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Requesting game data script

Started by Jesse 015, January 08, 2006, 12:17:03 AM

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Jesse 015

i need a script or a resouse or anything for my game to work with needing to install rpgxp ect.
Badass, and a do'er not a thinker


Jesse 015

Badass, and a do'er not a thinker

Jesse 015

omfg!!!!, my game is noe 21mbs, any ideas any1
Badass, and a do'er not a thinker


Use WinRar and do a bit of compression. Also download an installer, like Advanced installer, which will make a proper setup file, and will reduce the file size a little more.


And make sure to delete any files that you aren't using.

Jesse 015

its mostly the cutom music that comes with the program, and i compressed it about 10 times and that takes away 100kbs, but could i delete the music
Badass, and a do'er not a thinker


As long as you don't use it anywhere in your game, but it's most likely the BGS and SE, as they're .ogg's, which are much larger in size than MIDI's.


Yes 21 Mo is not too big lol don't panic but if it's too big u can compres it or compile it with intall maker or other programs
I'm the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.

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Jesse 015

ok, but if i delete a music file that is in my game, and cant get it back, then am i screwed?
Badass, and a do'er not a thinker


No, if it's RTP music you can just start a new project and import it from the new one.

Jesse 015

so if i put every think on none instead of standard, i dont need those music files
Badass, and a do'er not a thinker


you can only compres it once. after that it doent affect the file size. it involved compliated sums that compressing uses

if you could then wouldnt you be able to compres it down to 0bytes lol imagine that...

Jesse 015

Well cause i follow this tut for how to distribute your game with out rtp, and it told me to put everythink in the main folder, then compress, is there somthink im doing wrong???
Badass, and a do'er not a thinker