lol, who needs mods when ur a lvl 23 Battlemage w/1261hp, 4236mana, 11710 fatigue, 4159 str, 101 intelligence, 65 willpower, 3382 agility, 3359 speed, 4103 endurance, 75 personality, 4104 luck, 361 blunt weapon skill, 100 acrobatics(jumping and falling), 80% magic resist, 100% common disease resist, 150% (??) blight resist, 100% corpus resist, 110% fire resist, 30%(eww) poison resist, 30% (also eww) shock resist, 10% (really really eww) frost resist, and then shielding and reflect stuff
lol, I can carry a total of 20795 weight and I just ran thru a locked and trapped door....