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Mystic Legends Symphony of the Goddess/Rebirth

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Level 90
Against my better judgment and considering the 'interest' level last time, I'm posting this again, on the account of a new demo. Whatever happens, happens. >.>

Long ago, the ancient gods of the earth clashed in a terrible war against a traitor amongst themselves. After years of brutal magical warfare, the gods succeeded in sealing the traitor into their very own temple. Flash forward thirty six years. The people of the earth strangely do not remember what had aspired between the gods and continue living as if nothing ever happened. The world's leading force, The church of Guardia has established itself as the main religion of the earth. Enter Leon, a mercenary in training and Mai, a treasure hunter travelling the world in search of riches. Now a tale of two souls, destined to find out the mysteries of the gods and the truth behind it all, shall begin...

Main Characters

Leon Elsa
Role in battle: Mid range shockwave specialist
Race: Human
Weapon:Broad Sword/Various Elemental Blade Arts/Ice and Water Force Arts
Leon is a young mercenary in training. Not nearly experienced enough to be taking jobs alone. He works with Rod, a skilled mercenary and mentor of sorts, taking various jobs for a living, even if some of them aren't to his liking. He's generally pretty happy. But little trivial things always seem to set him off. He absolutely HATES his housemate, Fiena, claiming that she is a violent, bloodthirsty, demoness out for his soul. Which of course is not true. He just has a strained relationship with her. Must be bad childhood memories. Another thing to note is that Princess Erenia Lumina happens to be his best friend for some reason.

Mai Aizawa
Role in battle: Long ranged with shuriken, kunai, and Ether artist. With the occasional slash from her dagger
Race: Eltian
Weapon:Dual Daggers/Kunai/Fire Force and Nemesis Arts
Mai is a self proclaimed treasure-hunting-ninja. The latter being the only well established part. She is...for lack of better words, a mercenary not registered with the Hunter's Guild. She is very skilled but prefers to offer her skills to almost no one, if money isn't involved. Despite being very skilled, she is laid back almost to the point of pissing others off just because of her lack of response, and she has no problem with being mean either. She has her dark side as well. She secretly loves money and is very greedy. One way to get her to relent is just to flash a large sum and bam! you're in luck.

Rodius 'Rod' Farrel
Role in battle: Short ranged dual wielder
Race: Human/Eltian Hybrid
Weapon:Twin Swords/Earth Force Arts/Various Elemental Blade Arts
Rod, is a skilled mercenary. he has no qualms about what he does, as long as there's money involved. He's cold, calculating, and cunning when need be. He spends most of his free time thinking in silence away from civilization or giving Leon tips on how to get better with a sword( Actually insulting his skills).

Ellis Feria
Role in battle: Long Ranged Healer/attack mage
Race: Human
Weapon: Spears/Staves/Passive Arts/Multi-elemental Ether arts
Ellis is a very young trainee from the Church of Guardia in the Lumina Kindom. She's very shy, doesn't believe in her abilities, and is slightly clumsy. However when she makes up her mind, she won't give it up, in that passive agressive sort of way. Her healing abilities aren't very high, but her ability to cast ether arts are phenominal. She can cast incantations at great speeds allowing her to cast twice in a row. If she had a bit more confidence, then maybe she'd make it past 'trainee'

Renai Louvre
Role in battle: Short ranged swordmaster/Healer
Age: 22
Race: Human
Weapon: Ruin's Fate/Passive Arts/Various Elemental Blade Arts
Renai is a wandering Priest of the Church of Guardia. He uses an old sword known as 'Ruin's Fate' As well as being proficient in healing and buffering arts. Despite being a high enough rank in the church to freely travel without orders and carry out churchly business on his own. He doesn't really take his job very seriously. Add that onto the fact that he's a blatant womanizer makes people wonder just HOW he got so high in rank or even how he got his job in the first place...

Naru Suzuhara
Role in battle: Short ranged slasher/ninjutsu user
Age: 13
Race: Eltian
Weapon: Kodachi/Kunai/Ki techniques/ Wind Force Arts
A ninja in training. A pupil. A mere beginner. Naru comes from the same village as Mai. The two can always be found hanging out together, yet for some reason they fight almost constantly...well, if you can consider Naru ranting and whining and Mai ignoring her, fighting. She's follows Mai around mostly so if she's not with you, don't worry, she'll be back.

