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Question for coders

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Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Is it more probable that a person will mix-up the syntaxes on the following codes if he learns them all? Is that a common programmer problem?

-JASS (warcraft world editor code)
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I love Firerain
Level 97
Mixing synatxes wont work i spose.
but if your talking about like urm a guy knows all but gets mixed up...happens
Arlen is hot.

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Yes it is. Sometimes I use an "end" in C++. >.< At least I realize it fast enough...
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I love Firerain
Level 97
Well, everyone makes mistakes
Arlen is hot.

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The nice kind of alien~
Level 92
Martian - Occasionally kind
Well... You can say that the more languages you learn the higher the probability of mixing something up.
Maybe it also is so that the more similar the languages are the higher the probability of mixing something up.
But it generally isn't a problems since the errors causes by this are picked up by the syntax checker and are among the easiest errors to correct.

It's not really something I've been particular bother with though.

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Same over here. I don't bother about it too much. That's why we have a debugger. ;) To correct us if we're being stupid (in general I mean :=:).
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Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
Yeah, I have to stop myself from using HTML at this very forum.  <i>It's so annoying!!</i>

That goes for any language, though, not just scripting.  There's a name for it (well, actually two names): Proactive interference is when knowledge you already know interferes with what you're trying to learn, and retroactive interference is when knowledge you're trying to learn interferes with what you already know.  In high school, I took 1 year of French before I decided I didn't like it, then I had 2 years of Japanese.  I would get small words, like "and" confused in both languages ("et" in French and "to" in Japanese).  Or pronouns, like "I."  Don't know how many times I tried to start a Japanese sentence with "Je..."

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
There's a name for it (well, actually two names): Proactive interference is when knowledge you already know interferes with what you're trying to learn, and retroactive interference is when knowledge you're trying to learn interferes with what you already know.

I learned that during a class called "Communication skills". :)
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Rep: +0/-0Level 90
The problem is, we have a written test for C in one of my subjects. No debuggers are allowed. It is all in paper. That's why I'm having doubts if I should learn those scripts..hahahaha...I don't want to flunk it. Thanks anyway!
You are making a lot of noise, and so will I...


Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
LMAO, same over here. In two classes we've written programs on paper in every test. >.< It's so much easier when having a debugger. =/
The thing is, you can test scripts directly in an already working enviroment, while compiled programs you have to compile over and over again until it finally works how it should. Scripting goes faster I think...
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Level 92
Guns don't kill people. Magic missiles do.
There's a name for it (well, actually two names): Proactive interference is when knowledge you already know interferes with what you're trying to learn, and retroactive interference is when knowledge you're trying to learn interferes with what you already know.

I learned that during a class called "Communication skills". :)
I learned it in psychology.  Did I get it backwards?  I always got those questions wrong, and was hoping no one would notice if I mixed them up here. XD

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
No, ti's correct. Retroactive interfereance is when old knowledge interferes with new one. I think there was even a third one, but I can't remember... -.-
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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The nice kind of alien~
Level 92
Martian - Occasionally kind
Lol. Writing a C program on paper XD

If I ever am to write anything 'code' on paper it only have had to be pseudo-code.
Poor you.

Rep: +0/-0Level 90
Pseudo-codes get a grade of 0 on paper.Hehehe...
You are making a lot of noise, and so will I...


Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Pseudo-codes get a grade of 0 on paper.Hehehe...

Yeah, lol!
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? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The nice kind of alien~
Level 92
Martian - Occasionally kind
Pseudo-codes get a grade of 0 on paper.Hehehe...

That's obvious if you are supposed to write C-code  ::)

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
Pseudo-codes get a grade of 0 on paper.Hehehe...

That's obvious if you are supposed to write C-code  ::)

Lol, true.
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