I write music for fun, and I've decided to help out the RPG Maker community by offering my services to those in need. Simply tell me in here, or PM me with details on what you'd like me to write. The more specific you are, the better I'll be able to write what you want.
The songs will be written in MIDI format. I can also record MP3's if needed.
However, I did say I was prostituting my talents. As such, I will not do this simply out of kindness. So, you may ask, what kind of compensation would I like for writing music? Well, I can answer that question for you. Currently, I am working on my own project, The Broken Sheath. I am not making this project with RPG Maker, so RPG Maker-specific resources do not help me. But you can tell me what your talents are, and what you're willing to do, and I'll see what you can do for me. I do not yet have information posted on it, but once I do I'll provide a link, unless a moderator wishes me not to for advertisement reasons.
On that note, let me know what you need, and what you're good at, and we'll organize a transaction. Until then, ciao.