During the break between two lessons I went to the toilette and my friend changed my acc pass on my laptop during that time. I came back and he asked me to restart it to see my log on screen (I use a log on skinner, that's why). I only used the User switch and when I tried to get into it again... "WTF?! My pass doesn't work?!" And he was giggling... (-_-')
He said: "Want me to tell you?"
I said: "Asshole... Heeeeeeey...
I'll just hax it.
He was like: "WTF? How?!"
I just restarted my laptop, booted it in safe mode and logged on the super admin acc. Then I force-changed the acc pass to my original account. And he was just like (-_-'), in other words PWNT! xD
Comments, lol!