Sif Alcice
Role in battle: short range martial artist/Mage
Age: 20
Race: Eltian
Weapons: Gaunlets/Bracers/Ki and Nemesis Arts
Story: Sif is an old...'aquaintence' of Rod's. Under normal circumstances, these two would have nothing to do with each other, but Sif and Rod were pushed together by way of an arranged marriage. Rod left his family in protest and became a mercenary. After two years, Sif sets out, finally fed up with waiting. Now she's looking to find Rod and drag him back home to his family. Sif is...a spoiled, selfish, snobby brat. Although she's twenty years old, she acts as if she's thirteen. Sif is adept at fighting with her fists and feet, and is a practitioner of Nemesis and Ki Arts.

Airion Hashura
Role in Battle: Long ranged bowmaster/Mage
Age: 16
Race Human
Weapons: Bows/Ki and Earth Force Arts
Story: Airion is a young hunter in training living in Akua Village. Airion loves going out of town and adventuring. He's a dreamer alright. His biggest dream aside from getting Rasya to fall for him, is to go on a grand adventure where he is the hero. Airion can usually be found hanging out with Keros and Rasya, both could be considered his best friends. Another thing to note is that he's hopelessly in love with Rasya, who doesn't give him to time of day. People are surprised at Airion has lived this long, with how much he pesters Rasya.

Non Playable important characters - You'll notice some of these characters when playing the demo. They're from a game of mine called Axis Saga, that takes place at the same time as Mystic Legends.

Age: 21
Race: Eltian?
History - She lived in the Akua forest with her brother Keros and their parents until certain events take her brother Keros and her on a journey far away from home.

Age: 23
Race: Eltian
History - A silent and serious young man. He's a member of the same hunter's guild as Rod and Leon. there are rumors going around saying that Rod and Kero's are rivals

Age: 19
Race: Human
History - A brash and arrogant young man heading down the wrong path. He's always wandering, with no home...not to mention little to no money too...

Age: 17
Race: Human
History - An energtic young girl that seems to have a shady job, she always seems to be spying and lurking. what she's up to, no one knows...

Age: 21
Race: Lycan
History - A wolf lycanthrope, he is VERY egotistical and thinks that nothing can beat him. He travels with Matthew and Claire, not really having a set purpose, but to see the world, instead of being cooped up on the Vaneer continent, where Lycans are constantly discriminated against.

Age:Unknown but looks to be about 30 or so
Race: Eltian?
History - A wandering Eltian(?) warrior. No one know's what he's up to...

Age: looks to be around late 20ish
Race: Human?
History - A human(?) who travels with Matthew. She seems to be highly clueless 99.9% of the time. and looks at everything with an overly optimistic point of view. She is incredibly clumsy and has the worst sense of direction humanly and inhumanly possible...if that's possible...

Age: She'd kill you if you asked
Race: Higher Goddess
History - The strongest of the gods and  of the universe. She's...an amusing figure and although she carries such a large burden, she would rather fool around and have fun rather than do the protecting she supposed to be doing. However when things get serious, she will be there.

Goddess Guardia
Age: No one knows if she even exists
Race: Higher Goddess?
History - A mysterious Goddess that also has a religion based on worshiping her that has gained worldwide influence. Non believers see it as a brainwashing cult. Come to think of it, does She even exist? All talk of her is shrouded in doubt and mystery

Age: 29
Race: Lycan
History - A lycanthrope and an enigma, Both Rasya's and Leon's groups will run into her a few times. No one knows her intentions...

Fiena Maruha
Age: 19?
Race: Human/Eltian Hybrid
History - Fiena is Leon's roomate in the Lumina kingdom. Neither of them are very fond of one another, but they both agree that they'd rather deal with each other than be struggling to live solo. Although her beauty may be astounding, her glare would send shivers down to the very core of your soul. She's not much of a fighter(Leon says she's just lazy), she can use a bit of Nemesis Arts if need be.

Princess Erenia 'Eren' Lumina XVIII
Age: 15
Race: Human
History - Erenia is the princess and sole heir to the Luminian throne. She's filthy rich like you wouldn't believe and never at a want for anything. You'd think that she'd enjoy this, but she doesn't...she's like a mirror image of Ellis, which isn't surprising considering that they're best friends. She's tried to run away numerous times, but each attempt has been thwarted by her bodyguard, Lucious, The Silver Edge.

Lucious Farrell
Age: 32
Race: Eltian
History - Lucious is the captain of Lumina's strongest brigade of knights, The Shadow Brigade and is Erenia's bodyguard. Lucious may seem like a cold, unfeeling bastard, but people just don't know him. Don't get him wrong, he's not a softie, he can cross blades with the best of the best and is a master at his job, protecting the princess. Of course with all her escape attempts you'd kinda have to be. Another thing to note is that he is Rod's brother, though they are not related by blood.

