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Level 88
What a drag...
The nightmare stuff is a load of crap. I've probably died in my nightmares more than I can count. But mostly it's because of stupid reasons...
Cap'n Jack Sparrow: Mr. Gibbs, you may throw my hat if you'd like.
Gibbs: Hooray! *throws hat*
Cap'n Jack Sparrow: Now go and get it.

Level 88
A good eventer and story creator.
I have only ever had one dream in which I died...I woke up in hospital two days later. Go figure. I was about 4 years old at the time.

Since then though, i've learned to control my dreams. When i'm falling, I learn to fly, when i'm being chased by a group of thugs, I learn to hide. When I'm being hunted, I become the hunter.

I don't know, maybe it's because i'm such an optimistic person, but the last nightmare I had, was from that dream that I died in. I've always had...dreams.

Sometimes in my dreams, I dream exactly what I am going to do that day, and although rare, I thought it was normal. (Although I am still slightly freaked that it does happen). Sometimes I have dreams that flow from one to another, and unlike most, I dream through all sleep waves. From the lightest form of sleep to Delta Wave sleep. (the deepest I believe)

So in my experience my determination allows me to control my dreams and where they take me. I've learned that it isn't myself I need to control, but the surroundings...(which is why sometimes when i jump in my dream, I don't come back down unless I want to)
Harmony before Justice,
Balance before Peace,
Order before Finality

Family Motto.

Level 91
Due to my insomnia, as a child I never used to dream ( From the age of, let's say 6 and over ) and when I started taking horse tranquilliser’s I was truly and utterly freaked out when I started to dream. Most of them weren’t even bad ones, but I still find dreams in general to be utterly disturbing. ONE of the reasons I'm now pill free....

I too, think dreams are just random events with no  signification meaning. Sigmund Freud can get fucked, while the man was attractive, I don't feel the human mind would be complex enough to actually need a " Life Sorting System " when the average person could not interpret their dreams anyway.

With something that is so utterly vague, could anyone really get ACTULE answers from dreams if they were trying to say something? Just like Nostradamus' predictions, when something is without any true defining barriers, they can be interpreted a million ways until they predict a real connection and event.