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Level 88
Hi all,

This is my first post, however I am not new to these forums & resources.
Thank you all for so much help.
Up until now I had been soloing RPGmaker ever since '95, with most of my time dedicated to 2k & 2k3, & the beginings of XP, which I was attempting to do all in Bryce 5...

I have lost 2 computers over the last 5 years.  Each time I have lost 20+ hour games.  My new computer recently tanked, so now I am back to my good old p3 server (lol) & only have RPG maker 2k3 (my fave anyway).  Lost all of my art as well, which is worse then losing the actual programming.

So here I am now.  No projects, no art, must start over from scratch, & it would be insane to attempt and solo all that work ... again.  I am here looking to build a team or become a team member that is really serious about their passion for RPG maker 2k3.  My primary roles are normall Illustration, design, & writing.

My latest ambition is to build a reciprocal "world" system where NPCs interact with so many conditional forks that they seem to be intelligent.  It is my belief that even the most advanced RPGs & MMoRPGs do not use their AI correctly, & much much more could be done to make the game seem alive.  The key to a good game is a brilliant elemental super-structure.

I am an experienced gamer, conquoring most single player RPgs (Final fantasy, dragon warrior, elder scrolls, etc) & also making end-game in several online games, most notebly FFXI (75 Bard).  I am familiar with true elemental systems & think it is a deus ex machina to use the "random" variable for anything but gambling (all else should be conditional).  Imho, the very planet / world the game exists in should always be "thinking."

Recently, I have come to a better understanding of majick & abilities & am working on a variable system based on the Tarot.  I really enjoy mages in RPGs except that it is never explained just how they got their magick.  This struggle to obtain spells should be more relevant & less metaphorical (ie, Fire 2 or any such nonsense) & a system that gradually showed players real majick in an applicable way to real life would be phenomenal.

I also have a great understanding of Bard, Oracle, & druid...  most games gimp these characters and simply ignore how they are each involved in practical life.  Most notebly, Bard songs, which can last much longer then a fight round;  most bard songs stay with the audience for many years.  This, I feel, needs to be better expressed & once again is a subject mostly ignored by the new 3D Rpgs even.

I enjoy using Bryce 5, Photoshop, Idraw, Iview & any artistic application that complies to 2k3.  Despite the low graphics resolution, I still love 2k3.  my computer cannot handle XP at this time, so it really isn't an option, but for now will make do nicely.

So, I am a writer, an artist, & have a fairly good understanding of RPG maker "event programming."
If I can help your project or you would be interested in something new, drop me a message, etc.

One final thing.
I am not in this for money or power, rather to communicate a message to the world.  Whatever I am involved with, mark that it will be steeped in not only ancient lore, but also modern sociological problems that now spread like wildfire through our global population.  I write of war & consequence much, as in the last century so many of 100s of millions have died just from genocide;  100s of millions more from hunger & thirst.  This is a global disease that we will all have to face in our lifetimes yet is barely mentioned in school.  To create a game that effectivly communicates the truth of to younger generations using applicability rather then allegorical metaphor, the gamer is allowed to freely understand the harsh cruelties of the world, just as much as the wonderful blessings;  to give this information to a young audience as forewarning is the best solution for me personally doing my bit to help save the world.  I am not really in this as a hobby, I really mean to help save people with art & virtual communication.  Ediucation right now would help more then anything, as we have the resources to save most of the sick, dieing & hungry on this planet, yet do not.  Ultimatly I believe that MMoRPG should replace the public school system...  but personal preference aside...

I am not afraid to illustrate the very depths of human depravity in the hopes of that message reaching a crystal warrior & inspiring the heroes of old to vanquich evil, yet once again. 
I will not consider a project with individuals not at this level. 
It has kept me solo for some time, but I would rather hold out for a cool party then get stuck forcing team members who "don't get me."  I am tired of soft RPGs.  Nothing is off limits in my worlds:  sex, drugs, violence, everything should be possible, yet appropriate.  Don't get me wrong, this is not decadence for its own sake.  Sex, for example, carries a number of allignment problems, not to mention the possibility of contracting DoTs as STDs that can last for game hours, days, or even the entire game.  If I must use 2d then the reason must outshine the graphics.  We must do something revolutionary, otherwise I will keep to myself.  I believe that censorship disables children & adults from seeing reality;  their stupors all from illusion & fear,  I fear nothing.  The truth is the best story.

On a side-note.  I have a particular interest in online gaming.  I have helped work on MUDs before & small MOGs.  Although RPG 2k3 is a poor way to make an online game, I have played one that used it before & have a passion for real/life situations, especially PvP.  Any projects that might lead to an online project would especially hold my interest.  Creating fantastic realism is pertinent.  Rule sets close to old Everquest PvP or Gemstone, or 3rd addition D&D are some of my favorites, yet are all still lacking something that I believe we must express.

I look forward to meeting more of you all.
/cheers to troubadour songs, great art & wonderful adventures   ;D

Level 89
Save the queen!
a very long introductery but thats good,it lets the rest of the forum know more about yourself and who you are.

Welcome to the forum and i hope you enjoy your stay. Dont take notice of the flamers on this forum if they do flame you. if they do just ignore it sometimes they say it as jokes even though it may not seem like a joke it half the time is so always beaware of that incase you pick a fight which was only a joke to begin with.

2nd thing dont be afraid to say what you think.if you disagree with someones point of view or ideas always contribute to the forum by saying your ideas and maybe find a way to help the forum and other people. if you ask a question in the tutorial section and are scared to, dont be. your question may help others even if you dont get the answer you intentionally wanted.

Get to know the other members of the forum and hopefully you will make alot more freinds. there are alot of freindly and helpful members of the forum who will help you anytime you need it or when they have free time. If you need help you may PM me and i shall try and provide as much help as possible.

anyway enjoy your stay on crankeye! and welcome!!

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Welcome oneiromancer!

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The nice kind of alien~
Level 92
Martian - Occasionally kind
Welcome oneiromancer!

I hope you come to enjoy the forums here if you aren't already and I wish you luck with goal.
I have never tried rm2k3 so I probably can't help you with problems relating to it.
If there's anything else, just ask. It can't hurt ;)

 - Zeriab

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
welcome to crankeye..(man i need something new to say)
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Lol, I like the style you want your RPGs to be. xD

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Level 97
Definitely better than Hitler.
2014 Best IRC Chatterbox2014 Best Musician2013 King of RMRK2013 Best Musician2013 Best Use of Avatar and Signature Space2013 Funniest MemberFor the great victory in the Breakfast War.2012 Best Username2012 Best MusicianFor frequent good quality Wiki writing [citation needed]2011 Funniest Member2011 Best MusicianMost entertaining member on the IRC2010 Most Missed Member
Welcome to the forums.

I love Firerain
Level 97
anyways welcome.

zomg deadly diablo...
Arlen is hot.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
Hi all,

This is my first post, however I am not new to these forums & resources.

Level 90
Whoa thats a loooooooong intro introduction.....

Welcome and enjoy your stay, your past with game making looks long and experienced ;D
