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Legend of dragoon Battle script

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pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
I have looked everywhere for something like this and believe me I can't find it. My partner is an ok scripter, not great, and he can only  modify scripts  not make them. He changed one of the side view battle systems, to face behind like this, but the heros only stepped forward and attaked. I need this so then I can get a script for an amzing battle system fron the First LOD:
So here is how it goes: THe players are lined up (3 max) against the enemy (3 max) and they face the enemy with the view showing the heros backs. The attacks are based on speed, not turn, and when they attack they use a addition combo, which is you see overlapping squares come together, and when they do you press X nad if you get it right it goes agani..each addition diff number of rounds. Also in the game you cantransform into dragoons, so I need it do that also.

normal stance, no one attacking

Albert attcking, in the game as you attack you have to tap X when the squares overlap, when you do this perfect the right amount of times you complete an addition, and get huge SP bonus.:

Dart attacking:

(notice above the square is red, and you need to press O quicklt not X, that is when the enemy counters the attack, if you mess up on pressing O you get hurt)

Dragoon form:

Please if anyone can help, thanks!

(also you don;t need to make the icon commnad batttle system ,IF you can see it in the picture it is in the center, I have already found a script for it and will link it below this)

Icon comand battle:http://www.dubealex.com/asylum/index.php?showtopic=11012&st=0&gopid=139794&#entry139794

This should really help you making the squares : http://f44.aaa.livedoor.jp/~ytomy/tkool/rpgtech/develop/2d_drawing_xp.html

Morescreeshots : http://media.psx.ign.com/media/013/013238/imgs_1.html

Videos (these will REALLY HELP you understand: http://media.psx.ign.com/media/013/013238/vids_3.html

Thanks to anyone who can do this, If you want in return I can map for you here are some examples of my mapping:


If more info on what I need is needed please reply, and If you can make this also reply so I can make sure you understand it all.

Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
sorry to have to do this, but I really need it. *Bump* Please If anyone is willing to help me out on this reply and I can inform you more on the gameplay. even if you aren't fimilar with the game Legend of dragoon, and would like to help it is fine, I can tell you exactly what I need.

I need this script for my game:



(if you think I need more info on the request, even if you are not doing it please inform me, and I will add more detail)


here is some more help on drawing the circles, its the same site but now in english!:

hope it helps
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
Something like this would be incredibly difficult to build, wouldn't it? I mean... you're comparing a fairly simple engine that RPG Maker XP uses versus an engine that was soley built for a specific PlayStation game. Not trying to discourage or anything, but I think the only way you'd actually get someone to build something like this would be to offer some sort of incentive. =\

I loved Legend of Dragoon. I played it every day and every night. Definitely one of my favorite games. At the time, it was an original idea for an rpg. If you could find someone to help ya, that'd be friggin' sweet.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
hmmm...I have been told this is very scriptable...just no takers on it yet so I'll have to wait.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Actually this is incrediblely easy to make, but I don't find the time to do it.
Somebody would only need to change the sprite's position and instead of making the sprites slightly more transparent, he would need to move them slightly forward. One hour of coding and testing max if you're experienced enough. Otherwise more than an hour.

EDIT: Oops, I thought this was the other topic... (>.<)
Anyway, it's not that hard to set up the basic CBS, only the functionality would take a little bit more time.
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Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
Something like this would be incredibly difficult to build, wouldn't it? I mean... you're comparing a fairly simple engine that RPG Maker XP uses versus an engine that was soley built for a specific PlayStation game. Not trying to discourage or anything, but I think the only way you'd actually get someone to build something like this would be to offer some sort of incentive. =\

I loved Legend of Dragoon. I played it every day and every night. Definitely one of my favorite games. At the time, it was an original idea for an rpg. If you could find someone to help ya, that'd be friggin' sweet.

If you're not a scripter, then you don't know. End of story.

Blizzard's right though.

Try posting a link to a video showing the battle system. That may convince someone it isn't that hard.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95

Try posting a link to a video showing the battle system. That may convince someone it isn't that hard.

lol, I already did...Check out the first post and scroll a little down past the pictures I already mentioned something there..

Videos (these will REALLY HELP you understand: http://media.psx.ign.com/media/013/013238/vids_3.html

Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
bumping  :tpg:
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
BUmping :tpg:

Actaully, If anyone wants, you can screw having the spirits run up and attack, if thats tooo hard, just have it like the normal battle setup and have the combo circle appear on the right, after you click attack.

Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
327 view

Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
you should go to as many forums as you can and put this request.

Then at the bottom put, "if you have this script post it here. LINK"

Level 88
Heey, you know what? I might give it a shot in a week (xmas vacations). I see you want it with the X pressing thing right? (and also an O and Triangle, like in the game? LoD Rocks!)

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
Yep, thats exactly how I want it. Thanks alot for taking a shot at it.  ;D
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
Well I think it is a cool battle system, but before I start, how many frames do you want and how many stances for the sprites? (You could have: idle, attack, defnse, low hp, poisoned, high def, critical attack, dead, more you can think off.. whatever, just elling you I don't know what sprite sheet you would use, as I don't have any of LoD)

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
o...well actaully I sorta changed the request to make it eaiser/look sorta better on rmxp...I want to use battler's just the pics no more full spirits, and Have the addition meter on the right side of the screen, so No running and attacking.
BUmping :tpg:

Actaully, If anyone wants, you can screw having the spirits run up and attack, if thats tooo hard, just have it like the normal battle setup and have the combo circle appear on the right, after you click attack.

Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
any update?
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
Well I think it is a cool battle system, but before I start, how many frames do you want and how many stances for the sprites? (You could have: idle, attack, defnse, low hp, poisoned, high def, critical attack, dead, more you can think off.. whatever, just elling you I don't know what sprite sheet you would use, as I don't have any of LoD)

anything on if your making it or not ?
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 88
Erm.. I will, sorry for not telling, but I have been ill

for the past 4 years.

Just got back from the hospital. So erm, I will try it asap! I like this BS to, so I want it either way.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
wow, sorry to hear that. Thanks for taking up this request, but take all the time you need.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Well, when I get done with learning scripting, then get decent at it..... I could try and help if you want.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun