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Level 97
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This may end up being moved to General Chat, depending on everyone's views...

The list of the different beliefs of what dreams are is a long one. Many people, like myself, believe it's just random processes of your brain winding down after the day. And then there are the people who believe in the theories of Freud or Jung; that the dreams actually mean something, and are trying to tell you something. I personally don't believe that, but I find it interesting nonetheless.

Other than that, I think the rest of the beliefs are a bit silly: Higher beings (e.g. God) trying to communicate with you, etc.

And then there are the even more mysterious Nightmares. Like dreams, I believe it's just random thought processes, but there are some who believe it's information your mind finds frightening or unpleasant to think about, and therefore your mind transforms it into monsters, killers, or various other dangerous situations. That's a plausible theory I suppose, but I'm not sure I believe that.

Also the idea that you can die if you die in your nightmare. This is a little silly too, although there is a small, VERY SMALL, amount of evidence to support it, but it isn't enough to come to a conclusion, and remains a medical mystery still. I have never died in any of my nightmares so I can't say that's true LOL. Then again, it seems kind of neat to believe in, but if you think about it, it's really sort of ridiculous.

Of course there's loads of other less believable (I think so anyway) theories out there, what do you guys think?

Level 91
God of Dicks
I don't think too much about dreams. Ussually I just dream about whatever I spent most of the day doing.

As for nightmares, I only, and always, get them when I'm hot. I always have to have a fan or something on if its warm out or else I'll have nightmares. Weird how that works out.

I love Firerain
Level 97
WEll once i had weird dreams that i was making this game

Then dreams like our teacher went and some other came


man...sometimes my dreams(not the sensless ones) come true

Once i dreamed i loved this girl who i hate.....lol.......and i went on a date then suddenly i woke up and i was like

"WTF THAT SHIT" she';s pretty but i have to compare marks and all, who's better gamer etc etc...

Arlen is hot.

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
I do not believe that dreams show us the future, rather than a more in depth look of the events that occur daily.

I love Firerain
Level 97
Im not seeing the future

Its a dream come true

but some are nightmares come life.
Arlen is hot.

Rise From The Ashes!
Level 91
"Time to bring the Law!"
Project of the Month winner for September 2009
Some believe that when your asleep, your brain interpretates of the next actions in your life, so that means it could PREDICT the future, not show it you. This could be a logical explaination for deju vu (Events that you think happened already) but there is not enough evidence to support this Theory.

Level 91
Personal Text
People say you wake up just b4 you die in your sleep.
But ive had dreams where if fallen over or hada  car crash and then suddenly im watching a funeral through a window and its mine? so i dunno.

Level 91
God of Dicks
I've actually never died in my dreams. I always wake up first.

I love Firerain
Level 97
yaeh, after i wake up and sleep, i kill the guy who's killing me...
i learned to shoot dogz in dreams for God sake!
Arlen is hot.

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
I don't dream much (or at least I don't remeber them) but I think that all dreams are is to reveiw your day or think of your problems. Like if you had a test, you would dream of it... I really don't know.  :'(

Level 89
2012 Best RPG Maker User (Story)Project of the Month winner for July 2008Project of the Month winner for May 20072011 Best RPG Maker User (Story)2011 Project of the Year2011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
I can only remember one of those I'm-dead dreams I've had; and even that one started with me dead already and just floating around as a wisp (no, World of Warcraft didn't exist back then...)...

Art Master
Level 90
Those 'dying' things abut when you die in your dreams then you die in real life can not be very true.  I have died well over five times by now in my dreams.  Most of them from getting shot and the other from being electricuted+drowning.  I don't know what causes them though...they are indeed strange.

Also..it seems that my cousin is the one who always kills me..no one else can seem to do it. o.o

pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
My dreams are strange. They usually repeat over time, mos of the time only a few parts are diff, but people, setting are the same. My most terrifying dream is one that hasn't came back for a long time (thank god) its always about a man (very strange man) he always breaks into my house killing my family in many diff ways. I normally wake from that dream sweating and can't sleep anymore.
the mans face is always in my mind, and seriously if i were to ever see someone who looked like him i would scream.
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

Level 96
2011 Most Missed Member2010 Zero To Hero
My worst dream from childhood was like this.

I was laying on some grass on a hill in a brightly colored landscape, with a generic playskool-esque house resting behind me at the crest of the hill. I look up at the sun, it smiles at be, rotating about 45 degrees to the right, then the left, in a sort of hypnotic pattern. Seconds later, the sky begins to darken slowly, then faster, then it is black. As the sky begins to darken, the sun's expression changes from happy, to manic, to demonic, as it grows fangs, an snout exends from it's center, it's eyes glow red, and it transforms almost completely. At the very end of the dream, the sun has transformed into the floating head of a chiuahua with a fiery mane, rotating in the same pattern, coming closer and closer, faster and faster, it's jaws opening wide and wider, until finally, it unleashes an earth shattering howl and consumes me. Before I am pierced by it's mighty fangs, I awaken, unable to sleep until the next evening, possibly the following evening. I kid you not, this dream has plagued me since I was about...four, I think. I had it most recently near the end of my fourteenth year.

Level 91
Personal Text
I dont have Bad dreams.... I have Nice Nightmares.

Level 89
2012 Best RPG Maker User (Story)Project of the Month winner for July 2008Project of the Month winner for May 20072011 Best RPG Maker User (Story)2011 Project of the Year2011 Best RPG Maker User (Creativity)
My worst nightmare is not scary at all right now, but by far it was the most relatively scary one that affected me. I don't even know why. It's basicaly that I run up a bunch of dark stairs of an apartment, and when I get up to the top, there was a statue. Something happens and I woke up. /shrug

My cousin's creepiest dream was basically following a woman dressed in black up a cliff, and she just jumps down and dies.

Enough with night mares though, you know you love those dreams where you can do anything because you've realized (realisticaly or not) that it's a dream. And those that you can just 'swim' through everything, air/water and can breath infinitely under water.  :D  Those are awesome. Too bad I haven't had any of those for a long time.

P.S. On an interesting note, I saw a study some time ago that states when you have dreams where you are falling (and actually have that falling feeling), it means you are physically growing.

Level 88
I dreamt about myself falling into a black pit and it came true when i fell into my pool at 1 am
Good Bye. RMRK you were cool while I wasn't there.

Level 96
GIAW 14: 2nd Place (Hard Mode)2013 Biggest Drama Whore2013 Zero to HeroParticipant - GIAW 11Secret Santa 2013 ParticipantFor taking arms in the name of your breakfast.
I had a dream I was a loser... hey I am!  ;D

Resource Maker
Level 91
I suffer from night-terrors, but I actually enjoy them... Releases a fair bit of Anger... I guess I need them...

I posted my Dreams on a Dream interpritation WEB Site (I keep a Log of my dreams) they told me to seek medical help

Any ways here's a list of a few of them and my own thoughts:-

This is a log of all of my most memorable dreams… ranging from odd to the unexplainable!

As far back as I can remember I have had strange dreams of things I can only describe as twisted.

I have know idea of how they got into my head or for how much longer I will continue to have them, hence why I am writing them down.

I had a normal child hood and the dreams… I don’t think are related to any thing I have come across or experienced first hand or through any form of media.

My first real odd dream was around the age of four, I had just started school.  I dreamt I was in my bath my fingers had gone all wrinkled they looked like little old people with face’s on but I was far to busy playing with my soda filled submarine to take much notice.  The water was getting cold and I was going to call for my mum to come and help me out of the bath.  Just at that moment I smelt a smell, it was sweet like candy floss and I could taste it in my mouth and then I heard a gurgling sound coming from the drainage holes between the taps.  My face in the taps looked elongated and strange and I slide myself closer to them.  The gurgling was still going on with a whispering noise like children.  I thought it was from out side, and the smell had changed into what I now know as rotting flesh.  I began making strange faces towards the taps, a cold chill went down my spine and before I had the time to shudder I was thrown against the tiled wall of my bathroom.  I felt a tight pain in my chest and could not scream.  I looked down to see impaled through me was eight rods, metal in appearance with lumps of flesh and skin hanging from them.  The tiles behind me had cracked and my blood ran in them and down my shivering body into the bath water.  It was at that point I woke up, my bottom lip quivering, sobbing and still feeling the cold evil air running down my spine, unable to call for my mum or my dad as my voice failed to pass my throat.  I got my self out of bed feeling shaky and dizzy and found my way to my parent’s room, only to be taken back to my bed and sat with till I fell a sleep again.  It was only in the morning when my parents asked what I had dreamt about.  I didn’t want to tell them, I didn’t know how to word it.

This was one of my odd dreams my scary ones are very different.

For example, a dream I had around the age of twelve.  I am like a fly on the wall or a camera with no control, very despondent from what is going on more of a spectator.

There is a large room made from what looks like sand stone. To the left is a horseshoe shape raised ledge that can be reached by stone steps.  At the top are 3 doors each with strange symbols above. In the centre of the room is a well also made from the same stones the air tastes powdery and moist, and the hole places has a red tint to it from the red candles burning at multiple places from around the room. Above the well suspended from one point by five chains is a rusted iron star in a round surround, like the wicker symbol or the omen.  The iron feature only hanging around three foot from the ceiling and from each point of the five pointed star is a chain each cuffed to a limb of a naked pregnant lady, one to each arm, one to each leg and the other to her neck. She is hanging around two feet above the wells mouth, and it looks like she has been there for some time as she looks half starved and is bleeding from the ankles and wrists.  In the well are a lot of dogs that look a lot like Doberman pincers again half starved and rough looking.  The smell from the dirt that the dogs have made and form the lady above becomes very apparent closer to the well, so much so that staying close is not an option.  A dark figure that I did not see before now as he is dressed in black like a monk and was faced the opposite way walks towards the woman.  He is seven feet at least and thin, with yellow like infected eye’s, gaunt looks and pail skin.  His arms across his stomach and hands tucked into each sleeve of his robe, the lady is asking for his help.  His expressions on his face remain the same like he can’t hear her and move towards her slowly.  He moves his arms so quick and there is a flash of something metal in his hand but then is concealed again inside his robe.  Two seconds later and the woman’s belly splits open, she is still asking for the monks help as her unborn child drops from her wound.  The expression on the ladies face is sheer horror, seeing her now live and kicking fully formed child dangling from her umbilical cord.  The infant is screaming and crying and the dogs are barking and jumping to try and reach child with saliva dripping from their jaws. Above the woman now crying out for her farther and her mother for help.  At this point the age of the lady becomes more noticeable she only looks in her late teens.  Her skin on her face is so pail it’s almost transparent her eyes look so sore and red and her hair is all matted.  A dog tears an arm from the baby, and there is no change in the baby’s cries.  Chains from the above fixture are rattling as the young lady struggles to help her child she struggles to the point that one of her arms breaks and the bone pierces the skin with a spurt of blood.  By the wall behind the well the monk is moving around a lever type thing.  Cogs moving and dust falling from above happens before the fixture is lowered bring the baby into easy reach of the hounds.  Its only second before the baby’s cries have ended, the dogs bloody mothered and licking the lips of each other.  Screams of the lady have changed from screams of help to screams of “God” and “why me”.  Still getting lower to the well the lady soon realises she may be next to be eaten by the savage dogs and again calls for help from her parents, the monk has started to fill the well with a liquid but then stopped only after letting in a few millimetres and shutting it off by pulling another lever.  He then takes a red candle from the wall a throws it in the well, the liquid must have been flammable as flames shoot up from the well and then dye down.  The noise the dogs are making is twice as worse as the cries for help from the girl, almost deafening howls and yelps.  Lowered above the well in reach of the growing flames the girls skin is blistering and the smell of her hair burning is revolting.  Smoke is coming from the metal cuffs as they burn into her flesh. Her head is thrashing around when her eyes burst.  Ears, nose and mouth just look like one shinny mess like melting plastic.  Engulfed in flames her screams come to an end.  The Monk then makes eye contact with me and I awake.  With a sharp jump, my heart pounding with the cries of the dogs and the images of the girls face in my head.

