(Not so secret anymore is it?)
Okay Im making a new RPG my old RPG Evernoob Silvers Dragon was passed on to my freinds who were helping me.
I'm posting here becauseI need help. I need scripting help and gfx help. Yes I am completely helpless. Really all I can do is write, so thats what I'll be doing. If i cant get help Ill be using only system resources and what I can find, however If someone could help me with some custom sprites,battlers and custom scripts (or script help Im quite terrible with them to date my script score is 4 Worked, 100 failures <<and thats with scripts from script databases by sephspawn and blizzard etc.) I made my comp crashe when I tried to change the font color lol. I may post screenies I may not. This is a secret as of now anyways. So IM me PM me I use almost every IMing program/service out there so it shouldnt be hard to find me.