another quick example:
NinjutsuNinjas are real.
most people do not believe in them...
i believe that naruto, for example, is quite realistic in many ways. while Kage bushin ninjustu (shadow replication, i dunno what the bad western translation is) is a bit absurd, the chakra techniques are all completely valid.
Naruto is a good example of fantastic applicability relating to real life metaphor.
The chakra techniques are found in Buddhism, Taoism & Hindu, yet the kids cartoon show never mentions this, under the guise of ninja techniques.
ages come and go. while a few thousands years ago many ninja & samurai walked on water openly & preformed ninjitsu that seem impossible to us today, different times held different powers. I believe bards & ninjas walk on treetops, its just not many make it so far.
So, if you are all uncomfortable contrasting christianity to final fantasy, perhaps anime, or movies, or philosophy would be some other valid place to take this discussion. I am not partial to any series alone, any book, any religion... all hold keys to truth.
Naruto often talks of free will. The character even defeats a childhood antagonist of divination who is convinced of fate. Ninjas of will may
change their fate. this is a lesson that circulates throughout the series.
The same message, was professed by Jesus & the apostles, as they found all the great healing majicks. I also believe the estern view that they werew a party, a large guild with many more members, many fighters. Jesus puts empowerment of will into his parables many times over. Almost cotradictory, in telling people to fully trust god, yet to do for themselves; balance.
I could relate anything to this subject.
the metaphors are so vast that they encompass stories from many cultures.
my only disdain is for those who won't learn, whom love their western ethnocentrism over truth. the true natives of this place refer to us as "black magicians" for our necromancy & oil. what many christian dogmas would call paigan or silly is really just old mistranslations from times of racism & bigotry (as in genocide, your definition Sol) still in use today, despite modern communication.
denial is not evidence. just show the western way is better & why, all i'm asking. reply with your own feelings & words... quoting me over & over just makes me feel right.