I have read or heard some place that when you awake from a dream with a jump it’s your soul returning to your body.  Could this dream then be that I was some place else where this kind of thing goes happens.  An alternate dimension another country or Hell even.

They are just two of my dreams, I have a few hundrerd written down... I didn't strt recording them until I turned 18, so prior to then I only have a few recorded, just the most Memorable...

Doctors told me I would grow out of them... I am now 27 and still have them, but use them to paint from...

« Last Edit: December 03, 2006, 12:05:13 PM by landofshadows »

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Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
@landofshadows: *is speechless* O_o

EDIT: It seems that you often dream "faces".
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pokeball :)OfflineMale
Level 95
thouse look sWEET  ;D
Watch out for: HaloOfTheSun

I love Firerain
Level 97
Arlen is hot.

Resource Maker
Level 91
When I fall asleep the 1st thing that happens is I see a rush of face's zooming past me, most looking in pain... (The funny thing is, is some times I swaer I see those people the next day, like in the street... WTF ???) Then Some times I see battle grounds (Medievil, swords, knights etc.. or Gallows, Big penudulums or Cogs...)

I know when I am going to have a real odd dream when I see Giant Cogs, and large Concreate like balls... There's loads of levers, and I have to pull them in the right order to control my mind... but I never win... then I can't wake up, and all that happend I am dispondant from my dream like watching... I never feel in danger my-self, but the shere fact I can't turn my head, close my eyes or wake up is a liitle nasty when the things it feels I am forced to watch are so twisted...

I have heard I am not allown on this... My Doctor told me another person came to see him about 15 years prior to me with exactly the same thing... (Into, cogs etc and the fact he or she felt forced to watch)...

May be when I sleep my subconsuss is forced to view how people died... I live on an area that used to be a Csatle... May be it has some link... But then Again I have not lived here all my life, I lived in a normal area that used to be marsh and swamp land about 10 years back...

Dunno... Dreams... Odd things... But they keep me Creative...LOL

My RMRK Wikki:- http://wiki.rmrk.net/index.php/Landofshadows
Make a Donation for my Resource making:- https://www.paypal.me/landofshadows

Level 92
Pikachu on a toilet
Project of the Month winner for April 2007
It's quite interesting that you are not frightened all the time. Although when I have "odd" dreams I'm also not frightened. This is very strange. But I've never had dreams that were THAT odd. ?_?
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Resource Maker
Level 91
Here's the one I had about 2 weeks ago:-

I wake up I can hear muffled voices from the foot of the bed, so I sit forward and slow edge my way to the end, only for the voices to move too the head of the bed... I the notice the voices are coming from my own feet... I can see faces under my toe nails, but I can't hear what they are saying, my nails are in the way, I start to remove them using a pair of Pillars, As I remove the first I am able to hear the voice perfectly (its sounds like some one on Helium, kind of comical) Telling to change my socks more regular, and to not walk on edges of curbs, I proceed removing one after the other, and the voices become overwhelming, some telling me, some one is about to die, if I don't what is asked of me, and another giving directions to some money buried in a near by neighbours garden... Other parts I hardly grasped but I know it one of my toes told me some thing about my Face not being my real face, and I should remove it... The voice keep getting louder and louder... then I awake for real shouting Shut up... and around my bed are dark shadowy figures approximately ten of them muttering and all fixated on me, they dive at me all at once, and I wake up again... I look at the door way to my room that’s open, and I see my self walk past it... I get out of bed and run to the door and look left and right, there is nobody there, I turn to go back to bed and right in front of me almost nose to nose is myself... But I am bright white, like I am dead I Gasp, The other me crumbles... I step back look at the floor nothing is there... Now I am awake for real, standing on my landing, and for some reason my feet are wet... Had I been outside ???quote]

I was ill at the time... When I am ill and have a temperature I seem to sleep walk even now at my age...

I have a constant feeling of Da-jar-Vou from the faces I see at the start of my dreams... even as I right this now, for some reason it feels like I have written it before...
« Last Edit: December 04, 2006, 10:22:24 PM by landofshadows »

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