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Mortuus Concordia ~Preview is Out~

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Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
*Still needs comments on the cursing issue :P*

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
I wouldn't mind it at all, and im 15...as long as its not over used..."fuck man" "what the fucks wrong" "fucking magic wont work" "fuck! that sucks"
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 89
Oh sweet...I can't wait!

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Cursing? Good, that makes it more real. ;D

BTW, the font is good, it's readable, yet it gives the game a specific feel.
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Level 89
I'm back again. Again.
I cannot wait for this game.

That is all I can say without exploding in hyperness.

Level 88
Can't wait for the demo.

By the way, it me IceTray from the AQ forums.

Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
I'm sorry to say the 1st chapter probably won't be out until January :(

I'm spending this week working on an MMORPG, and I'll be in Florida almost all of the break, and we're having a bug with the dual wielding system which is making me go mad =/

Level 90
I just want to ask, do you mind teaching me how to colour a bit more "professional" like you, I can see how you shaded in the right places and gave the drawings a special something.


Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
I didn't make the drawings, and our artist is inactive =/

Level 90
Damn, all well it was worth a try  :)

Anyway, will you submit that cms AFTER the game is finished or keep it to yourself?


Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
It's KGC's, anyone can use it, but I won't be submitting my modifications to it.

Level 90
Awww  :tpg:


Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
Alright, an update:

The huge bug with the equipment has been fixed, and we're back on track :)

I'll post some screenies very soon :)

Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
Just wanted to say that by Monday we should have a demo of the 1st dungeon up :)
(The first dungeon should be about 20 minutes long, and the save from finishing the dungeon can be used in the full version of the first chapter)

Level 88
That's me in my bee outfit, do I look handsome?
Looks wonderful, the drawing abilities of the artis are good but i would color them with photoshop to match the other character sets, needs some work. but im glad to see someone is using original art in their game

Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
The preview is out, it's about 14/15 minutes of gameplay :)

Before playing, make sure that you install the font file, or you won't be able to see the text.


pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
Install a font:
after download locate file, then open a my computer, go to C drive, then WINDOWS, locate folder "FONTS" and drag and drop font.

BTW great demo.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 102
2014 Biggest Narcissist Award2014 Biggest Forum Potato2014 Best Non-RM Creator2013 Best Game Creator (Non-RM)2013 Best IRC ChatterboxParticipant - GIAW 112012 Most Successful Troll2012 Funniest Member2012 Best Use Of Avatar and Signature space2012 Best IRC ChatterboxSecret Santa 2012 ParticipantProject of the Month winner for November 2009For being a noted contributor to the RMRK Wiki2010 Most Successful Troll2010 Biggest Forum Couch Potato2010 Best IRC Chatterbox
This game looks great! It sounds great too! The storyline is awsome. And the mapping is good too. I can't wait to play the demo tommorow when I get back home.  ;D

Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
So, has anyone tried out the preview?

Level 89
I'm back again. Again.
I've just downloaded it, I'll post comments here when I have a large amount.

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
Holy shit, I died like 5 times, then realized I had potions!!!!!!!!
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
And Norman can heal after level 2 :P

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
no far I'm 0-3 against the boss.  :tpg:
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 89
I'm back again. Again.
I was gona edit, but....

Completed it. Its GREAT! You must have put alot of time and effort into it. I love the battle system, it makes you think quickly, and engages you in the battle.

Well done, I am DEFINATLY getting the main game, or/and the next preview.

Revolution is not a bed of roses.
Level 91
Project of the Month winner for July 2009
no far I'm 0-3 against the boss.  :tpg:

Make sure you save Inyro's overdrive for it, it can poison, dizzy, or paralyze all enemies. Norman's is also good, if your having a lot of trouble, level Veral up to four to get Blade Mastery. If you still can't do it, use Inyro's dark ball to make a lizard man insane and have him attack his buddies ;)