrase. <3
« Last Edit: November 23, 2006, 05:01:10 PM by Blizzard »
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Level 89
The Knight Sabers Shall hunt thine adversaries.
I do too.coz it mine muahahah BUT it is very true.

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007

Wayne Dyer said that, not you. (Look at the bottom.) ::)
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Level 89
The Knight Sabers Shall hunt thine adversaries.

Wayne Dyer said that, not you. (Look at the bottom.) ::)

Uhh I merely said it was me who quoted it lol. I didn't say it was ME who said it lawl.

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
Jesus_Hitler did you even take the time to read a bible before posting this? I'm atheist and I've read the bible it's some good stuff to live by... and so you know I'm not attacking you in any way I just was wondering...

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Jesus_Hitler did you even take the time to read a bible before posting this? I'm atheist and I've read the bible it's some good stuff to live by... and so you know I'm not attacking you in any way I just was wondering...

No the bible doesn't have good stuff to liive by. Christanity's ideal that turning the other cheek fixes everything is childish and the most unrealistic philosophy about life to ever be concieved.

Whether people will ever admit it, there's times when violence fixes problems. There are times when turning the other cheek is completely irresponsible. Almost everything christanity teaches simply DOES NOT WORK.

Adolf Christ
Level 88
Is this the Second Coming, or the Fourth Reich?
Yes, just like Tsuno and loonygamer said. Obviously you have no idea about christanity. The Trinity symbolizes ONE god, ONE entity, but 3 personifications.

Odd, then, that most people make a clear distinction between God and Jesus, while merging the Holy Spirit with God. Do you really think Joe Christian understands the Trinity? God and Jesus are, for the masses, two different beings.

Just because we pray to the Holy Virgin, angels or saints, doesn't mean we pray to gods.

Can you tell me how they differ from ancient household gods (aside from their human origins)?

And who made your the official "declarer of standard god behaviour"? How are you supposed to know that standard godly behaviour is selfishness and greedieness? Use common sense, man.

Flip through a mythology book sometime. Most gods are narcissistic, lustful, belligerent, and cruel. The Christian god is no different, as the Bible states again and again that he instigates wars, murders, and genocides. Jesus only threatens Hell as a punishment, but isn't that just as bad?

Jesus_Hitler did you even take the time to read a bible before posting this? I'm atheist and I've read the bible it's some good stuff to live by... and so you know I'm not attacking you in any way I just was wondering...

The Bible doesn't lay out a plausible way of life. Why do you think so few people really live the way they are supposed to?

Resource Maker
Level 91
Right the devil was an Angel that was kicked out of heaven and banished to hell...

So that means there was already a Hell right ?... If God can be so evil as to do that to some one that was only trying to better him-self then may be God and the Devil are one person... and may be people adapted the religion to seperate Good and Evil as two persons... I think with out Evil you can't Equate Good... there-fore Evil is a factor of good... and Visa Versa...

Its all Dogma... Religion is how you want to interperate things, sadly every one has their own opinion of right and wrong...

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Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
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Jesus_Hitler did you even take the time to read a bible before posting this? I'm atheist and I've read the bible it's some good stuff to live by... and so you know I'm not attacking you in any way I just was wondering...

If the Bible had such wonderful stuff to live by, no one would be going to the bathroom, because according to the Bible, that is filthy, and therefore a sin.  ::)

He was an angel created by God. He tried to become God and failed. Miserably. He was banished to Hell. (Well... actually heck, nobody goes to Hell until after the judgements)

Except that's not exactly what is taught.

Satan was an angell in several of the 9 choirs of angels, and was supposedly the most beautiful of all the angels, and primarily, his job was to tempt humans to show God how faithful they really were. When God had said that humans were above angels, and they were all to bow down before them, Lucifer refused, and thus he was the first angel to sin, and was cast down from Heaven.

Then again, that's only if you believe in all this "Christianity" stuff, which I don't buy a lot of. Other than that, I'm staying out of this one guys, bye.

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female MemberLO !!f*ck u >:(^_________________^
He was an angel created by God. He tried to become God and failed. Miserably. He was banished to Hell. (Well... actually heck, nobody goes to Hell until after the judgements)
Except that's not exactly what is taught.

Buh-but i-it's what d-d-DANTE teaches!!!111

EDIT: I actually don't think even Dante says that. But I'm sure someone equally retarded whose book is as equally distributed has said something like that.
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Jesus_Hitler did you even take the time to read a bible before posting this? I'm atheist and I've read the bible it's some good stuff to live by... and so you know I'm not attacking you in any way I just was wondering...

If the Bible had such wonderful stuff to live by, no one would be going to the bathroom, because according to the Bible, that is filthy, and therefore a sin.  ::)

Agree. It's a sin. But we're all just sinners. Nobody's perfect. ::)
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An erotic christian
Level 89
shit-porn story :-D
Who cares about fucking jew religion christianity? Whole religion is nothing but a big gay pride rally.

Also, if you want to know the REAL story, read Milton's "Paradise Lost", or "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" by some other guy.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
People care becuase that religion totally fucked the world up.

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female MemberLO !!f*ck u >:(^_________________^
Christianity didn't "fuck the world up" on its own. Also, there are worse religions, like Islam.
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
I never said it should take 100% credit, but it did for certian fuck alot of shit up.

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female MemberLO !!f*ck u >:(^_________________^
So? The only argument you have against X-ianity is that stupid "turn the other cheek" thing, which actually fucks up a lot less than "Thor beating up some shit". X-ianity is stupid, but so is your stupid religion.
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
You try turning the other cheek for everything for a week, then tell me it isn't stupid.

Mne eto nado kak zuby v zadnitse.
Level 89
2012 Most Attractive Female MemberLO !!f*ck u >:(^_________________^
That's basically what I do all the time.

Only I call it "not giving a shit"
an6uof hw to aLeme ozle we I