I like story lines that are completely different from what you expect... like this one game my older sister made... it was awesome, she made it out that the main character and his friends were going to reunite their nation with three other nations. In the end, a great war broke out. The main character went to each of the nations and stole something precious from each of the rulers. And he had this whole speach for when the rulers came to get their precious items, but totally blew the speech. In the end, he was hanged for treason against the three nations, and though the three items (which were actually two 21 year old girls and a 13 year old boy) were returned to their homes, no peace came to the nations. In the fourth nation's (the mages/elves) desperate attempt for peace, they created a race called 'humans' which were kind creatures. They hoped these humans to bring peace, but instead the other nations resented and tried to destroy them.
That's the end of the game 'Precious Peace', but a prequel to her game she's working on now, 'Birth of Legend'
Anyway, it's a plot you don't see too often... main character getting killed and screwing everything up worse... it was kinda a twist, sorta, and I liked it.