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Just another noob

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Level 89
Hello~ I registered here quite a while ago but I hadn't made many posts.  Just lurking mostly.  So now it's my turn to intro.  I got into rpg maker 2k3 a few years ago when one of my guyfriends told me about it but I never really had the time to play around with it until now.  Of course, at this time I'm playing around with the demo of rpg maker xp~ it looks really fun.  Confusing the heck out of me but I'm trying to push my way through as many tutorials as I can because I love rpgs, making characters, sprites, etc ;D~ stories... I need to work on... but I hope I can learn lots of stuff here!  I'll try to find the answers to as much as I can on my own, but please forgive my retardedness when I ask stupid questions xD.  This forum seems like a good resource but it doesn't seem like there's a lot of girls here....  :-X
« Last Edit: November 09, 2006, 05:11:20 AM by Turynn »

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
Welcome! Yes you are right, I have not seen many girls around this fourm either. So anyways ust thought id ask what brings you to this fourm? are you going to start a project soon/ already started one. Or are you here to help? Anyways its cool to have you and I hope to see some of your stuff!  ;D
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 89
What will that crazy ape do next?
w00t girls joining the forums!  ;D j/k

but seriously, don't worry, i already broke them down on the dumb questions front (and many many many other people i have seen) so there is nothing u can ask that would be considered retarted.  word of advice: make sure u check other topics to see if the question has been asked yet.  theres a decent chance it has, and some people on this forum get a little...agitated if a question is repeated xp

ah the more n00bs that appear the less i look like one xp.
My Project: Dark Empire
Official Site: http://darkempirerpg.tripod.com
Process: Getting back to work.

Always looking for sprites, if your interested, PM.

"But then I realized, why stop things from exploding, when in fact it is in exploding that things reach their perfect form. Of course, they only reach it for a few glorious seconds, but during that short time there is no object in the universe more beautiful." -Kite Rockswell, the Mad-Mad Bomber, from The Final War, my very own novel project.  PM me if you would like to read.

"Oh, sure, blaim the wizards..."

I love Firerain
Level 97
we got more than 10 girls on this forum.
I spose yossy is the hope active...

Turyn, dont call urself a noob(OMG FAIRY TALE MORALS lol) stay happy and enjoy this place, keep posting..
love my sig


Arlen is hot.

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Get King of Booze for Android, for iOS, for OUYA or for Windows!
Visit our website.
You can also love/hate us on Facebook or the game itself.

Get DropBox, the best free file syncing service there is!

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
(I lol'd at nightwolf's welcome mat.)

Welcome Turynn, pleased to meet you! By the way, (you probably know this, but still) if you see someone with a photo as their avatar, it's most likely a picture of them, as we just finished avatar is your photo month.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Hello and welcome to crankeye.

I'd normally say something random and stupid right now. But I don't feel like it.

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
then Ill do it for him!


Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
I'd normally say something random and stupid right now. But I don't feel like it.

Actually that was supposed to be ironic because it is random and stupid.

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
and I was being stupid because... sorry...  :'(

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
You don't have to apologise.

I'm prolly mildy pissy due to that huge arguement me and emily had.... I haven't talked to her since.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
No worries, things'll work out in the end. ;D  I know these things, cuz I watch television.

But seriously, all jokes aside, things will be all right. Tonight I was more pissed of than I have ever been in my WHOLE LIFE, at my MOTHER, who is like my best friend (no jokes, I'm being serious), and I eventually got over it, and we're getting along just fine now! It'll be cool.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Dude, arrow, seriously. I almost broke down and got drunk. Do you have any idea how upset she got because of that?

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
AH, I see. Well it would seem she only got upset because she was worried about you.

Sailor Man
Level 95
So about that money...
Most likely. Part of us argueing was her yelling at me because she finally founf out i wanted to be a lil more than friends. Two hours of hearing 'you damn well know it can't happen' could make any one break down. At times I really don't understand her. She yelled up and down that she could NEVER want to be with me, then she flips out becuase I almost broke down and got drunk.

God damn it, where I come from. If a woman wants you to stop drinking, it means she likes you. Damned mixed signals.

Level 90
1) Yay, another girl!

2) Don't call yourself, I would rather you say "newbie"

3) Welcome! (Love the mat!) Enjoy your stay ;D!
