Yes, I'm pretty sure it's the Sword of Eons. Thanks, guys!
I like how my dude's all old and stuff. Dude, as awesome as Fable is, the passage of time in that game doesn't make any sense. Okay, so as you play, the game cycles through day and night. Pretty neat. The you check out your character status and find that it keeps track of how many "game days" has passed. Also pretty neat. Then, you notice that, at the very beginning on the game, the Hero is 18 years old. You might check your status again after, say, three quests, to find that the Hero is now 24. Do a little math between the game days passed and the age of the Hero, and it turns out he grows one year older for every three game days that pass.
Now, this would be understandable (obviously, the developers aren't going to force you to go through 365 game days before he grows one year older), but there are certain points in the game that describe a year or two (or more) passing, but if your check your status, the Hero remains the same age!! Now, I don't want to talk about those points in the game specifically, because I don't want to spoil anything for Arrow if he does get Fable (which he should), but I was just wondering if anyone else noticed this abnormal phenomenon.
Hero = ages 1 year after 3 days
Hero = ages 0 years after 1+ years have passed
do we have any math geniuses here? Is there a way this can be explained?