Features(Battle system fetures are handled in the battle system overview)

Choose your hero - The player can choose to be either Leon or Mai. Both characters have different strengths and weaknesses. Playable characters that come and go, events, and some dungeons are also different. Also some towns can only be entered by Mai and vice versa

Jumping - My puzzle design skills are...hmmm, how should I put this...Horrible. My most intricate puzzle would have to be an endless corridor where you have to find the right way. Anyway I made a freem jumping system to allow the player to jump in real-time and pass over crevasses and holes and so on. so expect to do a lot of jumping and switch and key finding in my dungeons.

Equipment Based Skill System(EBSS) - All skills save for weak starters are learned through equipment. Almost every pices of equipments will grant a skill. However, when you take equipment off, you also lose the skill it contained as well. So mix and match equipment to fit the right situations, or just use what you find is best.

Detailed Battle System Overview(DBS haters beware)
People have told me that the battle system in ML is complicated(don't think it is but meh...). So I'll create a battle system overview here.

This is how a normal battle would look like

I'll start with the obvious basics

#2 ~ That section represents each character's Life Force(LF), when this hit's zero, you're obviously dead.

#3 ~ This section represents the monster's you're fighting, as you kill them their names disappear off that section.

#4 ~ This section represents each character's Action Points(AP), When that guage fills up, a character can take an action.

#1 ~ Those numbers next to the character's names represents each character's rate of exhaustion. As you use Blade Arts/Ki Techniques/Mastery Arts, That indicator will increase by one. When it reaches five, the character will fall into a state called 'drained' where all stats are halved and no physical actions can be used by that character. They can still use spells/items and still do less strenuous actions though. To beat this condition, just rest at a campfire or use an energy elixer. This can also be prevented by defending in battle. In Mystic Legends, all character's have the mighty guard ability activated, so by defending, you'll dramatically reduce damage and lower your exhaustion rate.

Now on to the not so obvious stuff.

Status Augument System - A variation of the Action Enchant System found in Axis Saga. When a player uses certian actions in battle, like attacking, defending, spells, etc, they'll recieve a power up bonus of either power, parry, knowledge, or quickness after a few uses of certain command. For example, if you attack a lot, you'll recieve a temporary boost of attack for the rest of the battle. Commands and the reward's they're linked to go as followed
Strike = Power boost
Defend = Parry boost
Ether = Knowledge boost
Item = Quickness boost

Set EP amount - All characters have only 100 EP(MP) from the beginning , it will never go higher. spells and skills take away percentages of EP so choose your skills wisely

In-Battle Level Up System - All experience and level up are gained solely through battle. every action you take, except defend gives you experience. When a characters EXP reaches 300 they level up and then start all over again. During a level up LF is increased by 50 and the player has to choose between raising power or parry, and then either Knowledge or quickness. Be careful though, since the characters are pretty much the players to make, choose wisely. THAT MEANS JUST RAISING POWER AND SPEED IS NOT GOOOOD...*ahem*...

The Action Rewards System - During battle the name of an action and it's following reward are displayed at the top of the screen. When the action is used in battle the character will recieve that action's reward. Be it an EXP boost, monetary gain or LF recovery. There are three chains of action rewards. The first chain consists of usually weak rewards, after 10 turns the chain will increase and a new action reward will become available, with stronger rewards.


Latest Demo



- Just a little warning ahead of time. I tell you now that this game is meant to be challenging. Expect to die a few times. After the intro, which you can still die in, The kid gloves are off completely. I tell you now that you WILL die at least once or twice. Do not be discouraged. Just try a different strategy.  :domo:

- Apparently there's a bug on Leon's side. After your first run through of the Eltia Rain forest, and after the second event at Leon's house. If you're playing in the maker, then press F9 and turn on switch 170.

- Make good use of food items like meat, juice, and fruit. They can't be used in battle, but they are VERY cheap. Save in battle healing items for dire situations.

- In Leon's side, when Ellis joins for that little bit. Make sure to use Rhapsody on everyone before a battle. The small regen period should prove to be a bit helpful

- ANOTHER bug! After the first event with Nightshade. At Magnus Hollow, The password is 4312. There's a teleport bug, making the room with the last number inaccessable.

- After the whole nightshade ordeal, turn on switch 206. -_-;
« Last Edit: November 10, 2006, 11:02:54 PM by Skie Fortress »

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
looks cool, will check out when i wake up tommorow. (if i can remember!!!) Also what is the play time on the demo?
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
Finally, maps that don't suck! I'm looking forward to this game's turnout, and I'll give you feedback on the demo once I've tried it out.

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
That really looks good. I will play it when you finish it one day. :) Sorry, for not playing the demo, but I can't due to time shortage. :(
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Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
Also, not everyone can read Greek, so I'm skeptical about the title screen.