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destructive desire

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Rep: +0/-0Level 88
ok well i am making my own game on my own.... yes all alone lol.
ok i am making this game to learn everything there is in rpg maker xp.
 it's called destructive desire

the story is like this:

on one day an evil emperor named Rei is going after one of the crystal of the seventh heaven. he destroys everything in his pad just to get the crystal when he get hs first crystal (he earth crystal) a hero has to come to a king. the king of the heavens tells the hero named lloyd to stop Rei from taking the other crystals. if Rei gets all of the crystals everything will be lost. with one crystal his powers are already very strong.
so lloyd will go on an journey to stop Rei. he will meet some new friends and wil have to do loads of things just to get near the truth about himself. his true desire......

ok well i will update this sometimes when i have more to tell i only have just begun this game and i dont want anyone to help i want to do itall by myself to see what i am capable of with rpg maker.


i only have 3 characters right now in the game but there will be more:

1. Rei
rei is the emperor of darkness, he has never been able to do anything evil to other lands because he knew he was too weak. he is trying to get his hands on the crystals of the seventh heaven. (the source of all life). he is strong and you will be able to play with him in the beginning for a brief moment but nothing much.

2. Lloyd
lloyd is a young man living in the town of the heaven. the king calls him when Rei had stolen one of the crystals. he needs tostop Rei from getting the other crystals but thats not everything.....

3. Leon
leon is a thief. he meets up with lloyd when they are in a ruined city. leon is being followed by a magician that will kill everyone that is in the ruined city. lloyd decides to help leon with the magician. and as a result leon finds out about the journey of lloyd and wants to accompany him to help him stop Rei.

already in game:
beginning with Rei
the kings meeting
the town of the heaven
the mountain to the ruined city
the ruined city
the underground of teh ruined city
the meeting with leon
the first boss

i am now busy with adding some magic spells and skills and summons but i will work on it a bit later. for the screenies im at school right now so when im home i will post some screenies, but i dont have a screenshot button on my keyboard at home so i cant make normal screenies (or someone needs to know how to do it) so i am making pics with my phone and will put them on the pc and then post them here.

for the demo i want it to be a bit longer before i post the demo, its now just like 15 minutes to a half an hour gameplay if ur a good gamer.
ill update his at times when i finished a few things.

so tell me what ya think? and if someone wants to be a beta tester just ask, or add me on my msn: ricohouwers@hotmail.com

I love Firerain
Level 97
...screenies and maybe if a demo is ready...

Arlen is hot.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
lol im home right now so plz wait a moment and ill make some photos of the game ^^


okay like i said i dont have a screenshot button on my keyboard so i made photos with my phone -_-

this is the very beginning with Rei:

the kings room:

part of town:

another part of town:

the mountain (it's small tho):

battle with wolves on mountain:

ruined city:

ruined city underground (the maze):

meeting with leon (not very clear tho):

meeting the first boss:

the first boss itself:

« Last Edit: November 02, 2006, 03:54:55 PM by chaoslink »

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
I just realized screenies made with a digicam make a game look far better than actual screenshots from a PC. :o
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Level 89
Your right! *gets cam for own shots*

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
I just realized screenies made with a digicam make a game look far better than actual screenshots from a PC. :o

I did not notice that he said he took the screenies with his phone, so i was ready to type a reply asking him how he got the game to look like that  :D
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
lol so the phne is better than screenies :P good i hate it to transfer them from my phone to the pc -_- its so troublesome

ok i have made some new things but not really for gamepla yet i only m,ade some animation summons:

i made:

and i made a new spell called ultimate revive, this will revive someone with full hp and full mp
im gonna make some other magic things and after that im gonna think of what my next area may look like ;)

anyway the story is still the same and i will work hard for the demo to finish soon but like i said u only have a 15 minutes to 30 minutes gameplay its not much, if you want a true demo u need to be able to play for a few hours ^^ so just be patient (btw i will do anything in my might to make it a really good story)
« Last Edit: November 04, 2006, 08:45:09 AM by chaoslink »

Level 90

okay like i said i dont have a screenshot button on my keyboard so i made photos with my phone -_-

Are you sure? I thought every keyboard had one, including laptops like mine!

Anyway, it looks alright so far, I'll check up again later after lunch.


Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
First off, work on your grammar. It makes your game look very unprofessional. Secondly, pressing "PrntScrn" up on the top of your keyboard will take a screenshot. Then just open Paint, and paste it in.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
thats what ive been telling i dont have a printscreen button -_- and the grammar? hmm i thought i was good tho okay ill look inoto it
-_- wait u mean my explanation or the game itself?
i guess it's my explanation since i cant find anythin in my game -_-

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
Let me help you out then.

Angel: I won't let you take this crystal!

King: Lloyd, that's why I've asked you to come. You have to stop Rei!

Leon: I'm Leon, nice to meet you too. Thank you for helping me.

Magician: You're not going anywhere!

If you seriously couldn't find any of these errors, then I suggest you get someone else to look at it and fix mistakes.

Rep: +0/-0Level 88
i c now the you are of the magician and the rest is just caps -_- but ok thank you ^^

Level 93
2014 Funniest MemberParticipant - GIAW 11Bronze - GIAW 92011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
You were also missing a couple punctuation marks. But yeah, capitalization is big. =D